
May 7, 2013

The View From Here

I know that one day I will forget.
My memories will fade.
And, partly, that is why I blog.
I blog for many other reasons, but this journal
of life in the here and now is a very important part of it.

I remember when the kids were small,

I thought it would go on and on and on in the same way forever.
And, then things changed.  They changed.  Routines changed.
It snuck up on us slowly, rarely did it happen suddenly.
And then, things were different.

This is my way of preserving the here and now forever.
These days are sweet and full and will not return to us as they are.
Things will change.  We will change.  And life marches on.
So, today...I'm sharing the view from here ~
Because I know it won't be like this for long.

Emma's cousin let her borrow her doll (the blonde one)

complete with clothes and bed ~ SO sweet!
Thank you may never know what joy you've brought.

 Emma tenderly cares for these two as though they were 
a living and breathing part of her little family.

 See the attention to detail?

  It's been gorgeous lately ~
Howie pressure washed and set up the deck furniture last weekend.
The children have taken full advantage of it and migrated  
outside with their studies ~ some more benefits of homeschool.  :)

We cannot tell you how wonderful it is to see 
this young man resume his studies...

...and take up the violin once again!  :)

Howie's parents have been down-sizing.

Pieces of their home have been integrated into ours ~
it's bittersweet.

 This photo was the inspiration for the post title ~
it's the view from our back sundeck...looking to the left.

 This little miss is growing up so quickly ~
remember the last time I posted a photo like this?

Cherish the days and moments and joys of life ~

they really are gifts to be thankful for.
May the LORD continually give us eyes to see
and hearts full of rejoicing in Him.
May He help us truly to enjoy the treasures of now.

Many Blessings to you!



  1. I love your view. Thank you, dear Camille, for sharing. My Emma would love spending time with your Emma. I love you. We continue to pray for you and your family, and especially for dear Austin. {hugs}

  2. "Precious memories
    How they linger
    How they ever flood my soul
    Then, the stillness of the midnight
    Precious sacred scenes unfold"

    Treasured memories are never lost! They linger with a sweet sustain us, encourage us, and bathe us with the JOY of FAMILY.

    The JOY of the Lord is our strength.

    All Children...our children...are the JOY of the LORD!

    Hold them dearly within your heart. The good Lord has given each one to you...for His specific purpose...and to bring Glory to His name.

    I celebrate FAMILY with you tonight.

    May His blessings of FAVOR continue to rest upon mine. May we forever rejoice in His enduring love. Amen

    patrina <")>><

  3. The Lord has used you to encourage this selfish be reminded that these seemingly looooong days will not go on forever...and to embrace them and drink deeply. Thank you. Thank you sweet friend!

  4. I know the feeling. Both my children are grown, one married with children. I remember our homeschool days, childhood. Then they got older and then they went their ways. Granted Megan is still living at home but it's still different. Good memories. Thanks for sharing and glad Austin is doing better. Hugs, my friend.

  5. Trisha ~ I think it's just so much fun that you and I both have an Emma...and, I agree...I think they would have such a lovely time together. Perhaps one day? Thank you so much for we need HIM!! Love you. :)

    Patrina ~ What a sweet and encouraging comment...thank you! And where you said this ~ "The good Lord has given each one to you...for His specific purpose...and to bring Glory to His name." I couldn't agree more...His ways are full of purpose. He truly does all things well. Blessings to you! :)

    Jennifer ~ Oh, how difficult it can be in the midst of the busy-ness of mothering lots of little people...but, it is for such a short time...enjoy every minute of it! How we need the Lord...every.single.moment. of Hang in there and keep your eyes fixed on Him. Love to you! :)

    Becky ~ Thank you for sharing your own experience with this reality here my friend. Yes, life really is a quickly it flies by! May the Lord bless you and your family in this new season. He is always Good. Hugs to you! :)

    With Love,

  6. I love your view. I love having school outside. The fresh air makes mine think better. You are very blessed.

  7. Lovely photos, Camille. I'm so glad that your sweet boy is studying and playing again. Praise God!

    Yay for sunshine!
    xo from over the miles :)

  8. I love to see these little snippets of your life! They are truly beautiful! Lily loves her little dolls the same way as Emma. It's adorable the care and attention these sweet girls treat them with! Glad to see Austin is doing better this week :) We will keep praying, dear friend!

  9. So precious, these memories. Miss L loved seeing Emma and her babies!

  10. Chelle ~ I agree with you, I think that the fresh air is good for us all. It's lovely to hear from you...thank you for stopping by. May the LORD bless you and your family this day. :)

    Heather ~ Thank you for rejoicing with me my friend! Yes, indeed...praise the LORD for His mercies! How precious it is to know that He walks this path with us and that we only need to take one day at a time. Tomorrow's worries ought not to cloud today's joys. Love to you! :)

    Lisa ~ Thank you so much for praying for is so wonderful that you are! It's easy to become fearful of the future, but, we are told that there is enough to concern ourselves with in this day...and that we are not to worry about tomorrow. Prayer keeps us from becoming overwhelmed. The LORD is so Good, isn't HE? Love to you! :)

    Jenn ~ Emma enjoys seeing photos of your little miss as well. :) Isn't God just so good to us to give us daily mercies and precious memories? May HE bless you and yours this day my sweet friend.

    With love,

  11. Beautiful and encouraging! If only we could live closer!


  12. oh yes..treasure and cherish!! so much we take for granted without realizing how much we have!! I have a 3 week old grandson...I am finally in awe of the miracle of life and appreciating life!!

  13. Becky ~ Now that would be lovely! Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet friendship. :)

    Annmarie Pipa ~ Welcome here! Thank you for visiting with me here at *my place*'s lovely to *meet* you. May the LORD bless you and your family. What a precious thing it is to have a new baby in the family to love! :)

    Many Blessings,

  14. rejoicing that he is back to many of his activities. Oh that picture of the violin makes my fingers itch and want to learn how to play! :)

  15. Heather ~ Thank you for rejoicing with us my friend. The violin? You should do it! One of Austin's students is a Grandma. :)


  16. It has been awhile since I've had a chance to blog, I'm being good, LOL ;) I'm praying for Austin's iron issues to be "ironed out" (no pun intended)soon. I just adore the pictures in this post. I'm amazed at all the detail in Emma's doll house. We've been homeschooling outside when it isn't storming. It has been lovely! Hope you have a refreshing break. See you when you get back. BTW, yesterday was our last day of the Prairie Primer. I hope to do a wrap up post about it soon. In the meantime, here is a cyber hug ( ) from me. Love, Jackie

  17. Jackie ~ What fun you and your children have had with that Prairie Primer...I know it's been a lot of work, but sooo worth it, I am sure! Thanks for the cyber hug...I'm sending you one, too! Thank you for your prayers. :)



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