
August 21, 2013

Austin's Resurrection Bed

It is such a comforting thing for my Mama heart to consider this ~
Austin's body was sown in corruption, but, it will rise in glory.
Just as the Lord Jesus Christ's body was raised up
in perfection from the tomb, so will Austin's.
From this very spot ~ his resurrection bed.

"But now is Christ risen from the dead,
and become the firstfruits of them that slept."
~ I Corinthians 15:20 ~

"So also is the resurrection of the dead.
It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption:
It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory:
it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:
It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body.
There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body."
~ I Corinthians 15:42-44 ~

**Our last name was photo-shopped out of this image**

The grave marker was fashioned from a slab of polished black granite.

We are so pleased with the workmanship of the carving ~ 
the family who did the work are true craftsmen.
We are also thankful for the message it conveys.  
John 6:37 was Austin's favourite verse ~ please click here to read it.

Austin's trust was solely and alone in the finished work of his Saviour.
Our son's body rests in the ground until that glorious day
when all God's people, in the twinkling of an eye,
will be caught up with the Lord Jesus Christ in the air.

"In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,

at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound,
and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, 
and we shall be changed."
~ I Corinthians 15:52 ~

What a day that will be!
Rejoicing in the thought of it.
Praising our Great God for the Truth of it.
Life here is temporary.  Life there is permanent.

Many Blessings,


  1. What a precious post, Camille. Thank you for sharing with us this beautiful picture of the place where Austin's body is laid to rest for a bit. You are a blessing!

  2. Dear, sweet Camille, I have not kept up on you. How heavy my heart is this morning as I lift you & your family up to the Father, the one who stores every tear in a bottle. I cry with you today.


  3. What a beautiful headstone. It is perfect! Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement in my grief as you yourself are grieving. It is such a relief when we know our loved ones are indeed with Jesus and in a blink of an eye we will all be together again. I LOVE this song:

    "When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be, When we all see Jesus, we'll sing and shout the victory!"

    I want to sing and shout now in praise and anticipation of that day. I continue to pray for your family. Hugs!

  4. This is such a precious yet heart-breaking post, Camille! You show such strength during these difficult times and again I am in awe! May the Lord continue to strengthen and comfort you.


  5. I love it! It is perfect :-) What comforting words too.



  6. In your grief you continue to encourage and remind us that there is so much better ahead for us. That this life is a just a moment in time. There will be a day when there will be no more sickness, no more pain, no more tears, no more death, strife, or confusion, what a wonderful day that will be. Continuing to pray for you sweet friend

  7. Camille, tears, tears, tears... this is so beautiful and absolutely so full of God's perfect promises. I love you, sweet friend!

  8. Dianna ~ You are a blessing to me! :)

    Patrizia ~ Thank you for your kind words and for praying! Ah, the bottle filled with tears...mine is very, very large! But, God is Good, and in the midst of pain...HE is with us. How blessed we are. :)

    Jackie ~ Thank you for praying, sweet friend. I am thankful for you! :)

    Stephanie ~ All the strength comes from HIM...I am nothing without Him. Moment by moment...step by step...HE is Faithful! Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. :)

    Cinnamon ~ Thank you my friend...thank you! :)

    Maryann ~ Oh, that our faith would increase and that we would really see with eyes of faith that what is to come is so much better than we can imagine. How precious our Great God is! Thank you for praying. :)

    Jenn ~ Yes, HIS promises are perfect. How Wonderful HE is!! Love you, too. :)

    With Love,

  9. Camille, oh how thankful I am to have my thoughts turned heavenward. Funny thing is that you and your precious Austin turned my heart to heaven about 30 minutes ago as I was having special time with my oldest son.

    We were reading in Romans where it says to rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with those who weep. I was explaining what the verse meant and telling him how I had wept with you... Telling my firstborn son this made me tear up again. He paused and then looked up at me and asked if I thought Austin was in heaven. A smile spread across my face as I told him that I KNEW he was. And we proceeded to talk about heaven and the gospel. Xander was so happy that you all would see him again and that we'd get a chance to meet him too.

    Thankful for this life here, but ever so much more thankful for the permanent life there - a life more beautiful than we can imagine because we get to physically be with Jesus!

  10. What a beautiful headstone Camille. I like the idea of his grave being his resurrection bed. What a beautiful image. May God continue to strengthen and comfort you and your family.

  11. Dearest Camille,
    Your words of hard-learned wisdom, peace, truth, pain, and encouragement here on this blog are true soul food. Visiting leaves me aching with you, longing for more of the Lord, encouraged for the mercy I recieve for all the ways I've blown it, and better focused on true life in Christ and the bigger picture of eternity and life in Heaven. We've been through some challenging times this spring and summer, yet perspective is a great help for focus, and there are simply no utterable words that can adequately convey what my heart feels when my mind turns toward you and your precious family. I think of you often, miss you much, and pray for you as God calls you to mind.
    Thank you for the absolute light you have been even in your grief. Your witness to God's goodness is soul-lifting and you do indeed help me to long for the Lord all the more. I love you for that.
    With Love from Texas,

  12. Heather ~ Thank you my friend! How sweet to think of your and oldest son talking of these things together. I *love* that you said this..."Thankful for this life here, but ever so much more thankful for the permanent life there - a life more beautiful than we can imagine because we get to physically be with Jesus!" Amen!

    Angela ~ Thank you so much my friend. The *resurrection bed* was an idea Howie came across in his recent is a lovely picture, isn't it?

    Tami ~ So sorry to read of recent difficulties my sweet friend. Praying for you and your family this day. How precious it is that the LORD promises to walk these paths with us...HE is Faithful. Love you, too!

    With Love,

  13. Camille,
    The headstone is beautiful! I love the black granite (Amber's is too).
    What an inspiration you and your family are to so many people.
    God is so good!

  14. It is a beautiful headstone. Thank you for your words, my friend! Love you!

  15. Donna ~ Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. You bless my heart. :)

    Stacie ~ Thank you my sweet friend. Hugs to you! :)

    With love,


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