
May 29, 2013

Homemade English Muffins

Ever tried making your own English Muffins?
This was fun ~ I got the recipe from Mennonite Girls Can Cook.

They were not difficult to make and they tasted yummy.
Head on over to get the recipe and give them a try ~
I think you'll be pleased you did.  :)

The yeast I used was traditional,
and yes, there is only one rising time.
I baked them in my skillet at 325 degrees F ~
it took about 15 minutes per side to get them nicely browned.

I also made the leftover dough into a loaf of bread.
My family were very pleased that I did.  
There is nothing quite like bread warm from the oven ~
nothing quite like it at all!  :) 

Doesn't it all look yummy?
Go ahead...make some.  :)

Many Blessings,


  1. Yummm those look pretty good... I may just have to try making some here!

  2. They look simply delicious...unfortunately, I have had to take wheat out of my diet....but my children and dh will love these I'm sure. Thanks for sharing.

    I love the recipes over at MGCC...I have used so many of one more to had to my recipe file.

  3. Justine ~ They were fun to try for a change...and they were good. I hope you enjoy them. :)

    Connie ~ I'm thinking about going wheat free for awhile's not a bad thing, but, it does take some serious adjusting. Hang in there. :)

    Many Blessings,

  4. Camille ~ thank you for stopping over. Graduations and the wedding are behind us. Maybe now I can get back to baking some bread! This recipe looks so good. Thanks for sharing.

  5. They look so delicious! I need to get back to asking more homemade bread. :). Thank you also fr all your helpful information, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Have a lovely weekend.


  6. oh my. Totally making these next week. I haven't had English muffins in forever.

  7. I've been making English Muffins for years. I don't think people realize how easy they are and SO GOOD! Yours looked scrumptious!

  8. Patty ~ What a blessing that those busy, busy days are behind you. I am sure you made lovely memories through all the hustle and bustle of it all. :)

    Jill ~ I am so pleased that it was helpful my friend. I hope you all enjoy these. :)

    Heather ~ I hope your family enjoys them my friend. :)

    Jenn ~ Why am I not surprised you've been making these for years? Your family is very blessed to have you cooking and baking for they know how fortunate they are? :)

    With Love,

  9. Yummy! I have made english muffin bread before but not the muffins! I am out blog hopping...hope you can stop by and say hi! :)


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