
May 5, 2013

Overwhelmed and Sinking?

Trials and troubles in this life can weigh us down.
Our focus can become blurred when we find ourselves 
overwhelmed with sorrows and difficult circumstances.

This ought not to be.

If we belong to the LORD, we have no reason for despair.
We have every reason to hope and to rejoice.  In Him.
But, how is it possible?  How can this rejoicing be ours?

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;
who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross,
despising the shame, and is set down 
at the right hand of the throne of God.
For consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners
against Himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds."
~ Hebrews 12:2-3 ~

Remember the time when Peter walked on the water to the Lord?
He was able to do it, as long as his eyes were fixed on his Saviour.
However, when he became distracted by the waves 
and his surroundings, he sank.

There are times when we find ourselves sinking, too.
How does it happen?

Most often, it's when we fail to look to our Saviour in all things.
We must battle to get our eyes off of self and circumstances,
and fill our minds with Truth ~ His Truth.
Fill our minds with our Lord Jesus Christ ~ Him alone.

We must remember where we are headed and remind ourselves
that this world, along with its sufferings, is only temporary.  
When things seem to be falling apart all around us, where do we turn?
How do we find peace in the midst of our trials?  
How is it possible to find peace at all?

Only by His strength and grace ~ 
Only in and through Him is any of it possible.
The God who calls provides.
The means are His provision.

What are those means?  Where do we begin?

We first must be sure that the Lord Jesus Christ is our Saviour.
When we are truly His, we are able to
fortify ourselves with the Word of God and Prayer ~ 
It's so simple, yet, so vitally important!

Simply reading Scripture and praying through it changes our outlook.
Our Precious Saviour meets us there and renews our vision.
Our perspective shifts from the temporal to the eternal.
Our minds fill with His greatness and all-sufficiency.

We become less.  He becomes more.

Listening to good sermons and attending services with other believers
is another means of grace that is a blessing in our Christian walk.
It's easy to neglect these most basic of practices,
but, if we do, we most surely will suffer in our souls.

It's the way we were made.  We need Him.

May God, by His grace, continually give eyes to see
and ears to hear.  May we follow Him and keep our eyes fixed.
Especially when the waves are high and the wind is fierce.
May we know without a doubt ~ He is in the storm.
May He cause us to worship Him in the midst of it all.

Much love,

**These thoughts are a result of the sermon our pastor preached this morning ~
Thank you Pastor B for faithfully expounding God's Word to us.
We are thankful to the Lord for you!  

**Photo courtesy of Emma ~ Thank you my little love!  XO


  1. A beautiful and inspiring post.

  2. Fixin our eyes on Jesus! as the children songs says...I will never forget my 3 year old grandson...who is now 15...singing that song with so much vim and vigor...he spit as he enunciated 'Fixin'...It was a heart warming moment...and an arrow in my quiver.

    Blessings to you Camille
    Patrina <")>><

  3. Linda ~ May the LORD be glorified...He alone is worthy. May He bless you today. :)

    Patrina ~ What a precious memory and story you shared...yes, indeed...arrows in our quiver! How Great our God is! :)

    Many Blessings,

  4. Beautiful words about the love, provision and strength of our Lord. Tell Emma I love the picture of the forget me nots! She did a wonderful job! Her composition is beautiful!

  5. Jenn ~ Thank you my sweet friend...I will tell Emma. :) And, yes...the LORD is Wonderful, isn't He?

    Love to you!

  6. Love, love, love this one.

    Thank you, sweet friend!

  7. Becky ~ How we need HIM! Love to you, my sweet friend. :)


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