
November 18, 2011

Marshmallow Root Tea

Just a little something to share.
It's really too good not to.

No, I don't mean it tastes good.
At least, not particularly.

But, oh is it G.O.O.D.!

I have a little history
with kidney stones.
not really a little one.
It's been big.

As in, if I don't do something
about it, I could lose the kidney.
Not good.

But I digress.

I was recently told a little secret.
A wonderful secret.
And I am going to share it with you!

Marshmallow Root Tea
is the secret.

Oh. Dear. Me.

Does it ever relieve
the pain I have been experiencing.

And how.

it hasn't taken the stone away.
But, it has provided a reprieve
from the throbbing I was experiencing.
I do still have to deal with the stones.

Oh well.

What to do?

Get your hands on some
marshmallow root tea.
Spoon a teaspoon per cup of water
into a small pot.
Bring to a boil.
reduce heat and simmer ~
with lid slightly vented ~
for 20 minutes.

Strain and enjoy.
Up to three cups per day.

I just leave my pot on
the stove all day with the lid
on and the heat off.
When I want another cup,
I reheat to boiling and
strain into my mug.

Do not leave on the stove
longer than 24 hours without refrigeration.
It can go bad.

And, please, do see your Doctor
or Naturopathic Physician if
you are having any pain
or symptoms of kidney distress
of any kind!

As an added bonus,
it seems to be a wonderful tea
for our child with Crohn's as well!

Many Blessings,

**Disclaimer ~ I am not a medical
professional and I am not authorized to
give medical advice.
I just share what has been working
for me with the desire that it may be
of benefit to someone else.
Please do consult with your Physician
prior to consuming any herbal remedies!


  1. Oh wow, Camille, I didn't know. You poor girl. Keep drinking! Praying for you tonight!

  2. today is the first time I've had tea like I like it for a few days since we were on a trip to WA. It tasted so good. I need another cup cuz it's cold today. Hope you get to feeling better and your stone goes away forever! Hugs!

  3. So sorry to hear you are dealing with Kidney stones. I have heard that they are excrutiating. I will pray for healing for you!

  4. Glad to know this is giving you some relief and good to know if this ever becomes a problem for myself. Wishing you and yours a happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Dear Heather ~ Thank you my friend...thank you! :)

    Dear Becky ~ Nothing quite like a good cup of tea...I agree! Thank you so much for your kind wishes and hugs! :)

    Dear Jenn ~ Yes, they surely can be! Thank you so much for praying my is a blessing! :)

    Dear Patty ~ Thank you so much! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! :)

    Many blessings,

  6. I'm so sorry that you deal with kidney stones. My friend has this same problem and it is terrible! I'm going to share this tea idea with him. Good to know!

  7. Dear Jackie ~ I do hope it helps him to manage the pain. I am planning to speak to my friend about a natural way to dissolve them...maybe I will have more to share after trying it. :)


  8. I am glad to hear this helps. I just recommended it to a friend but never had to try it myself. Would love to know what you are trying to get rid of the stone.

    Will pray for you tonight!


  9. Dear Christine ~ Thank you for praying! How wonderful the LORD is to us! :) I am taking a tincture of herbs to help deal with the remainder of stone left in my kidney. I will seek to post about it when I know if it works or not. :)

    Many blessings,


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