
May 31, 2013

One More Time

The children have done this once before.
The opportunity to do it again presented itself,
and I agreed to take them one more time.
Really, I don't fancy the idea of it becoming a habit.
I'm not at all in favour of them doing it for real.

Inside.  With harnesses.  And ropes.  And thick pads below.
That I can handle.  A few times ~ I think.  :)

They were unable to join us yesterday.
That's why only Fraser and Emma are featured in this post.
It was just me and them.  My two youngest.
Dear me.  How quickly they grow up.  

Emma was able to touch that blue rock at the tippy-top of the wall below.  :)

Fraser's in the striped shirt.

He made it to the top and rang the bell.  :)

There were places where they could free climb ~

 Fraser made it to the top of the wall in the photo below.

I happily kept my feet firmly planted on the floor,
while cheering my children on and snapping photos.  
It was the safest thing to do, wouldn't you agree?  :)

Happy Weekend!


  1. I think I'm with you, Camille, safely on the ground. My daughter is the climber, more than my son, and she has scooted up these walls. Ayyiyi...I get extremely nervous looking up at her, so I just look away!

    My husband took my son on a guys retreat a few years ago. There was a wall that they both climbed, but didn't get very far. Then they watched a few army guys race to the top in 18 seconds. Ummm, I'm SO glad they are the ones defending our country!

  2. They do indeed grow up so quickly! What's a mother to do but rest in Jesus. Blessings.

  3. What fun!! Love the pictures, Camille. Our children would have loved to have joined them.

  4. My oldest grand daughter and her dad did this a couple of years ago...I happily watched from the ground. Climbing was never for me :) This looks like they had fun

  5. Sweet Friends ~ I am thankful for each one of you and trust you will understand that at this time I must resort to a generic reply. Thank you for your kind friendship and for understanding.

    With Love,


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