
October 8, 2012

On Being Real

On being real.
Being real with our children.  Facing up to our sin.
Owning it.  Confessing it.  
Praying with them and asking them to pray for us.  They will.

It's a beautiful thing to walk this path with them.
Share our faith in the trenches with them.
Look to the LORD with them through 
all the joys and sorrows of this life.

God is Faithful.  All the time.
He will never forsake us.
He will give the grace and strength needed.
He will forgive us when we fail.

Day by day.  Moment by moment.
Over and over and over again.

How precious HE is!
If you wonder where to begin.
How to begin?  Begin first with HIM!

Seek the LORD in prayer.
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God,
that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not;
and it shall be given him."
~ James 1:5 ~

Read His Word.
(Proverbs is a great book of wisdom).
Pray His Word.  Memorize His Word.
(I speak to myself here the most).

We must ask Him to forgive and mold and shape us.  
He will.  By His Grace.  For His Glory.
Looking to Him each step of the journey
together with you!
He alone is worthy of all our praise.

With Love, Camille


  1. Such encouraging words Camille! It is such a joy to walk through the trenches of faith with our babies. I can't imagine how much harder it would be if they were gone all day at school!

  2. Dear Taylor ~ Yes, we are blessed, truly. The LORD is so Good to us, isn't HE? Thank you for your encouraging words here...may the LORD bless you as you seek Him! :)

    In HIS Love,

  3. Where would we be without prayer? So thankful for all He provides. Blessings.

  4. Dear Patty ~ Oh, I am so thankful too my friend. What a blessing it is to belong to our Wonderful Saviour!! :)

    Blessings to you!

  5. Amen, I find that being real is one of my greatest weapon. Asking for forgiveness from my children and showing humility sets the stage for future forgiveness.

    It is good.

    Continue to pray for us. We are going through another storm. God is here and each time we go through something else, we gain strength as we learn to wait upon him.

  6. Dear Jenn ~ You make me smile. :)

    Dear Stacie ~ I will be praying for you my friend. Keep your eyes fixed our LORD. HE truly does all things well and HE will never leave you!! :)

    With Love,

  7. Hi, I just love this time of year, and love your blog too, sorry I have not been around much, trying to get back into the swing of blogging again, and visiting all my favorite blogs too. Have a great Saturday, and such a beautiful fall day here in Georgia. Hugs my friend.

  8. Amen! I've had opportunity to practice this with my kids this week. I've been trying to model to them what true repentance looks like. Not just saying the words, but turning from the sin. It starts with me and I can see a difference in their hearts.

  9. Dear Barbara ~ How lovely it is to hear from you! Oh, I can relate to the need to take a break from worries!! Have a wonderful week my friend. :)

    Dear Jackie ~ How perceptive children are!! How humbling it is to be a parent! May the LORD continue to do HIS perfect work in our hearts. HE is SO Good to us! Blessings to you my friend. Have a lovely week. :)

    Many Blessings,

  10. Such a huge lesson to teach our children - the humility to confess and to ask for forgiveness. By His grace, He's helped me to do this with ours. Not always perfectly, for sure, but what a joy to see how quick they are to forgive.

    Lord, keep their hearts tender!



  11. Thanks Camille a great reminder.
    My oldest daughter is expecting again.
    A blessing to come Lord willing, but a lot of hard work and sacrifices have to made..
    She is so sick in the beginning..

  12. Dear Rhonda ~ How quick they are to forgive...what a blessing it is! How gracious our LORD is with us! :)

    Dear Virginia ~ What wonderful news! May the LORD give you all the grace you need each day. May HE bring this little one safely to your family circle. How Great HE is!! :)

    Many Blessings,

  13. Wonderful words of truth, and praying for your dear son.

  14. Dear Barbara ~ Thank you my friend! The LORD is Good! :)

    Blessings to you!


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