
August 2, 2012

Three Years

Three years.

It will be three years tomorrow since I posted my first post.
Three years since I tentatively hit *publish* for the first time.
I had no idea where it would lead.
Some of it has been surprising...
mostly in a good sort of way. :)

So much has happened since then!
Many things have changed.
Others have remained the same.
Three years of life and living.

Life is interesting.
At times.

God is Good.

I am thankful.
At least, I should be!

This is a thankfulness post ~ without the numbering.

~ Photo taken a few weeks ago on my Birthday ~
It seemed to match the *party* theme of this post.
I'm not in it because I took it. :)
Happy. Happy.

I am so glad I began this journey.
It's been a blessing to meet friends through this means.
And, to have friends like you (some who we have never met in person)
pray for us in times of deepest sorrow has ministered
to my heart in such beautiful ways!
It has been a privilege to do the same for those
of you who have shared your burdens with us as well.
Encouragement and challenges are a part of this life.
It is always a blessing to share in the joys and sorrows
of life with one another.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart
for your sweet friendship and for being a part of this journey!
May the LORD bless you each and every one.

Now, in keeping with the party mood of this post ~
Do you remember how we met and when it was?
Please share in the comment section if you do.
If you can't recall the details, perhaps I will.
And, if neither of us can remember, we can rejoice
in the fact that we know each other now. :)

Let's have a party!

Many Blessings,


  1. I honestly don't remember how I found you! But, I am very glad I did. :)

    Your words and encouragement have meant a lot to me, and I am so glad I met you.

    Happy Blogiversary!

  2. Happy Anniversary, Camille!! I am so thankful to the LORD for your faithful friendship. You are a gem in the blogging sincere, so helpful, so full of love for the LORD. I love you, precious friend!!

  3. I met you through Stacie the firefighter's wife blog, I believe. I've been reading ever since. I won a gift subscription to Answers in Genesis magazine a few years ago from your blog as well. It's been a fun journey mixed with tears and prayers as I read some posts. So glad to know you and who knows, maybe we'll go to Canada someday and meet up with you. Hugs and congratulations on 3 years on your blogaversary! I have enjoyed blogging as well, for the most part. Hugs!

  4. Well I can remember that I found you Camille through Carrie at Farming on Faith and she is a dear friend too. I sent her the same little teabag holder that I sent you! And we all started our blogs around the same time. Happy birthday! I can see you like Toblerones. I love Toblerones!
    Oh and the Canadians are here - same missions group that came last time with same leader but different girls and a smaller team - just four in total. They must like our town! My daughter is out with them at church tonight and giving them a lift home to their host's home. We have invited them to my daughter's dinner party tomorrow night and waiting to hear if they can come.

  5. Camille thank you for your encouraging posts. I remember meeting you at our research camp a few years back and admiring your deep family connection, your respectful children and their smiles, much like their mum! Happy Birthday to a lovely lady who puts Christ first and foremost in all of her endeavours!

  6. Dear Lisa ~ I can't remember the details either...but, it has been lovely to *know* you as well. It's interesting how we find each other, isn't it? Thanks for your sweet encouragement...I appreciate it very much. May the LORD be glorified. :)

    Dear Trisha ~ You are a precious friend in this bloggy world...thank you for always being an encouragement to my heart! :)

    Dear Becky ~ You are always welcome here my friend! When are you coming?? Yes, it was through Stacie as I recall...thank you for you kind encouragement is a blessing to my heart. :)

    Dear Ann ~ How fun that we have been blogging a similar amount of time...and thank you for making the effort to get to know me. You have been a blessing to me...thank you for your friendship. :)

    Dear Pippa ~ Yes, it was at that workshop that we time flies! We knew each other before blogging was part of our lives...interesting thought. :) You have encouraged me here many times...I appreciate you!

    Many Blessings,

  7. "God is in control" is my mantra especially since Dave died.
    Exodus 14:14 is my, often many times a day, daily prayer.

  8. I believe either you or I commented on each other's blog via Ann Voskamp's Multitude Monday. Am I correct? Ever since then, it's been wonderful "knowing" you and writing back and forth about various issues. I've loved your "far-away friendship" and your wise words, Camille. When I've needed prayer, I knew I could count on you and I felt privileged to pray for your family during your trials. Thank you for being such a special online friend and mentor. God bless you abundantly and may this be your best year yet!

    Happy Birthday!

    Love, Heather

  9. Dear Sandra ~ How wonderful it is to belong to our Precious Saviour! What a beautiful verse to pray to the LORD Who hears. :)

    Dear Heather ~ Yes, you are right my friend...that is exactly how we met. I am thankful we did! I appreciate your sweet encouragement and the many times you have remembered us in's been a great blessing. Thank you! The LORD is Good! :)

    Many Blessings,

  10. I think that I found you through a friend of a friend's blog. I am so glad I did!

  11. Dear Taylor ~ Thanks for joining in on the fun...and thank you for following those links to find me. I'm glad we met too. :)

    Blessings to you!

  12. You are a flower in His garden, Camille. Here's to another three years of sharing life, walking with others!

    Waving and smiling,


  13. Dear Rhonda ~ Awww...what a sweet thing to say! It's a blessing to belong to the LORD, isn't it? I am thankful we met my friend. Waving and smiling back! :)

    In HIS Love,

  14. I am catching up on blog reading and got all 'caught up' on your blog today. Thank-you for all of the encouraging words in your blog. God has really blessed you with the ability to communicate His life and truth in words.
    I think we first met at the pool when our kids were in swimming lessons at the same time, but then again, did we meet before that and I just recognized you at the pool? I forget. Either way I am glad to know you.
    We are continuing to pray for Austin often.
    Have a blessed day.


  15. Dear Natasha ~ How sweet of you to *catch up* here with me! And, thank you for your kind and encouraging words...may the LORD be praised for HIS goodness! It truly is all of HIM! How I see this more and more. :) I'm thinking we met before we began homeschooling...perhaps 7 years ago...and yes, it was at the pool! Have you been taking your children to the pool for seven years?? Doesn't time just FLY?? I'm glad we met too. Thank you for your continued prayers for Austin...what a blessing you are! :)



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