
November 17, 2012

It's Time ~ An Update

It's time.

Austin is booked for the placement of an ICD Pacemaker.
The date we've been given is December 4th.
We know that God is Good.  Always.
His ways are perfect.  Always.  We rest in HIS plan.

Perhaps this pacemaker will help Austin's heart to heal.
The LORD often uses means to accomplish His purposes.
Perhaps this pacemaker will be the best thing that has happened
to Austin's entire system in a long time.  Perhaps.

Whatever the outcome is, the ICD Pacemaker is not our Saviour.
No.  The LORD is!  We rest in HIM!

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee:
because he trusteth in Thee.  Trust ye in the LORD for ever:
for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength."  Isaiah 26:3-4 

Thank you so much for lifting our family, and especially Austin,
up to our Great God in prayer!  He hears and answers.
He truly does all things well.

Many Blessings, Camille


  1. we will be praying for your son and family

  2. Continuing to keep Austin and your family in my thoughts & prayers!


  3. I'm praying the insertion will go well and that Austin's body will respond favorably. I'm so glad this procedure is available to him. May God keep you all in His perfect peace as you go walk through this valley.

    Hugs to you all, Jackie

  4. Continuing to pray... for your son and family and that the Lord would give you much peace

  5. Dear Camille,
    Our family will continue praying for your son.
    I have something to send to your family. If you still have my email address would you please send me your address?
    God Bless you and your family.


  6. Camille, the strength of your faith shines through in your words here. We were praying for Austin just the other day and talking about how he was doing. We will continue. We will pray for the procedure and that God will use this to help Austin's heart.

    His plan, His will, His glory will shine through this situation... just as it already is and then so much more!

    Love to you all!

  7. Continuing to pray for Austin and that the pacemaker will help him and make him better. It's unsettling to you as parents but thankful you see that God has a hand in all this. One day at a time. And remember His mercies are new every morning.
    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog post. Have a good weekend and thanks for keeping us updated.

  8. I read the title to this post and burst into tears. My sweet, sweet, precious friends. I have no words. Only a heavy heart and tears...and immense gratitude that we belong to a good God who loves dear Austin more than we can imagine. I wish I could be with you right now. I would hold your hand and fall on my face before our Father and pray for His will. I ache for you and I am so encouraged by the Spirits work-YOU are fleshing out the Gospel. I love you all very much. We will be on our knees on your behalf. We love y'all. To God be the glory.

  9. Camille,
    Thank you so much for sharing these updates. I know your heart must be heavy while at the same time it's rejoicing in the truth that the Lord is sovereign and does all things well. We have been praying for all of you and will continue to do so. May you find much comfort in His Word, be a comfort to your precious son, and find your heart overflowing more and more with love for Christ. I hug you in my heart, dear one, and send much love and fervent prayers across these miles. xo

  10. Dear Camille, Austin and family, you are in my prayers. May God be very near to all of you. May His healing flow through Austin through this procedure. May God give you his comfort, grace and strength. In Jesus name Amen.

  11. "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, And the things of this world will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace"

    Thinking of you tonight. Bless you dear Mama as you walk this path with your son.


  12. I know it's not your choosing for Austin but God is allow it and in it, He is glorified. I will be thinking of you and asking the Lord for His Peace that surpasses ALL understanding as you near the date for surgery. May you see God's hand at work and may it be a wonderful witness of God's Amazingness! {{hugs}}

  13. May the peace that passes all understanding fill you and yours as you live out this next chapter.
    Praying for you, dear friend...

  14. Dear sweet Camille,
    I am praying for Austin and all the family. Praying for comfort and peace.
    God is good always and this has not taken Him by surprise-He is ever faithful. To Him be the glory.I will be praying and praying and you are in my thoughts.
    God bless you always.
    Love and hugs.

  15. Camille,
    I will be praying for Austin and all of you. I will not forget that date…a very good friend of mine has a 17 year old daughter going in for surgery that same day and I am keeping their children. I will be lifting both Austin and her up then. The Lord is our Great Physician. He is good. Remember, when we can't see His hand, we must trust His heart, no matter how hard that is. I say that from experience in my own life. I am so thankful for your faith in Christ during this trying time. God is and will continue to use that as a testimony for Him.

    Love, Jackie

  16. Your friends in Oklahoma will be praying for Austin and your family.

    Blessings to you today and always.

  17. Dear Camille,
    We are praying for Austin and your family. The Lord is our greatest healer. Praise God that we can trust in Him! Hugs to you, my friend.
    In God's Grace,

  18. My sweet friend, we are in prayer all the more for your precious son! So glad you shared the date so those who love y'all can lift Austin and his wonderful family up to the Lord on that day. Your trust in God brings such glory to His name and I thank you for your giving praise to Him in the assembly, even as you wait for Him. You encourage me. Always. Much love from New Mexico - you've got a couple of gals with their families who care for y'all deeply and will go to God with you on the 4th, before then, and after. Love to you, Camille!!!

  19. Precious Ladies ~ I am unable to respond to each of you here individually at this time, but, please know that each comment has been read and taken to heart! You are all a great blessing to me...thank you for your encouragement, your prayers, and your love shown in this tangible way! God is Good. HE is to be praised!

    With Love,

  20. Camille, May the peace of God rest upon your family. How hard it is in such times, yet how strong we are made in Him! You always amaze and inspire me :) Praying hard for your family at this time, and sending much love your way!


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