
May 11, 2013

A Little Quiet

Just taking a little break ~ A little quiet.
From this space ~ For a time.
Perhaps a week or more?

May the LORD bless you each one 
in the coming days ~
He truly is Wonderful and worthy of all our praise.
I will plan to reconnect after a little while ~
I appreciate your patience and understanding.
Thank you for your kind friendship ~
Each one of you is a sweet blessing to me.  :)

With Love,

**Image in this post courtesy of Calvin ~
Thank you my love!  XO


  1. Sweet peace and rest and refreshment from the Lord for you. I know you have had a struggle lately. Prayers as well.

  2. Calvin - SERIOUSLY!!! I bet you could sell this image! You are a VERY talented young man!!!

    Enjoy your quiet break. Love you!

  3. Praying the Lord fills you with much peace and blessing, Camille XX

  4. Have a blessed reprieve. We all need respite. a come ye rest awhile kind of vacation. I will miss you~but totally understand, for I just may do it also very soon ;)

  5. Enjoy your quiet. I have enjoyed catching up again. Loved the post where everyone was out back doing their school. Isn't that the best?! I love it when the girls take their reading books outside and lay on a blanket to "do school" :-)

    Ahh the wonderful life we lead :-)

    Praying for His peace to reign in all you do.

    hugs~ Cinnamon

  6. Praying that you will enjoy this time off, my friend! Hope you have many fun and relaxing moments with your family :)

    Lots of love,

  7. Absolutely understand! Soak in the quiet and enjoy it!

  8. Hey Camille.. Its your long lost Glass of sweet Tea friend
    Im back in the blogging world and wanted to invite you over to visit me at my new site.. I have a womens ministry on fb..and this is the blog attached to it.. Iwould love to stay in touch.. Imiss my blogging friends.. Hope this message finds you and your family well..Cant wait to chat again.. Talk to ya soon I hope..

  9. Becky ~ Thank you my friend...thank you. :)

    Jennifer ~ Thank you for your kind words of encouragement to Calvin. Love you, too! :)

    Julia ~ Thank you so much! :)

    Marci ~ Yes, we all need it from time to time, don't we? Praying for you as you mourn the loss of your friend. Hugs. :)

    Cinnamon ~ Blessings to you and yours my sweet friend. Thank you for your kind words. :)

    Lisa ~ Thank you so much for your friendship. Hugs to you! :)

    Jenn ~ I know you understand my have often encouraged me in this path. Love you! :)

    Karen ~ Welcome back to blogging! I have hopped over to visit your new's lovely. :)

    Many Blessings,


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