
November 21, 2012

Moving Forward ~ An Update

We cannot look back too much.
Hindsight is often 20/20.
But sometimes, it isn't.  

For me, it's not been too productive

to think about past events
and the what-if's and maybe's of
the would've, could've, should've things
surrounding Austin's illness.

We're moving forward.

Living this day.

Trying not to take on the worries of tomorrow.
And, in light of that,
my posts will resume *normal* topics
while we wait for Austin's surgery date.

He is scheduled for December 4th.

If you think of us in this regard,
we would be so grateful of your prayers.
There are things that could go wrong.
But, there are also many things that could go right.

Austin is in a very weakened state physically.

We need wisdom to discern when, and if,
we should take him to hospital ahead of his surgery date.
Please pray that he would not deteriorate any further,
and that he even might regain some of his strength.

As for the procedure itself ~

The leads are tricky to insert.

Please pray that all would go smoothly and 
that the leads would be attached in the most effective locations.
Please also pray that the defibrillator placed
would not malfunction and shock Austin at the wrong time!
And, please pray that Austin would be in
the category (two thirds) of people
who are helped by implantation of this heart device.

God's ways are best.

I must continually remind myself

that nothing happens by chance.
And that, indeed, the LORD does all things well!
All things work together for good for His people.
I really do believe this.

At the very core of my being.

God is Good.  All the time.
May HE be glorified in and through us.

With Love,


  1. Oh Camille, I am blessed by your faith and the love of Christ that shines in your family.

    Praying for Austin to be strengthened by HIS strength and filled with HIS healing daily! Yes Lord your ways are best and I pray the very best for this young man and his dear family.

    hugs Camille~ Cinnamon

  2. Continuing to intercede for Austin and for discernement for you and your husband, Camille.

  3. Prayers for you and your family Camille. I know you feel the peace and comfort that only God can give :) There is no greater love!
    Love and prayers,

  4. Praying my precious friend and sister in the LORD! My heart aches for you was you walk through this fire, as Austin faces such a hard providence. Thank you so very, very much for these specific ways to pray. What a blessing they are to all of us who are crying out to God and begging for His mercies. Oh, friend, I pray you would know more and more of His strength in the days ahead and that every one of you would find yourselves fixing your eyes on Christ at every moment. May the LORD strengthen dear Austin in body and spirit.

    Much love...

  5. Camille, thank you for the update. We will be praying specifically for Austin to regain his strength and for the implantation to be a huge God glorifying success.
    Also I am praying for you and Howie. God is your sure foundation and I know you are standing upon Him. I will pray that He will surround you with the comfort and peace only He can bring.

    Love you!

  6. We are and will continue to pray for Austin, and the whole family! Thank-you for updating us, so that we know how to pray for you more specifically. What a blessing to know that you and Austin are resting in HIM alone. (Isaiah 40:28,29;Nahum 1:7; Lamentations 3:22-26; 1 Peter 5:7) May God bring you much peace and comfort as you wait on Him, and trust in His perfect timing!
    Sending MUCH love and prayers your way!

  7. Continued prayers for Austin and his strength and health at this point. It's so easy to worry about what can go wrong...lean on the Lord, dear sister in Jesus! I weep for you as a mother, seeing a child go through this. I'm sure it's hard but be strong and soon it will be the day and praying things will go well. So thankful for God's love and his strength for you right now. Hugs!

  8. Dear Cinnamon ~ Thank you my friend, thank you!

    Dear Heather ~ What a blessing you are to me!

    Dear Misty ~ I appreciate your kind words and your prayers. Thank you!

    Dear Trisha ~ Yes, may we keep our eyes fixed! Thank you my sweet friend!

    Dear Jenn ~ What sweet words of encouragement my friend. Thank you so much for praying for us!

    Dear Anonymous ~ I am sorry I do not know your name! How precious the verses are that you have shared...thank you so much!! May the LORD bless you as well.

    Dear Becky ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement to my heart! What a blessing to know the LORD is in all of this!!

    With Love,


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