
July 10, 2012

Not Through Giving Thanks

Our way to God is not through giving thanks.
The only way to God is
and HIS work on our behalf.
It really is all of HIM.
If we know God, and belong to HIM ~
We give thanks.

That's how it ought to be.

Recently, I read a beautifully written post
on this very subject.
Please click here to get there.
I so appreciated Becky's words ~
I'm sure you will too.

There are always things to be thankful for!

1746. Tennis Rackets and playing together

1747. A neighbour who hires the children to pull weeds

1748. And that they can do it together

1749. My gardener friend and her gifts ~
Thank you Susan! :)

1750. Gifts wrapped and ready ~
It was a blessing that they were done early...
sometimes it works out that way.

1751. "Little House" to listen to

1752. Wild flowers on my windowsill ~
Thank you Emma! XO

1753. Berries from the garden ~
A miracle since it's been soooo wet and cold!

1754. A new mattress and the ability to *air it out*

1755. A blogging break ~ it was good. :)

I list as events unfold.
Sometimes many all at once,
and other times in a trickle.
But, always by HIS Grace.

Would you like to begin?
Just grab a pen and a journal,
set them out on the counter,
and list out your blessings.
Find the joy in the moments ~
As they arrive.

Enjoy the journey!

Many Blessings,

**My disclaimer post may be found


  1. Camille,
    I always love seeing pictures of your family and your beautiful days! Those berries are amazing. Wow! I'd love to grow strawberries. And what lovely wildflowers...great job, Miss Emma!

    Keep sharing what you're praising God for. It is a testimony of His goodness and mercy and a constant reminder to those who read that blessings from His hand abound.

    I love you, precious friend!

  2. I love that someone hired your kids to pull weeds. That is great! Josiah recently got a job helping a friend of ours shop twice a week. It has been a real blessing for Josiah and a help to our friend.

    We are reading the "Charlotte Years" which are about Laura's grandmother. We just got done with the "Martha Years", which was based on Charlotte's mother. We are gearing up for Hailey's "Little House" themed birthday party at the end of this month. You should have heard the mobile slaughter guy, when I called and asked for a pig's bladder, LOL!

  3. Praising God with you today, Camille.

    And... thanks for the link.

    Love you!

  4. You are so right! Not through giving thanks, but it does feel so good to give thanks for all the tiny little things that we so often don't notice. Like fireworks and kittens and strawberries!

  5. Isn't a heart of gratitude such a wonderful thing?! Have a great day.

  6. Dear Trisha ~ It's a blessing to know you my friend! Thank you for your sweet encouragement. :)

    Dear Jackie ~ A pig's bladder?? You really are going all out! LOL! Enjoy these precious days my friend! :)

    Dear Becky ~ I am thankful for your wise words...thank you for allowing me to link! Blessings to you my friend! :)

    Dear Taylor ~ Isn't it a wonderful thing to really slow down and appreciate every little thing? God is so good to us, isn't HE? :)

    Dear Patty ~ It is a blessing for sure! May the LORD always help us to be thankful to HIM in everything! :)

    In HIS Love,

  7. This is a very needed post. There is so much to be thankful for. I thank God today for just WHO HE IS - HE IS GOD - apart from anything He gives me, could give me, or will give me in the future........apart from HIM I can do nothing and I am nothing! HE IS EVERYTHING! I am thankful for His abiding Presence even in the midst of the storms of life! HE IS WORTHY TO BE PRAISED!

    Living in the fullness of JOY,
    Psalm 126

  8. A beautiful list of full of thankfulness and gratitude! Have a wonderful, God-filled day today, my friend!

  9. I am almost at 900 in my journal. It feels good to know how much God has done for me. But you are right, it isn't going to get me to heaven. Jesus is. But in that, I am so grateful.

  10. Dear Stephanie ~ How true it is...HE is EVERYTHING!!! What a blessing it is to belong to HIM! :)

    Dear Jenn ~ May the LORD bless your day too my friend! :)

    Dear Stacie ~ Yes,'s all about HIM! How precious HE is!! 900? Keep going...that's great. :)

    In HIS Love,

  11. I read Becky's post and really appreciated it, thanks for linking. The flowers are beautiful, hope you are enjoying the summer...gotta love the mundane

  12. Dear Maryann ~ I'm so glad her post was a blessing to certainly was for me. :) Have a wonderful week my friend!

    Many Blessings,

  13. Camille, I've just been pondering the centrality of relationship with HIM and how everything else is merely an outpouring of that... Thanks for the reminder when you wrote, "If we know God, and belong to HIM ~ We give thanks."

    It makes me sit back in amazement that I sometimes try to do life on my own. I miss out on so much when I do. In Him and From Him all blessings flow!

  14. Dear Heather in AZ ~ How true it Him and from Him all blessings flow! May we always remember this and give HIM thanks! :)

    Blessings to you!


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