Just a few things.

One ~ I enjoy blogging.
Two ~ I am thankful for all the wonderful friends
I have met in this bloggy world ~
Each one of you is a blessing to me!
Three ~ I wish there were more hours in the day.
Four ~ It might be good if there were two of me ~
Do you ever feel like that? :)
Five ~ Life has been crazy!
It has been my unspoken policy to visit all the lovely friends
who take the time to come and visit with me here.
I so enjoy visiting with you at *your place*.
I don't always get to return the visit
as quickly as I would like.
And lately, I haven't been getting to it much at all.
For that, I am sorry.
Life has been so full of family things ~
My first priority and calling.
After the LORD, of course.

One of our children has recently
been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease.
It is a nasty thing, but God is good.
All the time!
How precious it is to belong to HIM!
HE is faithful and leads us so gently along.
We have chosen to pursue a natural course
of treatment for the time being ~
with encouraging results.
Thank you so much for your continued friendship
and for your patience with me.
There are so many demands on my
time at the moment.
I do plan to continue to post,
but it may take a little longer than
I would like to repay your visit
or even to post your comments here.

I just wanted you all to know the reason why.
Many Blessings to you all!
In HIS Love,
One ~ I enjoy blogging.
Two ~ I am thankful for all the wonderful friends
I have met in this bloggy world ~
Each one of you is a blessing to me!
Three ~ I wish there were more hours in the day.
Four ~ It might be good if there were two of me ~
Do you ever feel like that? :)
Five ~ Life has been crazy!
It has been my unspoken policy to visit all the lovely friends
who take the time to come and visit with me here.
I so enjoy visiting with you at *your place*.
I don't always get to return the visit
as quickly as I would like.
And lately, I haven't been getting to it much at all.
For that, I am sorry.
Life has been so full of family things ~
My first priority and calling.
After the LORD, of course.
One of our children has recently
been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease.
It is a nasty thing, but God is good.
All the time!
How precious it is to belong to HIM!
HE is faithful and leads us so gently along.
We have chosen to pursue a natural course
of treatment for the time being ~
with encouraging results.
Thank you so much for your continued friendship
and for your patience with me.
There are so many demands on my
time at the moment.
I do plan to continue to post,
but it may take a little longer than
I would like to repay your visit
or even to post your comments here.
I just wanted you all to know the reason why.
Many Blessings to you all!
In HIS Love,
Oh Camille, I will be praying for your child. And please do not worry, family should always be above other things...God first, and then family.
On my knees on your behalf,
you know, I understand completely. I just have to keep my blogging in balance with my first love - my beloved Jesus!
Praying for you - your family and your sick child. He is indeed faithful! God is MORE than enough.
love your beautiful pictures of spring flowers.
Patrina <")>><
Camille, I love your post today. You know, it's interesting, although not related to blogging, I did find an interesting article about Facebook on another blog called Women Living Well. I think I'll post a lin k to it sometime. You've got your priorities straight :) :) :)
I'm sorry about your little one having Crohn's disease. I have ulcerative proctitis, but when I first started showing symptoms, they thought it might be Crohn's. So in some ways I can identify with what your little one is experiencing!!! I'll be praying for you and the rest of the family as you adjust to this!!
Oh, did I tell you that my computer hard-drive crashed last week? I was without a computer/internet for five days. It was really hard at first, but I really enjoyed it. I've been contem plating shutting down my Facebook account. I don't know if I'll go that far, but I think I will drastically reduce the "friends" on my list. Just praying...
Hope you are having a good week. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)
Hi Camille, just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my prayers. And...I know how hard it is to return the favor on commenting as well.
You're so right that your first priority is to your family! Don't worry about not posting or responding. I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis (thanks for linking to the info. about it.) I think it's great that you're pursuing a natural course of treatment!
I am so sorry to hear this. I know how a mother's heart aches when her children suffer, and I know, too, that you also rejoice in the good that God will bring from this in the life of your precious child.
I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease about 17 years ago, and I have spent much of that time in remission. Be encouraged, my friend, to not go to extremes in treatment and to pray, pray, pray and rest in Him. Our God does the most amazing things!
Much love to you!
Hi Camille, sorry to hear about illness in the family. I know all about illness with my hubby in the last 5 years. One of my parents has a student with Crohns and is looking into the whole diet issue and she would love to have someone to chat to about this? Could I pass on your name to her please? I think you will find in each other a blessing:) Praying for God's healing powers and His presence to comfort you all. Pippa
Life is full of things and blogging is fun but I know all what you are saying. Am also looking at a different approach to my health issues...no surgery. I Have founs some alternative answers and will persue it to get some relief. Hugs and remember I care, take your time with family and esp. your child who is not well. NO fun! Motherhood is a wonderful job and it will one day end when they leave the nest. Love ya!
Hi Camille,
I am so sorry to hear of your child being diagnosed with Chrohn's disease. I am praying.
The Lord is always faithful and so good!
I am so thankful for your friendship and the connection here in the blogging world. I too have not been able to always post or visit friends as often as I would like.It takes me awhile to when visiting or posting.
I am thinking of you and will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Blessings and hugs.
Hey, sweet friend!
Just want you to know I will be praying for your dear family.
It is a joy to come to your online journal and always come away refreshed in, pondering or glorifying our Awesome God. You always have shown God to be first in your life with family a close second ~ just as it should be. No need to explain! We love anything you have to share at a time that works for you. Give that sweet child a hug from me and tell him/her I am saying a prayer just for them. (And for mamma, too!)
Special Blessings!
Keeping your family in my prayers my friend!
Sorry to hear about the recent diagnosis. Will be keeping you all in my prayers. Family must come first and we understand. :-)Take care.
Hey, Camille,
My mom also had Crohn's disease...I remember how much pain she was in. Glad to hear you are trying natural ways of dealing with it. God is good, isn't He?
Dear friend, I am praying for you and your family! It encourages my heart to know you are spending your time investing in your precious family. Please don't ever let visiting or commenting on my blog be a distraction or concern to you! I love you!!!
Dearest Friend,
We have had encounters with Crohn's disease and it is a challenge. The two food items which caused the most problems for our father was popcorn and any raw or cooked nuts. We will be praying for your son.
Thank you again for the sweet note and the tea..... I have kept the tea and have not used it yet because it gives me pleasure to open the drawer and see it sitting there and remembering that I have a friend who cares.
God bless you today.
Hello Camille :)
I have enjoyed blogging as well and the sweet friends like you that I have met.
I am praying for your child and for the Lord to give you wisdom in handling the Crohn's.(or better yet, that it would be His will for healing :))
Lord first, family second, ministry next :)
I love you!
Oh Camille! I *will* be praying for you and your sweet family. I remember very well all of the time and energy involved here when we found out that several of our children have Celiac's Disease. And yes, of course, God *is* good, *all* of the time. I will pray for His peace and presence to be extra-real to you as you work through all of the changes involved with such a diagnosis.
Hugs and prayers, my friend!
Today I was finally able to catch up on my reading and I found one of your post that I loved so much that I have added a link to my post today so that others can read it. It called Tearing Down Idols. You will see it when you visit my blog.
Dear Camille,
To let you know I understand and share the same sentiments - I too enjoy blogging and am so grateful for the lovely people I have met, some have become dear friends even though I have yet to meet them. But you are right, there are not enough hours in the day and I cannot possibly leave a comment at every blog of those who 'call in'. My family must come first but I'm also aware that God has put some people across my path who need a few words of encouragement - I'm learning to be more sensitive to the Lord's leading in this. So I'm asking the Lord to prompt me in the use of the time I have at the keyboard. I'm finding that now the Lord is laying on my heart the people who need a few words and He is also telling me 'No' you don't need to add anything and I'm learning not to be disappointed if I only receive a few comments for a post. I know by the stats that people are reading and if only one person is touched or helped by my post that is just fine. I also know that many are busy attending to the needs of their nearest and dearest and that is the most important thing.
I am so sorry to hear about the health issues for one of your children. I know of this disease because it is the one that Jordan Rubin author of the Maker's Diet battled as a young man. Have you read his story? His books and his Biblical approach to health were what inspired us to pursue a healthier lifestyle for our family.
Your kind and sweet responses have been overwhelming and really touched my heart. Thank you all so much for your wonderful words of encouragement and for all your prayers...God is truly Good. All the time! How precious it is to belong to HIM and to draw strength from HIM in times like these. Each of you are a sweet blessing to me...thank you for your friendship.
In His Love,
hi Camille!
I have a couple friends with Crohn's - can be nasty - I will be praying for your family!
Hugs to you!
Camille - I am so very sorry to hear this! You are a sweet soul who has her priorities exactly where they should be! Will pray that your child continues with the improvement and that you not waste one second worrying about blogs! God is good and indeed it is comfort beyond measure to belong to Him. My heart aches for you, and I will remember you and your sweet family in my prayers.
You are a blessing to so many. That is evident by all the sweet comments you've received.
It sounds like you've already gotten lots of helpful hints, people you can ask questions about Crohn's Disease and prayers for peace. What a blessing.
"Lord thank you for Camille. What a dear friend she has come to be, even if only in bloggy land. I pray wisdom for her and her husband as they seek to heal their child with this disease. I pray healing for their dear one and comfort when they are in pain. Please give Camille patience, extra love to hand out and lead her to the answers she seeks. Thank you for caring for them and loving them, In Christ's name ~ amen!"
hugs sweet friend~ Cinnamon
Dear Camille,
I will keep your little one in my thoughts and prayers..May knowing you are lifted in prayer and loved be a source of comfort to you during this trial.
When trials comes may following Jesus bring you and your family peace as you turn to Him for direction, healing and strength..
Thanks so much for your comment on my blog a few weeks ago. Your family (and your blog!) is beautiful, and I will be praying for healing for your child.
Camille.. Love your post and the B~E~A~utiful flowers...
on your subject of your child being diagnoised with Chrons
I was diagnoised with Colitis 10 yrs ago.. very simular, just in different area of the intestent..
and here is a little tip for you.
and a food diary.. watch how different foods react to the body, to know what to avoid to stay in remission..
Well it wasnt a flowery comment,,lol, but hopefully it will be helpful.
love ya my friend.. have a great week and god bless..
You take all the time you need my friend. I will be praying for you and your son. Our Jehovah Rapha is still in the healing business!
God bless,
Praying for you, my friend....
You take all the time you need to be faithful to your family.
I was diagnosed with Crohn's and know first hand the pain, sickness, and dealings with it. The Lord put me in remission, which I am very thankful, but I remember those rough times. Please let your child know I am praying.
The Lord is your strength, you will make it through these trials because you have a wonderful Father in heaven who has ordained all this for your own good. Rest in Him and be still and know HE IS GOD!!! Meditate on the Psalms...
I send you hugs...
Each one of you is a precious encouragement to my heart...and especially at this time! Your comments have brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much for your kindness and love and prayers...God is so Good! We are so blessed to belong to HIM!
In His Love,
Camille, we will be praying for you and your family!!
Camille, I am just getting by to read your post. So sorry to hear about the Crohn's Disease. I have a sister-in-law who has had Crohn's since her late teens. I am saying a prayer now for you and your family. May the Lord bless and guide you.
Dear Becky and Patty ~ Thank you both so much! What a blessing to be able to bring one another before the Throne of Grace! Baby is coming soon Becky...how exciting! :)
In His Love,
Oh Camille, my heart aches for you. How you must be feeling right now. I know that you are trusting the Lord but it's hard on this side of heaven!
I'm so glad I read this.
I will pray.
Love, Heather
Dear Heather ~ Thank you my friend! How wonderful it is to look to the LORD for strength and grace...I so appreciate your prayers! God is good. All the time!
With Love,
I'm praying the natural treatment will work!
It takes me a long time to visit everyone, too, but I'm learning that it is OK. I have a life and I need to be IN it. You've helped me see that probably a year ago. It was truly freeing!
Blessings to you and your family,
Dear Jackie ~ How sweet you are! Thank you for your encouragement and understanding. I think it was YOU who was helping ME to *see* that...hmmm...funny how that works! Thank you for your prayers...they are a great blessing!
I too have not been blogging much or online nearly as much as usual due to family and health reasons over here too.
Your way with words is always an encouragement and your care for those around you (even those not so close in proximity) is evident.
I will be praying for your family and son as you seek His will on how to proceed. May He overwhelm you all with His presence, peace and joy in the midst of life's struggles.
Thank you Heather...your sweet comment blessed my heart! May the LORD be glorified in all we do. I am so sorry for the health challenges you have been facing...I will pray for you tonight.
Many blessings to you!
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