
November 14, 2012

Living Life

We are all here.  This day we have life and breath.
This day we have the strength and grace we need.
We are living life.

Blessings upon blessings!

None of us knows what a day will bring forth.
None of us knows what will happen next.
We make our plans.  But, God orders our steps.

It's easy to assume that the details of life
will go on as they do now.

But, we do not know if we will be given our next breath.
We are not in control of our destiny.
We do not have ultimate control of anything, actually.

So, we live life.  And, enjoy the moments.
They truly are gifts.
Gifts directly from the Hand of God.

This post is a mix of all the run-of-the-mill 
blessings of the every day.
They are random and run together one after
the next ~ just like the moments of our lives.

I captured Emma one morning reading in bed ~
It's her new favourite.  :)

"Please Mummy, may I make waffles for lunch?"  Of course!

Doin' school in the living room...

...and in the school room...

...and in the office/school...
all while furniture is being constructed ~ Yippee for Ikea!

The Learner got his *N*!

Me...with paintbrush in hand, 
and painting clothes on ~ getting more things done!

Yippee for tape that worksnearly perfectly!

Emma's books at the front door ~ just in from music lessons.

Fraser and Emma reading History together ~ Emma was taking notes.  :)

A family games night ~ complete with Twizzlers.  

My fire builder...

...and one of his fires.  :)

My leaf raker...

...and the leaves before they were all gone.

What a blessing it is to know that our times
are in the LORD's Hands.  His ways are perfect.

We have nothing to fear.  
Everything to hope.
Every reason to rejoice!
May HE give you His peace and presence
each step of the journey!

With Love, Camille


  1. Love reading your post. I have been praying for your family. God cares about us.

  2. You have been teaching me how important it is to savor all the moments we have with our families. Celebrating the gifts of the everyday that God gives us is another lesson I'm being taught. Thank you.

  3. Dear Chelle ~ Thank you so much for praying!! God truly is Good. Always. :)

    Dear Lisa ~ What a sweet and encouraging comment...thank you! To God be the Glory! :)

    In HIS Love,

  4. How many times we fail to see the beauty and blessings in the daily. How thankful I am He chose to give me life and life abundantly in Him!

  5. Beautiful photo's Camille! You have a blessed family who can count their blessings because you role model so well. May you be blessed today and abundantly! Praying!

  6. Your words are always a blessings. It is so good to see all of the smiling faces in this post. We are till praying for Austin.

    God bless you my friend.

  7. Dear Camille,
    Totally agreeing with ya! Every single breath that we have is from the Lord and that's my prayer each morning, thanking God for breath, and for life. Thanks for posting all the pictures! Love them!!
    Have a great day my friend.
    In God's Grace,

  8. yes, control is an illusion. I just posted on this. We have to trust God for our very next breath. You know all about that.

    Love you, Friend.

  9. Dear Patty ~ Oh how wonderful the thought...we have been chosen!! :)

    Dear Pippa ~ You are always a sweet encouragement. :) Thank you for your kind words! May the LORD be glorified always. He alone is worthy!

    Dear Donna ~ Thank you so much for praying my sweet friend! What a blessing to my heart! :)

    Dear Sandy ~ Oh how great our Wonderful LORD is! Thank you for rejoicing with me my friend. :)

    Dear Stacie ~ What a comfort it is to be able to trust HIM for every breath and every thing!! :)

    In HIS Love,

  10. As I look at these pictures, I'm again reminded at how fortunate we are to homeschool. You can see the closeness in your children, the tight-knit family you are in these pics. It is living and breathing for you. We are so blessed!

  11. Love all the pictures and so did "L"! And all the beautiful blessings! Nothing to fear and everything to hope! EXACTLY! I love to hear theses testimonies to your strong faith!

  12. Dear Jackie ~ Thank you for your kind words and sweet encouragement my friend! :) Yes, we are truly blessed and thankful that the LORD called us to this. May we glorify HIM through our lives always. HE alone is worthy!

    Dear Jenn ~ Oh where would we be without our Precious Saviour?? One day at a time...moment by moment...with HIM!! Thank you for stopping by and for encouraging my heart my friend. :)

    With Love,


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