
October 23, 2012

Something I've Been Learning

Life is fragile. 
We are not guaranteed tomorrow. 
None of us are. 

Something I've been learning ~
Due to the fact that one of our children
is living with a life-threatening condition.
It has brought to light what really matters.

In a fresh way.

To cherish this day. 
To enjoy each moment. 
To live life to the fullest. 

Walking this path with the LORD.
Moment by moment.  Day by day. 
He gives the strength and grace. 
He gives all we need. 

May we use this life He gives for His glory. 
Every moment.  Every day. 
That's all that matters. 

All that counts.

I have been struck with the fact that Crohn's Disease 
Neither are they what define us as a family. 


We are the LORD's. 
We belong to Him. 
That's what ought to define us. 
That's what others ought to see.

The only difference between our family and
yours may be the fact that we have a 
name for one of our beasts. 
But, we all face them. 


They come in various forms with a variety of names. 
Selfishness.  Besetting sin.  Disease.  Poverty.  Even wealth. 
Whatever those beasts are, however,
we do not have to face them alone.

The LORD will bear them with us.
He will set us free from our sin.
If we belong to Him, 
we are promised He will never
leave us nor forsake us.

Whatever the LORD gives is what is best.
For this day.  In this life.  By His grace.
If we are followers of Him, we have nothing to fear.
We have every reason to take courage.  

Every reason to hope. 

We can face whatever comes because of HIM.
And this life is not all there is.  Not at all! 
It's only a shadow.  Only a beginning.  Eternity awaits. 
And the LORD will be with us there.  Forever. 

Rejoice!  He is Good.  

Many Blessings, 


  1. Dear Camille,
    How true are the words that you have shared .. just this morning I did my best to answer a lot of questions my twin girls kept asking me. They were rapid fire questions all about growing old, death, Heaven, God, Jesus. One girl tells me that she wants to go to Heaven soon. I asked her why and she replies 'Because I cannot wait to see Jesus. I really want to see Jesus.' I told her that nobody knows the day when they will die and that if God grants her a long life she might have to wait a long time before she sees Jesus but then she will be with Him for all eternity. She was even more excited then! Such beautiful child like faith and acceptance and absolutely no expression of fear of the future.
    Please know that we continue to uphold Austin in prayer. Thank you for these beautiful reminders in your time of trial that keep pointing to the One that is our reason for living and does give us every reason to hope.

  2. Praying all the time for your family and wishing only the best to you all. Sending big hugs and warm thoughts across the miles!


  3. What a wonderful message to share! Thank you for your words of encouragement!


  4. Yes and amen! Have a most glorious day in the Lord!

  5. Dear Ann ~ How precious that you were there to do the answering my friend! What a Great God we serve! What a privilege it is to raise up these young ones for HIM! Hugs to you. :)

    Dear Jill ~ Thank you so much for your sweet words of encouragement! Hugs to you too! :)

    Dear Nadine ~ It's always lovely to hear from you my friend. What a LOT has been going on in your home and family...enjoy these precious days! :)

    Dear Patty ~ May the LORD bless you this day my friend...thank you for stopping by! :)

    With Love,

  6. Camille, I love the line... Our times are in His hands. Praying for Austin, and for your mama's heart!

  7. You attitude and faith always amaze me. I love you! You are such an inspiration.

  8. Camille I am praying for you and Austin. Praying for His peace and healing power in Austin, and for strength and wisdom for all of you. Is it okay if I share your blog on our ning prayer warriors as a post. I know some other teens would want to pray for him. Blessings and Hugs Pippa

  9. Dear Taylor ~ Thank you so much! I don't know what I would do if I didn't believe with all my heart that our Great God does all things well and that, truly, our times are in HIS hands!! What a wonderful LORD we serve!! :)

    Dear Jackie ~ Oh, my is the LORD...without HIM I am nothing and so very, very weak!! Thank you for your continued friendship and for your constant encouragement. Love to you too! :)

    Dear Pippa ~ I would be honoured if you would share my blog on Ning...thank you! May the LORD be praised through our lives. HE alone is worthy! Thank you for your friendship and faithful encouragement...I appreciate you! :)

    With Love,

  10. So powerful and so absolutely true! Needed to hear this and be reminded of it.

    We're praying for Austin and for your whole family!!!

  11. What an absolute blessing to read these words this evening. My son has Aspergers and it is very easy to let it "define" him; us. I needed this precious reminder. God is good ALL the time. Recently husband was in sin for 1 1/2 years. When I found out it broke my heart. The Lord used it to make each of us trust Him more and my husband is a new man only by God's grace, love and mercy. Thank you for being such an encouragement. God bless you and your family.

  12. Oh Camille, I know that when I come here your words will always circle around me and encourage me. Thank you for using your gift with words to bless those around you - even your desert dwelling sister in Christ from down south! ;)

  13. Dear Jenn ~ Thank you my sweet friend. How wonderful our Great God is! I so appreciate your prayers. :)

    Dear Anonymous ~ Welcome here! I'm sorry to read of your recent struggles and your ongoing concern for your son. What a blessing to read of your trust in our Great God! May HE continually give you everything that you need. HIS ways are higher than ours. HE is to be praised! :)

    Dear Heather ~ How sweet you are my friend! Thank you for your kind encouragement to my heart. The LORD is truly so good to us, isn't HE? What a blessing it is to belong to HIM! :)

    Many Blessings,


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