
May 1, 2013

12.2 ~ An Update

We are so thankful for each of you who have been checking in with us
and praying for Austin ~ you bless our hearts!
It's been a few weeks since my last update, so it's time.
Thank you for your patience with us and for loving us through this season.

Things have slowly been going in the right direction.
Austin has gained weight ounce by ounce over the weeks.
He is coming back to us slowly.
And we live.  One day at a time.
How precious and precarious life is.

Through it all, we are conscious of the fact that

our God is Great and does all things well.

In the last nearly six weeks, Austin has gained

12.2 pounds ~ isn't that wonderful?
Please join with us in rejoicing over this answer to prayer.
Praise our Great God for His mercies ~ they are new every morning.
We are praying for a further gain of 15 to 20 pounds.
Although we ask for this, we seek to submit continually 
to our Loving Heavenly Father's will and timing in all of these things.

On another note ~ Austin's iron levels are too low.
The next step in this journey is to try yet another supplement
to avoid going the transfusion route.
Please pray along with us that this iron will be accepted
by Austin's body, and that it will improve his overall well-being.

We stay the course and plod along.
Grateful for every improvement and every advance ~
no matter how small or incremental.
Over time, they all add up to great strides forward.
We are thankful for each new day.  For each new grace given.
Thankful, too, that we do not walk this path alone.

It's been a journey.

It has not come to an end and it is not near its end.
How precious life is.  How blessed we are.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
It is amazing to belong to the Family of our Great God.
We will praise Him together forever ~ isn't that an incredible thought?

With love and grateful thanks,


  1. So good to hear from you! We thank God with your for Austin's weight gain and we continue to
    Pray with you for his physical needs. Y'all are a blessing to watch. Our wonderful Father is shining forth. To Him be all glory! Please give our love to everyone!

  2. Yay! Praising the Lord with you for every little improvement! We will continue to keep Austin and your family in our prayers :)

  3. Rejoicing with you over these bits and bobs of answered prayers!

  4. Just popped on to check in ...SO glad to hear Austin is keepin ' on putting it on !!! Xo ~C&co.

  5. Jennifer ~ Thank you for holding us up in prayer my sweet friend. Y'all bless our hearts! :)

    Lisa ~ It's a precious thing to belong to the Family of our Great God. Thank you so much for praying for us my friend! :)

    Cindy ~ How great our Wonderful God is! Thank you for rejoicing with us. You bless my heart. :)

    Christy ~ How lovely it is to *see* you here my friend. Thank you for checking up on us...the LORD is Good. Always. XO

    With Love,

  6. This is wonderful news Camille. I agree we praise God for every mercy and blessing no matter how insignificant it may be. As we are aware of his blessings we become more aware of his grace to us. And you are right little bits add up Rejoicing with you and will continue to pray
    Blessings to you

  7. So thankful and I wil praying for your young man!

  8. Dear Camille,
    So good to hear this update.
    We rejoice with you about Austin's weight gain. And we will pray for his iron level.
    See you all soon! Hugs!!
    In Christ's Love,

  9. Soo good to hear how much better Austin is doing Camille! I will be praying for his iron levels. God is so faithful and good. I was hoping to ask you and Calvin if I could share some of your homeschooling spaces (jpegs) in an educational setting, that I will be sharing in our 21 century wiki for our manifesto. It will be a contribution of spaces from many areas. You have some amazing spaces and photographs. Blessings Pippa

  10. So glad to hear of the weight gain. I am praying right now that God will up his iron level. You are doing so well with this, Sweet Sister!

  11. Maryann ~ Thank you so much for rejoicing with us and for continuing to pray my bless my heart! :)

    Taylor ~ Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind friendship. :)

    Sandy ~ Isn't it crazy how quickly the time passes? We are looking forward to seeing you all as well. Thank you for praying for us my friend. Enjoy the sun! :)

    Pippa ~ Thank you for your prayers...what a blessing it is to know that God's people are lifting us up to His Throne of Grace. I appreciate you. I will privately email you regarding your question. :)

    Stacie ~ Only by the Grace of God...moment by moment. Each day brings its own set of challenges and cares, but, our Great God promises never to leave or forsake blessed we are! I know you know what I am talking about here. How dependent we are on HIM! Thank you for your sweet friendship and for your prayers for our family. :)

    With love,

  12. Camille ~ it is so good to hear that Austin is improving. Praying that his body will accept the iron and further is well-being. Lifting you all up in prayer as He alone knows each of your needs. Many blessings.

  13. Patty ~ Thank you so much my sweet friend. Yes, indeed...He knows! What a blessing it is to belong to Him. May He bless you and yours this day.

    With love,

  14. Praising God for good things for Austin. Will continue to pray. Am back from my trip to Nicaragua and glad to be home. Had a good trip there. Good memories. Blessed time as well. Many stories. Hugs and blessings.

  15. Becky ~ Thank you for rejoicing with us. How much you must have to share! I will hop over to visit will be lovely to hear about your adventures. :)

    Blessings to you!


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