
August 29, 2013

Comforting Words

Our precious Auntie Mary gave me a lovely little book
on one of her recent visits to Canada.
I put it into my purse thinking I would read 
snippets of it here and there.
It's full of short quotes from letters which 
Samuel Rutherford wrote nearly 400 years ago.

Recently, I took it out of my purse so I could take it along
on a day trip to visit my friend on the Island.
The trip required over three hours on the ferry ~ lots of time for reading.
I found it to be full of rich nuggets
that ministered to my grieving Mama heart.

Such encouragement, comfort and truth
can be discovered within its pages.  It's precious.
I am sharing a few lines from this little book here today.
May these words be used to encourage your heart as they have mine.

"They are not lost to you that are laid up in Christ's treasury in Heaven.

At the resurrection ye shall meet with them: 
there they are, sent before, but not sent away.
Your Lord loveth you, who is homely to take and give,
borrow and lend."

~ Calvin, Austin and Fraser Circa 2002 ~

"She is not sent away, but only sent before,

like unto a star, which going out of your sight, doth not die and vanish,
but shineth in another hemisphere:
ye see her not, yet she doth shine in another country."

"The child hath but changed a bed in the garden,

and is planted up higher, nearer the sun,
where he shall thrive better than in this out-field moor-ground."

Comforting words?  Absolutely.

Many Blessings,


**All quotes in this post are taken from Samuel Rutherford's
"The Loveliness of Christ" ~ a rare gem of a book!


  1. Absolutely is right! Precious words.....

  2. Yes .. very comforting. I've had a difficult last few days .. tomorrow Amber would have been 34. I have to stay especially busy on these days for sure.

  3. So happy for good Aunts and good books :-) Very happy you found such sweet comfort.

    Such a cute picture of the boys. That must flood your mind with blessed memories.

    {hugs} ~Cinnamon

  4. interesting quotes indeed. Comes on a day when I'm a bit sad. A co-worker's wife died yesterday. I knew her a bit and such a sweet lady. Thanks for the comforting words. Hugs, my dear friend!

  5. May this truth continue to bring you comfort! How timely God is.

  6. Much love and hugs to you Camille! Thinking of you always and these are truly wonderful quotes.


  7. Very sweet words ~ I'm so glad they comforted your heart. Hugs & Prayers sent your way, EMichelle

  8. Cindy ~ Yes, precious words indeed. Our Great God truly is Wonderful. We must rest in Him and look to Him each step of the's the only way.

    Donna ~ How my heart hears yours my new friend...may the LORD continue to give His grace moment by moment. I have prayed for you.

    Cinnamon ~ Yes, my sweet mind floods with memories over and over again...and, we thank the LORD for all the precious times He HIS grace.

    Becky ~ Sorry to hear of the recent passing of one you knew...partings are never easy. May the Lord give His grace and peace and strength moment by moment.

    Patty ~ Yes, God's timing truly is perfect my friend. Thank you for this reminder.

    Jill ~ Thank you for sweetly encouraging my Mama heart here my friend. I appreciate you.

    EMichelle ~ Thank you for the prayers and hugs. May the LORD bless you and your family in these days as you walk your own path of uncertainty. Blessings to you!

    With love,

  9. So thankful for your Aunt who gave you such a comforting book. Beautiful, sweet, soul soothing words!

  10. Dear Camille,

    It is Lisa's friend Tracy in Arizona. I just wanted you to know that I have been praying for you and look forward to maybe meeting you in December! Each time I visit your blog I am struck by the photo of Austin - he is so handsome and looks like he was filled with such joy.

    Another homeschool mom here in Arizona lost her young adult son in a tragic motorcycle accident around the time Austin died. She too is walking through the suffocating pain of loss. I wrote her and gave her a link to your blog. I thought it might encourage her. I hope you don't mind. She is writing too here:

    Maybe she can encourage you too. I hate that you share this burden but as sisters in Christ you share a great hope. Thank you for your courage and transparency.

    Love in Christ,

  11. This book has long been on my wish-list. I'm so happy to hear its words have brought your precious heart comfort. I love you, Camille.

  12. What comfort is found in God's word! What comfort to know that Austin is not cast out. What comfort to know that you will be reunited one day with him.

  13. What a precious book. Thinking and praying for you often.


  14. The King there in His beauty, Without a veil, is seen:
    It were a well-spent journey, Though seven deaths lay between.
    The Lamb, with His fair army, Doth on Mount Zion stand,
    And glory—glory dwelleth In Immanuel's land.

    In Samuuel Rutherford's words (as versified).

  15. Jenn ~ Oh, yes...a precious Auntie and a precious book...what a great combination! :)

    Tracy ~ How sweet of you to remember us in bless my heart! I visited your friend's blog...thank you for sharing the link and for sharing mine with her. It was a blessing to read her thoughts. The Lord is Good and Faithful...I am thankful that we have Him in common. :)

    Trisha ~ It's a gem...I hope you are blessed with a copy soon. Love you, too, precious friend! :)

    Heather ~ Truly, deep comfort comes from our Loving Heavenly Father...He is so gracious and kind. Thank you for your sweet words here my friend. :)

    Connie ~ Thank you so much for praying for bless my heart my friend! :)

    David ~ I *love* that hymn and didn't realise until now that it had been written by Samuel Rutherford...thank you! :)

    Many Blessings,


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