
October 17, 2012

Please Pray ~ An Update

Austin has been losing weight and strength 
over the last couple of months. 
It's a balancing act as we seek to manage meds and lifestyle. 

He trusts in the LORD.  We do too. 

What a blessing it is to know that He does all things well. 
Eternal perspective is imperative always, but, 
especially in times like these. 

Our Great God is Faithful. 
He is able to do amazing things.
He already has. 

Throughout this trial we pray that the 
LORD would be exalted. 
That He would be magnified. 
That He would be praised.
It's the reason we exist. 

Whatever He deems best is what we want. 
For Austin.  For our family.  By His grace.
How precious each day is! 

Austin was taken off one of his heart medications
due to the fact that it seemed to be aggravating his Crohn's Disease.
However, it is apparent that this medicine is
necessary for Austin's heart function.
If he cannot tolerate it (or its cousin) 
he will require the placement of a pacemaker. 

We pray that all will go well with this drug. 
But, if the LORD can use Austin more 
effectively with a pacemaker, that is what we want.  
His will, not ours, be done.

Our times are in His hands. 
Our children belong to Him. 

Please pray for Austin's body to accept this medicine. 
Please pray that the Crohn's would not flare 
due to the re-introduction of it. 
And, of course, please pray for complete healing. 
Our God is able.  But, His ways are not ours ~
They are higher. 

HIS will be done. 

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! 
With Love, 


  1. Dear Camille,
    Our family will lift Austin up to our Heavenly Father.
    Your precious family is in our prayers..
    Your faith filled words are an encouragement to all who read your blog.. May He give your Austin strength and healing.
    We will pray for Austin daily in our evening devotions.
    God Bless,

  2. Oh Camille, I am praying the words you so beautifully shared on your posting about His promises and will in you and Austin's life. I am so sorry to hear that he is struggling again. Having two illnesses is not easy for one child to bear. I will pray for courage, perseverance and complete healing. And faithfulness in understanding. Blessings to you and hugs. Pippa

  3. Camille,
    I am praying for you tonight. For all that you asked. We have been praying for another young man, baby James. He was born 5 mo early and weighs a little over 1 lb. He's 12 inches long. Their prayer requests model yours nearly exactly.

    God is able. God can. Praying He will!


  4. Most definitely praying for Austin's physical needs. Sorry to hear of this but know that he is in good hands, many ways. I'm sure it's hard for you to see him suffer and not know what's around the bend. But God is there in the midst of it and giving you some shade when you need it to rest and then strength to go on a bit further with Him as your everlasting Father, our guide and friend. Hugs to all of u!

  5. Thinking of you and your dear family during this time of uncertainty. Praying for peace and continued trust in the Almighty.

  6. Camille
    Have just prayed for Austin and your family and will continue to do so. Thanks for keeping us updated, and allowing us the opportunity to pray. God is good and he does all things well. Will be praying for healing and that God would give you much grace

  7. PRAYING! Thank you so much for the update. Austin was on my mind the other day and I was wondering how things were going for him. I will continue to pray for him and that his body will accept this medication. Also I am praying for the complete healing of his heart. God's will be done!

  8. Praying here, my friend. praying....

  9. Thank you for the update. I will be praying.

  10. Keeping Austin and your family in our prayers!


  11. We will be praying! Isn't wonderful to know that our God is in control..
    Love and prayers,

  12. Praying, Camille!! And thank you for this update, my friend. We love you!

  13. My heart aches for you all as I read this. I'm praying God's will and healing over your situation. Your testimony is amazing and will continue to be so. Hugs to you, Jackie

  14. Dear Virginia ~ Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words...and for praying!! SUCH a blessing!! :)

    Dear Pippa ~ I so appreciate your kindness to our family and your prayers my friend. Thank you so much! Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ How sweet it is to know that you have prayed for us...thank you from my heart! I will pray for the family you mentioned. May the LORD be glorified!! :)

    Dear Becky ~ Thank you for so gently pointing me to see the LORD in all of this...I appreciate you! Yes, indeed...the LORD is Good! :)

    Dear Jane ~ Thank you my sweet friend. The LORD hears those precious prayers of yours, and I am thankful for them! :)

    Dear Maryann ~ How lovely it is to be part of the Family of God! Your prayers are precious to HIM and to us! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. :)

    Dear Jenn ~ Thank you so much my sweet friend. How wonderful it is to know that this is all a part of the LORD's plans for our precious son. How thankful I am to know that you are praying. :)

    Dear Susan ~ Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I will be praying for you and your heart tonight too. :)

    Dear Lisa ~ Thank you so much my friend! What a blessing it is to know that you are! :)

    Dear Nadine ~ I appreciate it so much...thank you! Hugs to you. :)

    Dear Connie ~ Thank you my friend...thank you! :)

    Dear Misty ~ Oh, yes! It is a wonderful thing to rest in that amazing truth! Thank you for pointing me to HIM! :)

    Dear Trisha ~ I'm so thankful for you and for your prayers my sweet you too! :)

    With love,

  15. Dear Jackie ~ You a left a comment as I was typing out, you were missed in the previous comment...sorry about that! How I appreciate you and your friendship...thank you so much for praying for us! The LORD is Good. HE does all things well. Hugs to you!


  16. Dear Camille,
    We are praying for Austin. Yes, may God's will be done. He is faithful!
    Praise the Lord that we can trust in Him.
    Hugs to you. my friend.
    In God's Grace,

  17. Dear Sandy ~ How lovely it is to hear from you my friend! Thank you for praying for us...what a blessing!! We must get together soon...we would love to meet your new little bundle of joy! :)

    With Love,

  18. God bless the faith that you have and multiply it a thousands times over. We continue to give our children back to God and pray for complete healing. We pray for His Will, not ours. We continue to trust with things aren't going our way.

    God IS faithful and true. He is creating a testimony in your lives that will glorify Him utterly.

  19. Praying for Austin and your family.

  20. Dear Stacie ~ Yes, my friend...the LORD is Good. He does all things well. May HE help us both to continually look to Him. Praying for you today. :)

    Dear Patty ~ Thank you so much my friend. May the LORD be glorified! :)

    Many Blessings,

  21. Oh Camille! We are praying for Austin!! Thank you for letting us know what we can pray all the more earnestly are on my heart and in my prayers so much. Love you MUCH!!

  22. Continuing to lift Austin up in prayer... Thank you so much for the privilige of coming alongside your family in lifting up these needs to our heavenly Father.

  23. Dear Camille,
    I am praying for Austin and all of the family. God bless you as you serve Him. God is good always and to Him be the glory.He is in control and and how wonderful to know we have Him to lean on.Praying that Austin will respond to his treatment and that the Lord's will be done.

  24. Ive been praying for Austin my heart is with your family during this trial...

  25. Dear Tami ~ Thank you so much my sweet friend! The LORD truly is Good. We are thankful that HE never leaves nor forsakes us. I am praying for you too. :)

    Dear Heather in AZ ~ How precious it is to know that you are lifting us up in prayer...thank you so much! May the LORD continually meet you in your own family's needs as well. I am praying for you all tonight. :)

    Dear Linda ~ Oh how lovely it is to hear from you my friend! What a blessing to my heart to know that you are praying for us...thank you!! The LORD bless you and your family as well! :)

    Dear Justine ~ What a blessing to hear from you! How is that precious bundle of yours doing?? I trust you are enjoying motherhood and finding joy in the journey. Thank you for stopping by and for encouraging my heart today! :)

    Many Blessings to you each one!
    With Love,

  26. Beautiful post. I have said a prayer for your son. Never stop believing. God is able. We are still believing for our 12 year old son to be healed of autism and all its affects on this family. God loves you!

  27. Welcome Rae ~ Thank you for taking the time to encourage my heart today. Yes, our Great God is able. And, HE does all things well. We rest in HIM! :)

    Blessings to you!

  28. I read this and I feel the tears threatening to spill. You are precious and I thank God that you point me to Jesus. We are praying for Austin and for y'all.

  29. Dear Jennifer ~ You are precious and I thank the LORD for your sweet friendship! How blessed we are to have prayers prayed on our behalf...thank you!! May the LORD bless you and your family moment by moment! :)

    With love,


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