
June 11, 2012

Dishwasher Detergent Update

Do you remember when I posted about
I quit using the recipe I shared
due to the fact that a mysterious film
continued to appear on my freshly washed dishes.
I was not willing to put up with it.

I threw in the towel.

The time has come to give it another try.
At the time of that post, my friend Trisha
left her recipe in the comment section ~
Thank you for sharing Trisha! :)

It's very simple.

One part Borax to one part Baking Soda.
That would be the cooking kind,
and not the washing kind of soda.
Mix together and store in a glass jar.
Use like you would your regular detergent.
(I use about 2 Tbsp per load ~
please ignore the photo above for dispensing amount)

So far, it has worked!

The only thing that I have noticed
is that this does not work as well as the
pre-packaged, store-bought stuff on pots.
When I want to wash pots in my machine, I don't use this.

Otherwise, it is a winner in my books.

I use white vinegar in the rinse dispenser.
We do not have hard water where we live.
I don't know if those things make a difference.

Overall, my initial findings are positive.
And, it is SO much cheaper!
And, healthier?

Let me know if you give it a go.
I hope it works for you too!



  1. Hi Camille,
    Thank you for sharing..
    Hope to try this soon.
    Almost out of my store bought brand..

    Hope all is well with you and your family.. Lifting your son in our evening family devotions.

    In His Love,

  2. Hi Camille!
    I made Dishwasher Detergent that left a white film on my dishes, also. I ended up using it to clean bathtubs and showers. Worked well for that!
    I can't remember what was in my homemade stuff ~ have to look back on my blog! :~D But I think it was the soda and Borax. We do have hard water so maybe that was the problem. It took many loads for it to show up, and many loads to remove it with store bought detergent.
    My dishwasher died last week :~{
    so I am doing them by hand!! Akkk! My very least favorite job in the world, next to dusting! Can't stand that oily feeling on my hands when dusting! Maybe if I wash the dishes after I dust....
    now I've got those old squirrels runnin' in the wheel! ;~P

  3. I use something very similar to this recipe. The only thing we do differently is to add a package of unsweeted Lemon Kool-Aide. The citric acid in the lemon helps leave everything streak free! I am so glad you found something that works for you!! It's good to be home and visit your blog again.
    I hope your summer is going well.


  4. Dear Virginia ~ I hope it works well for you! Please let me know how it goes. :)

    Dear Raeann ~ We really are kindred spirits...LOL! Dusting is my least favourite too! Emma *loves* to dust...what a blessing! So sorry your dishwasher gave up on you...I know how that feels!! Hang in there. :)

    Dear Donna ~ Welcome home! May the LORD bless you and your family this summer. :)

    Many Blessings,

  5. I have tried several versions of the home-made dishwasher detergents. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. I am thinking I will pick up a box when I get to town ~ I'm just tired of having half clean dishes or a dull film on my glasses. Once I get it under control I might try the home-made versions again. Best of wishes with yours though.

  6. Dear Patty ~ I hear you my friend! I really do! So far this has been very good all things considered. I do keep the stronger stuff in the cupboard for those tougher jobs...I think I will always have some of it on hand. I do like the $$ I am saving with this recipe though. :)

    Blessings to you!

  7. Camille, I love the idea of making my own anything these days. Not only does it save money but leaves a lot less chemical traces behind for us to breathe in. I do not have a dishwasher, so although Trisha's recipe is quite good, I am wondering if you know of one for a liquid dishwashing soap. I've tried the ones with castille soap as the base but didn't care for it because my dishes started coming out with a film on them.

    Hope you have a wonderful remainder of the week!

  8. Dear Dianna ~ I don't have a dishwashing liquid recipe to share...sorry about that! If you find one that works well, perhaps you will share? Trust the remainder of your week will be lovely too! :)


  9. Thank you for responding, Camille. I was given a small sample packet of Mrs. Meyer's dishwashing liquid back around Mother's Day by the owners of the nursery we visited to purchase plants. I really liked it...cleaned the dishes well (no film), smelled good and was easy on my hands. Don't know if you have access to that product there or not.

  10. Dear Dianna ~ Thank you for the tip my friend. I am glad you found something that is working for you! I haven't heard of it...but, that doesn't mean it isn't available here. :)

    Blessings to you!


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