
July 31, 2012


Multitasking might
lead to these sorts of things...

...if you are anything like me.

The waffle in the foreground was
cooked for about 25 to 30 minutes ~
It was as stiff as a board when I
rescued it from the waffle iron.
Which, by the way, was still plugged in!
The background waffle (for comparison) was
cooked for the usual 4 minutes ~
It was still edible. :)

How could this have happened?
I had gone downstairs to tear apart the bunk bed ~
Threw sheets in the wash, shook the quilts outside,
etc. etc. etc.

Oops! Please tell me you do things like this too.
Feel free to share in the comments...
I'm sure it will be an encouragement to us all. :)

Have a great day!


  1. Nope...never, ever. ;)

    I can't imagine the qualms of multitasking at all.

    (just kidding!)

    But, I bet that crisp waffle might do good for a teething little one I've got around here. Yes sirree!

  2. Oh yes... this has happened to me as well. Glad you took photos LOL...something to smile at later. Glad there was no smoke..or was there? LOL.


  3. I think my problem is staying on task. A perfect example would be gthe other day when I went to the closet to look for a scarf, in the process I found a toy the grandson had been looking for, I decided to put it away upstairs where it belongs so we would know where it was the next time he came, saw the room was a mess so began tidying up, then noticed the bed had never been stripped from when my son was home, so stripped the bed and put linens in the wash... one hour later and I had forgotten all about the missing scarf....unfortunately this happens all the time

  4. Oh boy, yessir, this happened to me too. My son had a baseball game out of town early one Sat. I made pancakes so that anyone who needed morning nourishment could get it as they aroused themselves. I served myself, mixed up some frozen juice, kept flipping pancakes as needed, washed up a few dishes. I put on the last griddle of batter, and told my son we needed to leave.

    And....somewhere in the bottom of the 3rd inning, as I was talking to the coach's wife (a fellow homeschool mom, who is married to a fireman)she mentioned his work, I thought fire, I thought how hungry Eric would be (since he doesn't like to eat before a game)and I thought...hmmmm....did I leave those last 4 pancakes on the griddle? Fortunately my husband was at home, so I called him. He confirmed that they were well-done on one side! Ha!

  5. My husband just shakes his head when I try to attempt multi-tasking. I've put soup in the microwave to reheat and then found it the next day and realize that I forgot to eat...

    Without my to-do list I'm lost because I keep hopping from thing to thing w/out usually having time to finish each bit up.

  6. I am the "Master" of multitasking, Camille LOL!!

    I regulary BURN dinner because I forget I'm cooking as I get caught up in a sewing project...or whatever....

    My washing machine overflows and I end up "washing the floors" unexpectantly because i put hand-washing in the sink the washing water discharges into...

    I usually have 10 jobs on the go at once and none get completed because I forget what I'm doing, as I start the next one....

    My life is SO disorganised ...but I'm the Daughter of the Risen King and sanctified by His Blood! My Beloved is mine and I am His... Hallelujah!

  7. Dear Bevy ~ LOL! never! Oh...and I would share the crispiness if you lived closer. :)

    Dear Connie ~ Nope. No smoke...but, a toasty smell...yup, there was that...thankfully! :)

    Dear Maryann ~ Your story made me smile. I think we would get along just great...yes, indeed I do! :)

    Dear Lois ~ I loved your story too....dear left the house while they were cooking away? What a blessing that your hubby was around to save the day! :)

    Dear Heather ~ You and I are two peas from the same pod...except, I rarely forget to eat! LOL! :)

    Dear Julia ~ How wonderful it is to belong to our Precious LORD...HE is so gracious with us, isn't HE? Your *list* encouraged my heart. :)

    Thank you to each of you who entered in and shared your own multitasking woes...they all made me smile. :)

    Many Blessings,

  8. LOL! I think just about every time I make waffles I burn the last batch because I move on to other things! ♥ you!

  9. Things like this happen to me all the time. I'm beginning to think I am going to have to start wearing strings around my fingers or carrying a note pad from room to room! I have a lot of irons in the fire right now ~ as my mom would say. Have a blessed day, Camille.

  10. Dear Jenn ~ Whew...I feel much better now! :)

    Dear Patty ~ Ah, yes...*irons in the fire*...I understand! Hang in there! :)

    Blessings to you both!

  11. I'm forever being teased by my husband about my ability or inability to multitask. I'm the worst at forgetting to set the timer for watering the garden or lawn AND for cooking. I often forget an ingredient in my bread and as you know, bread is SO unforgiving, LOL. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has this problem! BTW, those waffles look just like mine on a good day, hehe.

  12. Dear Jackie ~ I think you are being too hard on yourself...I've seen your cooking! :) Thanks for sharing your experience with us made me smile.


  13. Oh gosh yes but, around here, the dogs eat my accidents -smile-. We're all happy then!

  14. Dear Sandra ~ How wonderful it is to have a clean up crew! :)

    Blessings to you!


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