
July 9, 2012

Around Here...

Around Here...

Home. Life. Family. Responsibilities.
Making Memories.
All rolled into one.
Life has been busy ~
Isn't it like this for everyone?

We need to work hard at slowing it all down.
Taking it all in.
And being faithful in the mundane and everyday
things of life and living.

We've got some changes coming.
It's all good, but these things require time to implement.
Extra time...where do we find that?

That's another post for another day.

On this day, I reflect.
Look back on these first weeks of Summer,
and I give thanks.
God is Good. Always.

It's been busy.

The older two have been continuing on with some school.
Austin completed two exams at the end of June,
and he has been dog-walking and teaching violin.
Calvin has some lawn-cutting jobs and helps out with paper route.
Fraser and Emma keep up with their paper route duties
as well as their home responsibilities.

Outdoor adventures have begun in earnest.
The sunny days were barely here before the tent
was set up and slept in!

Howie and I were even able to go on a date.

We took a round-trip sail on the ferry
and enjoyed dinner with a spectacular view ~
Thank you SO was a real treat!
(You know who you are)!! XO

The days fly by.
There is so much to do.
My struggle is with scaling back
and enjoying the moment.
Living IN the moment and cherishing
life as it happens.
Entering into the busy-ness of it all
and not fretting about getting it all done!

In the midst of upheaval.
And at times, mess.

It's not easy to do.
But, it is necessary.
By God's Grace it can be done.
Moment by moment.
One step at a time.

What we are called to do is not impossible.
HE is Faithful to give the wisdom to
discern what those necessary things are!
What a blessing!!

Grace upon grace to you all!
In HIS Love,


  1. His grace is always sufficient...we just need to give in, give up, and receive it! Looks like you are enjoying time as a family and savoring the moments...

  2. 'And being faithful in the mundane and everyday things of life and living'... do you know Camille that I was just thinking about that less than 5 minutes before reading your post! It's easy to let things slip when we get busy even the things that we desire to do for our families and have been faithful to carry out in the past. I had let my breadmaking slip in recent weeks and my husband mentioned that he was missing the sourdough. (The starter is still alive despite my neglect!) I just made my dough this morning and was thinking 'I need to be faithful when it comes to this everyday task because it brings good to the people God has given me! Lovely to hear what the children have been doing and thank you for the reminder that God is faithful to give wisdom to discern what those necessary things are. I needed to read that today.

  3. LOVE the tent and the wonderful memories the children are making and LOVE that you and Howie got to enjoy a date night! Yay! Praying for the Lord's wisdom as changes are implemented - praying that He will guide your steps, that His Spirit will lead you.

    Love you, sweet friend!

  4. Oh yes, life is busy. We are also working on some new adventures at our home. I hope to share soon but things are still very busy. Just wanted to drop by and say hello. Blessings.

  5. Good to read you blog again and glad you had a nice date with your hubby. We did that last Friday. Have a good summer. It's finally warmer here! Enjoying the sun, for sure!

  6. I love that you got to go on a date!! They can be so refreshing. I hope you were both blessed and renewed ♥

    Extra time....oh yes I look for that some days. Then I breath deeply, pray, and realize that I have all the time I'm going to get. Haha! That causes me to focus on what I really need to do. What is important.

    I'm so thankful for those too much to do days so I can focus on what HE wants me to do. It makes my days so much more peaceful.

    hugs and love to you~

    p..s the kids look like they are really enjoying that tent. Camping is so much fun for them and've gotta have smores :-)

  7. Dear Cindy ~ Oh that we would learn this early in our walk with HIM! How gracious and merciful HE is to us. Trust all is well with you my friend. :)

    Dear Ann ~ It's through the everyday and mundane things that we can glorify our Creator...HE is always worthy of our praise! Thank you for encouraging me today my friend. :)

    Dear Jennifer ~ Thank you so much for praying for us! What a blessing it is to know that you are. The LORD is so Good to us, isn't HE? :)

    Dear Patty ~ I am curious to know what those things are! I will enjoy reading about them when you have the chance to share. :)

    Dear Becky ~ Friday was our date too...our anniversary, actually. :) It surely has been lovely to have some sun, hasn't it? Blessings to you!

    Dear Cinnamon ~ Ah, was refreshing...and quiet!! I'm sure you notice that when you go on a date too. :) I agree...S'Mores are a MUST!

    Many Blessings to you each one!
    In HIM,


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