
May 20, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Life's been full of random things lately.
It's been busy and good.  Never a dull moment.
These are bits and pieces of our lives from recent days.

Howie had the rare opportunity to work on his R/C plane
and take it flying ~ he only broke one piece of it this time!  :)

Calvin is one brave boy when it comes to electronics ~
here he is attempting to replace a computer part.
In case you are wondering, it hasn't come together yet.  
Perhaps it will ~ time will tell.  
He has had success in the past, I'm sure it will happen again.  :)

Emma has quite the collection of Geronimo Stilton books ~
they are silly and colourful adventure stories.

I've been baking a few new things lately ~
this was one of those *new things*...YUM!  :)

Even though the weather on May 13th was cold,
Fraser and Emma braved the waters of the outdoor pool.
It was the opening day of the swim season ~
Emma's philosophy is that if it's open, we must not miss out.

Don't they look like they are having a good time? was too cold for me!

Mother's Day produced some of these ~ aren't they beautiful?

The *old* Austin continues to emerge ~ It's a wonderful thing!  :)

Fraser got his first *for pay* lawn cutting job
at a neighbour's house ~ it's to last for the season...what a blessing!

Calvin graciously went to help out ~ another blessing.

Howie tackled a plumbing job for me ~ 

now, that's love...don't you think?

Only one part was required for the job, and below is the bill ~
what a provision!  SO thankful we didn't have to hire a plumber.

Emma's taken to playing outside on a picnic blanket with
the neighbour girl ~ they play Monopoly, Uno, Life and Taboo.

What about you?  Are you treasuring up some memories?

It would be lovely if you would share them with us here.
Enjoy these days ~ each one is a gift from HIS Loving Hand.

Many Blessings,



  1. Enjoyed this post. Good to be reading about your family again. Memories, right now my granddaughter is going to be 5 and we will be celebrating this weekend. I remember her as a little tiny girl...she's had such a cute laugh and so silly at times. I enjoy her so much and her little brother. Memories of when my children, who are now adults, were young and the fun things they did. So happy to see Emma outside and enjoying time with a friend and playing games, non-computer type. So glad those are still around. We have some as well. Hugs and thanks for stopping by my blog.

  2. Hello Camille,
    I am happy to see your family doing well and enjoying the fresh air. You are raising hard working gentlemen and a lady. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family. Austin looks so much stronger in his picture. Praise God.
    Our family has been enjoying the outdoors also. We were blessed this spring with a new baby girl. The pregnancy was difficult but the reward a miracle. Lord willing our son in love will be home in a few weeks to hold his precious daughter.
    God Bless my friend.

  3. So sweet to see these memories via photos! Your receipt for the plumbing intrigues me with the "rounding amount." And woop woop for the hubs making that repair! What a blessing. :)

  4. These are memories you will cherish in years ahead, the simple everyday things, and it's a good reminder to me to look for all that HE has done and is doing in my own life
    Blessings to you
    So glad to hear Austin continues to improve

  5. My husband wants an RC plane so bad. Is that a Spitfire? Looks like one! Looks like you guys are having a wonderful spring :) Love all your blessings!

  6. Enjoyed your pictures~memories to hold in your heart. Thanks for sharing them with us in blogland.I can see and remember the "fresh air after the winter snow" feeling through your pictures.

  7. thanks for sharing your lovely family with us. What treasured memories. It looks like things are going well :)


  8. Becky ~ How precious each stage of life is! I can imagine things must seem to go even more quickly with grandchildren. Happy birthday to your precious granddaughter. :)

    Virginia ~ How blessed you all are to welcome a new little family member into your hearts! I have prayed for them and for the safe return of your son-in-love. Hugs to you. :)

    Jennifer ~ I know you appreciate all that can be done without hiring help...what a blessing your hubby is handy as well. :) As for the rounding...we no longer have pennies, so we round to the nearest nickel. This particular store always rounds down for cash transactions...not exactly good business, but that's their practice. As you can see...I came away three cents richer on that purchase. :)

    Maryann ~ Yes, I'm learning that the *ordinary* and *routine* are precious things to be remembered and to be thankful for. How quickly life can change...we often think it won't, and then it does! How wonderful it is to know that our Great God cares for us and walks this path with us. HE is Good. :)

    Jackie ~ Tell your Michael that he should start out small...they are tricky to Sweetie had to learn that the hard way. As a matter of fact, at this very moment, he is out buying a little *beginner* plane to practice with. He's had to make too many repairs to the one in the photos here (yes, it's a Spitfire). I think the first time he flew it he brought it home in three pieces. :)

    Marci ~ Ah, yes...fresh air after winter our case it was winter rain...but, it must feel the same! :)

    Stacie ~ We are seeking to be as *normal* as we can be with a sick young man in the family. It's tricky at times, but, truly it does make us realise what really matters. Our motto is *one day at a time*...and sometimes, just *moment by moment*. Thank you for your kind words and sweet friendship. Hugs to you. :)

    With love,

  9. Absolutely loved seeing bits and pieces of your days!

  10. Jenn ~ I enjoy it when you share similar things my friend. Hugs to you! :)

    Love, Camille

  11. Hi, Camille,
    I love your random bits of life! I'm so glad Austin is doing better and just seeing your day-to-day activities refreshes my soul.

    We are creating memories here as well. Our daughter turned 18 and graduated with our homeschool group 3 days later. To celebrate, we took a family trip to the Gulf of Mexico. I think God has put in me a water-shaped vacuum. I need the ocean, lake, river, gulf to be reminded of His awesome power, His vastness, and His eternal lovingkindness. Our kids collected star fish and sea shells, we all cavorted in the waves, and bathed the dog THREE times because he always managed to find something smelly to roll in.

    We are home now and my husband was notified of his expected furlough days. He will be working 4 days a week starting in July. When I see your husband working on plumbing, I expect mine will be doing the same. In fact, my honey-do list is growing longer in anticipation of his unpaid leave days! Oh yes, while he's home, he WILL work! :)

    And my son also has his learning permit. The kids drive dad's "redneck mobile" (a 1990 jeep cherokee that does better at off-roading than in gas conservation!)

    That's our life in a nutshell. I really feel I know you from your blog, and that I'm not just a commenter. (Now, I AM a rambler! Ha!)

    Many blessings to your family.

  12. Lois ~ My friend...I enjoy your comments...they help me to get to know you a little better, too. :) Yippee for days at home to get jobs done. Yippee for a homeschool graduate and time away as a family. And, yippee for older vehicles to teach our children to drive on. :)

    Many Blessings to you!


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