
October 29, 2012

Janine's Autumn Chowder

Our niece *loves* this chowder!
Even on a hot day she has been known to request it!
And, once I tried it, I understood.
Really, I did! :)

I still prefer it in the Fall/Winter.
Something about it says that to me.
Maybe it's in its name? ;-)

It's what I served for supper one night last week.
(Actually two nights, since I made double).
One recipe serves 4 to 5 generously.
Another great thing about this chowder
is that it can be whipped up at nearly a moment's notice.
Thought to pot to table in under an hour.

How's that for a home-cooked meal?
Biscuits on the side would be nice,
but, this chowder delivers nicely
in the fill-you-up department.


Since I gleaned this recipe from my sister,
I've named it after her.
I don't know where it originally came from ~
If you do, please do tell so I can give
credit where credit is due.

And, it is due, believe me!  

~ Janine's Autumn Chowder ~

1 cup onion, diced
Olive oil for frying
3 cups new potatoes with skins on, diced
1 1/2 cup carrots, sliced
3 cups frozen corn
1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper
1 1/2 tsp sea salt (omit if using stock from a cube)
3 cups shredded cheddar cheese
3 cups milk
1/4 cup flour

8 slices of bacon, fried crisply for a topping.

Fry onion in oil in soup pot.
Add stock, potatoes and carrots.
Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer
about 20 minutes until vegetables are tender.

Stir in milk, corn, pepper and salt.
Heat to simmer.  Do not boil.
Mix cheese and flour together in a bowl until cheese is coated.
Add to pot, stirring constantly.  
Stir until cheese is melted and soup is thickened.

Serve with crumbled bacon.  Y.U.M!


With Love,


  1. This sounds wonderful. We be making this soon. We all love chowder.
    Thanks for sharing.

    God Bless you my friend.

  2. Sounds delicious. Soups, stews and chowders are my favorite thing to cook this time of year...will be trying this one...thanks for sharing the recipe

  3. Sounds good! Thanks for sharing.

  4. sounds delicious indeed! It's fall and soups come in handy indeed and so yummy to eat. Make great leftovers as well for lunches or a dinner at work. Take care!

  5. Dear Donna ~ I hope you enjoy it! :)

    Dear Maryann ~ Mmmm...I'm with you...I *love* soups and chowders too. Aren't the seasons wonderful? :)

    Dear Patty ~ I do hope you give it a try. Enjoy! :)

    Dear Becky ~ Yaay for leftovers! I agree...soups fit the bill well. :)

    Blessings to you all!

  6. I'm drooling! I have to try this! Printing out the recipe now :)

  7. Dear Jackie ~ I'm sure you will like it. :)



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