
February 17, 2014

Gooey Bars ~ As Promised

This post is for Miss T ~ As promised.
However, y'all will be glad she asked.  I'm sure of it.
This is a not-to-be-missed-but-at-the-same-time-scary dessert.
Scary in a good kind of way ~ is that even possible?  Yes.

Just limit how much and when, 
and you'll probably be okay.  Maybe.

When I came across the instructions for these bars,
I knew I had to give 'em a try.  And, I was right.  Where have they been all my life?
A little tweaking was necessary since there were virtually no measurements given.  
Crushing the graham wafers by hand wasn't a favourite, so I opted to use them whole.

All in all, I've made them three times now.  

But, who's counting?  Not me.

Not for the faint of heart or the not sweet of tooth.  These are, however, 

perfect for anyone who does not fit into either of the categories listed above.
That would be you?  Me too.  :)

Gooey Bars ~ (Or, whatever you wish to name them).

Originally posted here ~ tweaked and adjusted slightly by moi.

Line a 9 x 13 pan with parchment (not wax) paper (or, grease your pan).

Line exactly to fit with a single layer of graham wafers.
Drizzle 1/4 cup butter evenly over the wafer layer (do not omit).
Sprinkle 1 and 1/2 cups chocolate chips (semi-sweet or milk) over the wafers.
Sprinkle 1 cup (or more...I like to add up to another half cup) 
broken pecan pieces over the chocolate chips.
Evenly spread 2 cups shredded sweetened coconut on top of the pecans.
Drizzle one can (300 ml size) of sweetened condensed milk over all.

These will hold together nicely once they are baked

because of the condensed milk ~ just in case you were wondering.

Now...bake at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 to 30 minutes until golden.

Cool and cut.  May be frozen if you can make them last that long.
I dare you to try.  Don't eat while hot...they will burn your mouth.  Ouch.
(I'm still paying for the too-early sample I took from the first batch.)

Have fun and be sure to share the love!  :)

Many Blessings,


  1. MMMmm my mom make these...calls them magic bars.


  2. Yum! Thanks so much for sharing! My mom used to make these too, and she always used to add in butterscotch chips with the chocolate chips.

  3. I have made these too...when my kids were still at home. they loved them more then the rice crispie treats... very sweet if I remember. But I'm going to have to make them again I see :0 thanks for the memory

  4. Dear Mrs. J,

    Thank you so much for posting the recipe for those delicious bars. I can testify first hand to their deliciousness!! I'm hoping to make these soon - I know they'll become a favourite in our house! Thanks again for sharing these with us, and posting the recipe.

    "Miss T"

  5. Camille, I made these last night for a family gathering. Unfortunately, I mistakenly used wax paper instead of parchment paper and the graham crackers stuck to the paper! I improvised by scraping all the topping off the crackers and put it in the center of a plate and then surrounded it with graham crackers. We just scooped a little onto a cracker. It was still very good and so easy. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Dear Leanna ~ Yes, definitely *magic*...good name! :)

    Dear Anonymous ~ Mmmm...butterscotch chips would be a lovely addition to the mix. :)

    Dear Patrina ~ Yes, sweet...very, very sweet! :)

    Dear Miss T ~ I am trying to make you all smile over at your house. Are the boys happy with me yet? :)

    Dear Patty ~ Oh no! So sorry they stuck to the paper! I've adjusted the recipe to warn people about the hazards of waxed paper. Thank you for the update. So happy that you were able to salvage them. :)

    Many Blessings,

  7. I am so hungry with the pudding and now this recipe ... yum!

  8. Dear Connie ~ They are. There is absolutely no way, however, to make them THM compliant. It's sad, but true. :)

    Dear Donna ~ Ah, yes...sorry about that. :)

    Many Blessings,

  9. Oh. Dear. I used to live on these in college! There was a fantastic bagel shop just down the road...they sold these and called them "energy bars." My roommate was a nutrition major and worked there. Part of her job was making the "energy bars." you might imagine, it wasn't hard to memorize the recipe. :) I agree. They are absolutely addicting!

  10. Dear Jennifer ~ Too bars? I guess they would qualify as they have so.much.sugar!! Yes, I could see that they would make a good staple in College...LOL! Hugs to you! Camille


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