
September 10, 2013

Comforting the Grieving

**Please know that this post is not a plea for further kindness to be
shown to us ~ We have been abundantly loved through this journey!
We are not lacking in anything.  Nothing at all.

A friend of a friend shared another grieving Mom's
blog with me ~ as you might imagine, I visited.
Many of the things she has written have blessed my heart.
I only visited briefly, however, and do not personally know this lady.
As with anything I share, please read with discernment.

Having said that, I'd like to share the links 
to two of her posts here today.  Perhaps they will bless your heart as well.
is a practical list of how those grieving may be feeling.
Each individual grieves differently, but,
I do believe that we all desire to be loved through the process.
This list may help define the ways in which 
we might come along side a grieving friend or loved one.

~ Austin at about age seven ~

The Wrong Thing to Say is the second post that spoke to my heart.
In it, an idea was shared that puts legs to
the ways in which we may comfort those dealing with great loss.
I found it to be a thought-provoking measure
by which I can temper my words when seeking to be an encouragement
to others who are going through a distressingly difficult time.

Loss takes many shapes and forms.
We will each deal with some sort of loss at 
one point or another in our lives.  Perhaps multiple times.
I found these two articles to be very helpful
in formulating my own ideas on how to be a blessing to others.

Again, please let me state that this post is in no way meant
to draw attention to any deficit we are experiencing in our own grief journey.

We have not been neglected.  Quite the contrary, actually.
We continue to be blessed by loving people who are
seeking to uphold us through this deep valley.
We have been blessed beyond measure with the love and kindness
of those the Lord has put into our lives.

Thank you to each of you who is walking this path with us ~

We praise the Lord for you.

Many Blessings,


  1. Hello Camille,
    You have been in my heart my friend over the past weeks. I am sorry I did not get by to drop off the meal which is still sitting in my deep freeze! How bad is that! I hope to drop it off next week:) Life has got way too busy! That is never an excuse because I did work throughout summer.. but throw in an engagement (emily is engaged) and training week, and then new families and library work and I am thankful that I am still working strong and feeling healthy! So so lovely to hear from Calvin this morning and his excitement for photography!! What a huge blessing our kids are, and their passions for creation:) I hope to drop by next week. Blessings and hugs Pippa

  2. Dear Pippa ~ How sweet you are! I had forgotten about that meal...thank you for making it for us! Next week would be lovely. :) And, yes...God's creation is something to get excited about...what a blessing. Congratulations on Emily's engagement!! Wow...exciting days are ahead for you all.

    Blessings to you!

  3. Camille, I read both articles and wow, did they speak to me. The Ring Theory will stick in my head. Thank you so much for sharing! I continue to pray for you guys through the grieving process. Your family is an amazing example to us all. Big hugs! Hope you have a good blogging break and I'll see you in Oct :) Hugs!

  4. I love the second article, the one about the circles and dumping in and out. I have always sensed that pattern (and tried to heed my intuition, though not always successfully, sorry to say), but seeing it drawn out was very helpful. Thank you for sharing. xoxo!

  5. Dear Jackie ~ Thank you my sweet friend! I appreciate you. :)

    Dear Jennifer Jo ~ I'm so glad it was a blessing to you. Yes, we often sense these things, but, visuals are good to remember them by. Thank you for your kind words. :)

    With love,

  6. Camille, Thank you for sharing the links. The visual circle was a great example.

    Good advice and so true. I know when my brother died many of those things were true for me, especially the part about not having enough energy for the chit-chat.

    Sending you a {{hug}}!



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