
June 13, 2012

Something Yummy

White flour.  White Sugar.
Icing Sugar.  Butter and Jam.

Not exactly in the category of *healthy* ~
But, they certainly are *fun* and *yummy*!
This one's for you Miss T. :)

And for your siblings ~ especially the older ones
who like to sabotage my blog ~ LOL!

Originally posted here.  Thank you Jenn for allowing me to re-share!
Emma has requested these (nearly a year in advance)
for her birthday dessert in place of cake!
Yup, this recipe is a winner.  And, easy as pie! :)

~ Ingredients ~

2 1/2 cups Flour
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
1/4 tsp Baking Powder
2 Tbsp Sugar
1 cup Unsalted Butter, chilled
6 to 9 Tbsp Cold Water

Stir together all dry ingredients in bowl.
Cut in chilled butter until the size of peas.
Stir in water, beginning with smallest amount
and adding in enough to barely hold dough together.
Do not over handle dough.

Chill 1 hour.
(I skipped this step and they still turned out fabulous).

~ Method for Pop Tarts~

Roll out half the dough at a time until thin (an eighth of an inch)
on a floured surface.  Cut into 3 inch squares.
Lay half of the squares on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.

Into the center of each of the squares, drop a spoonful of jam ~ any type will do.
Wet the edges of the squares with water.  Put another square of dough over top.
Seal the edges with the tines of a fork.
Set a second pan up to repeat the above while the first batch are baking.

Bake in a 450 degree oven for about 15 minutes.
They will be golden when done.  Cool 5 minutes on pan.
Transfer to a cooling rack.  Mix up a batch of frosting.

I used the following for butter icing ~
1/4 cup butter, room temperature
a little water and 1 tsp Vanilla.
Using a wire whisk, beat in enough icing sugar to make a
smooth, spreadable icing.

When the pop tarts are cooled a little,
spread with icing and sprinkle with coloured sugar.
This recipe makes 16 to 20 pop tarts.

Have Fun!
Blessings, Camille


  1. Ohh..they look yummy..Thanks for sharing..Praying for you and your family :)

  2. These look so much better than the store bought ones! I could eat one now.

  3. Yum! Thank you for sharing the recipe, we will have to give it a try sometime! :)


  4. Oh. My.

    I am making these, my friend. Yay for homemade poptarts!!! My children will continue to call me the best mother ever. :)

    Thank you!

  5. Hello!

    Thanks for this one. It also looks VERY yummy and I hope to make them soon! If these types of recipes keep coming, I am sure the older ones will not have to sabotage your blog anymore... LOL! Thanks for posting these!

    Have a great day!

    Miss T.

  6. Dear Misty ~ Thank you so much for praying for us...what a blessing! I hope you enjoy these...we surely have! :)

    Dear Patty ~ Oh...there is NO comparison between these and the store-bought kind! Hands down, these are the BEST! :)

    Dear Nadine ~ Your family will be pleased I am sure! Enjoy! :)

    Dear Trisha ~ Yes, Oh. My. is right! I am sure you all will *love* them! :)

    Dear Connie ~ I hope you give them a go. Enjoy! :)

    Dear Miss T ~ Let me know how it goes...I'm sure they will be a hit. I trust your day will be wonderful too! :)

    Many Blessings,

  7. I saw a funny on Pinterest recently that said something like, "I read recipes like I read science fiction. I get to the end and think, 'Well that's not going to happen.'" Ha! This looks SOOOO tasty! But I must say my eyes glazed over as I read the recipe. *big grin* What I wouldn't give for you and Trisha to join me in the kitchen and teach me how to BAKE more! I'm okay on the stovetop but lackluster in the oven when it comes to breads and cakes and pastries!

    Anyway, it's been fun to catch up here again and I ALWAYS have a smile on my face as I read your sweet words. Cannot get over 30 pounds gained for Austin and wrestling to boot! God is soooo good!

    MUCH Love to You!

  8. Dear Tami ~ You are so cute my friend! LOL...your eyes *glazed over*?? :) Your comment made me smile big. And yes, the LORD is Wonderful! HE truly has AMAZED us with's been like watching a miracle take place right before our eyes. We are so thankful!! Thank you for entering into our joy with us. :)


  9. Oh my goodness, Camille! The pastry looks so flaky and yummy! I could understand why Emma would request these for her birthday dessert!

  10. These look really yummy!
    I hope all is going well and you all are enjoying a great summer :-)

  11. Dear Dianna ~ I think it must be the butter that makes the pastry so flaky. Yum. Yum! :)

    Dear Jill ~ Thank you for your sweet well-wishes! Ah, hasn't really begun for us yet...but, it's on its way...I am sure! :)

    Blessings to you both!

  12. These are SO good aren't they! :)

  13. Dear Jenn ~ Yes, they surely are my friend! Thank you once again for allowing me to re-share. I'm thinking this is the weekend for making more...perhaps I will just go and do that right now! :)


  14. These look so good Camille! You do a great job baking and photographing your creations. It's funny, but I had just read about the idea of making homemade pop tarts somewhere else. Maybe we'll have to make the time for them since you make them look so yummy.

  15. Oh wow if I could have butter right now I would be making these every day! They look amazing and even though they arent technically healthy they are probably much better than the store bought ones!

  16. Dear Teresa ~ Oh, they really are easy easy easy! I hope you like them! :)

    Dear Justine ~ How sad that you cannot have butter! When you are able to once make them...they are yummy! :)


  17. Hi Camille!
    These look yummy! I'm wondering if you reheat these in the toaster, like the store bought ones, or would that be disastrous with the icing?
    Your lovely daughter looks so grown up with her hair cut!
    Blessings to you my friend!!

  18. Dear Heather ~ If you choose to reheat in the toaster, which I think may be possible, it might be a good idea to wait until they come out before putting the icing on. I hope you enjoy them! Thanks for your sweet words about Emma's haircut...she is growing up too quickly for this Mama's heart. :)

    Blessings to you too!


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