
September 12, 2013

It's Time

Dear friends ~ it's time.
Time for some time away from this space.
Sometimes it's necessary.

Lord-willing, I will return to blogging after a few weeks.
Please understand that this means I will
not be publishing comments until I'm back in the saddle.
However, I do *love* to hear from you ~ 
it would be lovely if you would let me know you were here.
Your comments will appear upon my return.  :)
I will also have to forgo the pleasure of visiting with you 
at your place for the next little while.

It is my plan to catch up with y'all in October.
Those are my plans, the Lord's may be different.
What a blessing it is to rest in Him.

Thank you for extending grace to me over
and over and over again.
Each one of you is a precious gift.
I am thankful to the Lord for your kind friendship ~
It truly is a blessing to my heart.

"The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face shine upon thee,
and be gracious unto thee:
The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee,
and give thee peace."
~ Numbers 6:24-26 ~

 With Love,


  1. I will miss you. Enjoy this time. May the Lord bless too.



  2. I'll miss you, Camille, but I do understand. (((hugs)))

  3. Will *see* you when you get back...will continue to pray for you

  4. I'm all in favour of blog breaks! Taking a step back from the blogging world has been good for me. I no longer feel obligated to come up with new and interesting posts or comment at every post that I enjoy! All the lovely people I have met over the past few years and formed a connection with haven't forgotten me. I pop by friends blogs now and again to let them know I'm still reading and keeping up with their news but haven't followed any new blogs. Your picture reminds me that the countdown is on to a certain trip my daughter is taking! Enjoy your blogging break Camille and maybe we will talk for real very soon!

  5. Hope you get lots of rest on your "time off" we will miss you and be here when you are ready to come back!

  6. Enjoy your break, Camille. You are in my prayers often. Take this time to press into God and soak in Scripture to see what He has to say to you. I am sure it will be amazing!

    This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says:

    “In repentance and rest is your salvation,
    in quietness and trust is your strength." Isaiah 30:15a

  7. Enjoy your break, sweet friend. You will be greatly missed and we look forward to when you return :)


  8. As you take this break I pray that the Lord will be with you also. May you find your heart, soul and mind be everything you need in Christ. May God be with your family also.

  9. Be bless and refreshed, Camille! I shall miss you {{hugs}} X0

  10. You and your family are often in my thoughts and prayers.

  11. Camille, hope your break is peaceful and restful. It is a wonderful scripture passage ~ May the Lord do the same for you also!

  12. Take your time...I'll still be here when you return! Many blessings to you and your family.


  13. Camille, it's so understandable that you need some time away. Rest in Him and we'll connect upon your return. Love and prayers, Heather

  14. Just dropping a note to say that you come to mind often and are being lifted up in prayer. Enjoy your time away.

  15. I do think and pray for your family. Here in blogville you have been such an encouragement. Do not feel guilty for taking the time needed to step away from your space. I do that without telling anyone~i just least you are gracious enough to let us know! Blessings to you friend.

  16. Rest in Him, my dear friend! Take this time to know deep within your soul that your God is with you and comforting you as only He can.

    Love you so much!

  17. looking forward to being encouraged by your blogs when you return to the blogging world, my friend!

  18. Each one of you has blessed my heart by your kind words here. Thank you all for grace and friendship and for your sweet encouragement. May the Lord give daily His grace to each and every one of you!

    Many Blessings,


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