
June 22, 2012

A Time for Quiet

It's Summer.

The children are completing
their school requirements.
The pace and schedule have changed.

The time has come for quiet.

Quiet here on the blog is a necessary part of that.
So, I am taking a little time off.
During my time away, there will be no visiting of blogs
and no publishing of comments.
In light of this, please know that your comments
are important to me and will be published upon my return.
When I am back, it will be my plan to re-connect with all of you ~
both here in this space, as well as in yours.

Thank you for understanding!

I will likely be out of this loop
for a couple of weeks.
Perhaps even a little longer.

May the LORD bless each one of you with quiet too ~
Have a wonderful Summer!
To those of you who live on the other side of the globe ~
Happy Winter to you! :)

"To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven..."
~ Ecclesiastes 3:1 ~

With Love,


  1. Enjoy your summer holiday my friend!


  2. Yay for you, Camille! Oh how I pray the LORD blesses you in your time of quiet. Love to you, friend!

  3. Enjoy your quite time :) Love and prayers.

  4. Have a good time away, refresh, enjoy your family and God's blessings to you, my friend! See you when you return! Hugs!
    And prayers!

  5. Enjoy your time of quiet and refreshing, my friend. I think God desires all of us to stop and just be quiet in our minds and our bodies ~ time to just be still and know that He is God! We live in such a busy, noisy society, it crowds out His still small voice at times. It is best to do it on our own than for Him to have to shout for us to stop.
    Okay, with all of that, I'll be quiet now ! ;~P

  6. Many blessings to you and your family while you take this time to enjoy them, Camille. I will miss you {{hugs}}

  7. Enjoy your time away, dear friend, and come back refreshed and renewed!

  8. I'll miss you while you're gone. Blogging slows down for me in the summer. Too much to do, and not enough time to do it! Thanks for always being the example of how to keep the balance :) God Bless, Jackie

  9. Enjoy your season of rest and we'll see ya when you return.


  10. Dear Nadine ~ Thank you my friend. May the LORD bless you this Summer as well. :)

    Dear Tami ~ Thank you for your sweet words my friend! May the LORD bless you each step of the way...HE holds you! :)

    Dear Misty ~ Thank you so much! The LORD bless you too! :)

    Dear Becky ~ Thank you for your kind words! Blessings to you as well! :)

    Dear Raeann ~ How true it is...we live in such a busy society, don't we? Yes, we must consciously be quiet and still...may the LORD help us all in this! How wonderful HE is! :)

    Dear Julia ~ Hugs to you too! Thank you for your sweet words. :)

    Dear Cindy ~ Thank you my friend! May the LORD bless you this Summer as well. :)

    Dear Jackie ~ Yes, slowing down is good! Enjoy your Summer too my friend. :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ Thank you my friend! May the LORD bless you this Summer with your precious family. :)

    Many Blessings,


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