
February 14, 2014

Almost Ready!

The invitations have been sent.
The table has been set and the food is being prepared.
We are waiting for our guests to arrive ~ Almost Ready!

Last time we did this ~ Emma was eight.
Soon, she will be twelve ~ how time flies. 
How precious and wonderful these days are!

Have a lovely weekend!
Many Blessings,


  1. Oh, I want to be there! Memory Lane was my china pattern :) I sold it all for Haiti but I loved it! Just looking at these pics made me smile.

  2. Happy Birthday to Emma, hug her for me! Time does fly and children just seem to get older. It's fun to have grown up children too. So thankful for my two dear ones. Happy Valentines Day, Camille! ♥ God bless!

  3. I found your blog through the THM chocolate muffins; what a precious blog you have. I have appreciated reading it. Your Valentines party looks wonderful. we had one today too… I don't think I have the strength to post about it tonight, I'm a little tired, perhaps tomorrow. You are inspiring.

  4. Dear Heather ~ You are welcome any time! We have only the one tea cup and saucer in the Memory Lane's Emma's very own. I love it! :)

    Dear Becky ~ Thank you for the birthday wishes for our Emma...she will be twelve on March 8th, Lord-willing. Happy belated birthday to you! :)

    Welcome Pam ~ It's lovely to *meet* you. Thank you for taking the time to leave a sweet and encouraging comment. May the Lord bless you!

    With love,

  5. Camille, the table is lovely...and I am sure that everyone had a lovely time.

  6. Happy Birthday Emma! The twins will want to write and send a card so that will be their assignment tomorrow! Love the cups. Hope she enjoys her special celebration. We are enjoying the last weeks of summer - must email and update you on all the happenings in our household. How lovely to see my friend Pam from Colarado commenting here! She shares my love of fine china and has grown up twin daughters. She is another blogger friend I would not hesitate to send my family to... you do know my girl is planning another trip to Canada when her friend gets married but will be going to New Zealand to meet up with another girl she met in Canada first.
    Isn't blogging amazing, how you can bump into people you have connected with.

  7. Oh Camille, that look so fun!! Lily sure wishes we lived closer, so she could be there :) Happy Birthday to Emma on the 8th!

  8. Happy Birthday to Emma....your table looks amazing.


  9. Such sweetness. Birthday wishes to Emma ~ though a bit late. Have a wonderful coming week!

  10. oh it all looks so pretty! What is in the gift bags, Camille? My Sarah (nearly 18) has always loved having tea parties. It's her birthday (next week!)and I have a teapot/milk jug/sugar bowl gift set for her, plus a teacup/saucer for her Hope Chest.

    Hugs and blessings XX

  11. Dear Camille,
    What fun!! The last time I had a Tea Party like this was probably 10+ years ago! (Wow!) Love the cups and decorations! Hugs to Emma!
    In His Blessings,

  12. So. Much. Fun!!!!! I can't wait to hear all about it! xoxo, y'all! ;)

  13. Dear Dianna ~ Thank you my friend. It was so much fun! All those young ladies around the table sipping tea...just so lovely! :)

    Dear Ann ~ Thank you! Emma will be thrilled to hear from the girls. It's too bad you live so far would have been lovely to have them with us. And, yes...I know about the future trip to Canada that your young lady is planning...we will look forward to having her stay with us again if it works out. :)

    Dear Lisa ~ Oh...we would have so enjoyed having Lily with us! Perhaps one day? :)

    Dear Connie ~ Thank you my friend! Hugs to you. :)

    Dear Patty ~ Thank you for your sweetness! You are not late at all. We had to have Emma's party early to accommodate one of the guest's travel plans. :)

    Dear Trisha ~ Thank you! Wouldn't it be lovely to get our young ladies together for a tea party? :)

    Dear Julia ~ How lovely that your girl has always enjoyed tea parties...they are special times for sure! The gift bags contained gum, nail polish and lip smackers The girls were happy. :)

    Dear Sandy ~ Oh, we should have a tea party! :)

    Dear Jennifer ~ How fun it would have been if your little miss could have joined in. Maybe one day? :)

    Many Blessings,

  14. Happy Birthday to Emma! I looked at the original post and how much fun I know you had with this party as well :) Love it!

  15. Dear Donna ~ Thank you my friend! :)

    With love,


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