
February 1, 2014

Eight Months

Eight months.  Eight!

It's been eight months since the day we were forever altered.
Almost seems impossible ~ and yet, it is true.  
Austin is not coming back.  Ever.
The reality of this sinks in just a little more as time passes.
Just a little more as each day comes and goes.

And, if I let it, that sinking feeling can make me sink.

But, then.  Then!  By God's great grace, I remember.

I remember His promises.  I remember that one day He will take us there as well.
I remember that He does all things well.  That His ways are perfect.
I must fill my mind with Truth.  Focus my heart on eternal things ~ continually.
Austin's gains are great.  Our loss is great as well ~ too great for words.
However, his gains are greater ~ much greater.  

Greater than we can even comprehend!

The next time we see him, we will have passed through the veil.

We will be on the other side.  We will be in eternity.  Forever.
Heaven is our Home ~ it's where we are headed.
It's where our focus ought to be.

Eight months ago today, 

our Precious Austin was called Home to Heaven.
June 1st was Austin's best day.  It's true.
The day the Christian passes into eternity is always their best day.
The best day, ever.  Take a moment to consider ~ let it sink in. 

Isn't that an incredible thought?

We must continually remind ourselves of these truths.
Those who die in the Lord die well.
No matter what means the Lord uses to call His child Home,
the end result is the same ~ Eternity in Heaven with the Saviour.

It cannot possibly get any better than that.

Not a day has gone by without tears.  Without sorrow.
But, we do not grieve as those without hope.
Our hope is found in the Lord Jesus Christ and His promises to His people.
We are so thankful to be counted in that number. 

He is so Good.  He is so Faithful.  Always.

We, however, miss our Austin terribly.
Memories flood in.  Daily we speak of our son.
Daily we remember.  Austin is never far from our thoughts.
That will never change ~ not until the day we die.

Calvin, Fraser, and Emma are daily on our minds as well ~ of course.

They are in our home continuing to live the lives they have been called to.
Austin lives as well ~ just not here.  He lives there.

God gives grace and strength for whatever

He calls His people to.  We feel it.  He is near.  He is faithful.
He promises never to leave or forsake His own.
It's a precious blessing and comfort to belong to Him.

May the Lord help us all to live each day

to bring glory to His Name.
He alone is worthy of all our praise.  Forever.

Many Blessings,

**Images in this post of our precious four ~ Fall/Winter 2009


  1. Sitting here weeping again. Tears of sadness for you and tears of joy over that thin veil that you will pass through. Oh, Camille, "best day"? How amazing! Those words are truth and life!
    God bless you as He gives you stronger, joy-filled days (without forgetting).
    So much love to you.

  2. I still am reading your blog. I only have internet on my phone. We have moved and haven't gotten it yet. I halve thought of you and prayed for you. It is wonderful to know God is with us.

  3. Bless your beautiful heart! I'm praying that God will continue to get you and your family through the grieving process. I know He is with your family, sustaining you as you walk through this valley of pain. Your family is precious in His sight. Your focus is so pure, an inspiration to us all. Love you, my friend.

  4. Oh Camille, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I cry a bit for you and the thought of losing a dear one, never to hold him again. Hope in the Lord, amen. His mercies are new every morning, great is His faithfulness. Hugs!

  5. What a blessing you are, Camille. You encourage my heart even as you share in your sorrow. May the Lord fill your heart with love and laughter, joy and peace and comfort you in times of sorrow.

  6. {{{HUGS}}} Praying for you, precious friend.

  7. Filling our minds with truth helps in so many ways.

    And when you wrote, "Austin's gains are great. Our loss is great as well." I couldn't help but think of Paul's words, "To live is Christ, to die is gain."

    Continuing to pray for you and your family and so thankful for the fresh reminder of GAIN that we will all experience one day as Austin already has.


  8. I am all tears reading this. You are precious. And you keep pointing us to Jesus. Thank you. I cannot fathom how terribly you miss him. I can't imagine. Praying for you this morning. xoxo

  9. I'm so sorry. I'm praying comfort for you and your family's hearts today.
    Cooking Up Faith

  10. Hi Camille: I cannot even imagine your daily life. I am so sorry. I wanted to tell you something. I was talking with my niece about this family whose blog I read and about Austin. As we were talking she thought some things sounds familiar.

    We realized as I was talking that she knew you...well, a tiny bit.

    Do you remember a woman by the name of Grace who helped serve at the memorial service in CBC? She is Korean? Well, that is my niece. She is married to my husbands nephew. She remembers you very well...and spirit with which you shared Austin's life....and the caring heart and the way you spoke. She said she will never forget.


  11. Camille, Your way of pointing us to Christ in the midst of your sorrow is so uplifting. I am so glad that you can live by God's truth. May he continue to comfort you each day. May he also help you as parents to your other 3.

  12. Dear Heather in Canada ~ Thank you my friend...thank you! :)

    Dear Chelle ~ How lovely it is to hear from you...thank you for leaving me a note to let me know you have been visiting. :)

    Dear Jackie ~ How truly precious HE is! Thank you for your kind words and friendship. :)

    Dear Becky ~ Yes, truly...hope in the LORD and His faithfulness. He is eternally Good! :)

    Dear Patty ~ Thank you for being a sweet friend and for encouraging my heart. :)

    Dear Trisha ~ It means so much that you pray...thank you! Hugs to you. :)

    Dear Heather in AZ ~ That very verse was quoted to our Austin when he gave his testimony in chapel just over a year of the girls mentioned it as she heard him speak. Yes, is gain to die in the LORD! :)

    Dear Jennifer ~ Thank you so much for praying my sweet friend. :)

    Dear Cooking up faith ~ It's lovely to *meet* you...thank you for stopping by and for your prayers. The Lord truly is Good. Always. :)

    Dear Connie ~ What a small world!! Yes, I know who Grace is! She is very sweet...and, she blessed us greatly on the day of the memorial much! Thank you for making the connection for me. :)

    Dear Angela ~ Oh, how we need Him! Thank you for your encouraging words and for being a blessing to my heart. May the Lord bless you this day! :)

    With love,

  13. I was afraid my comment didn't show up the other night so I came back to check. I have prayed for you and your family. I still to this day count the months and every Friday night think about Amber's passing. The 24th of every month is difficult for me as well. Our children going before us to Heaven is something we never get over we just learn to cope with it. I know it has to be so difficult with your other children and how they miss him. God Bless you all and sending BIG HUGS!

  14. Dear Camille,

    As always it is such a blessing to see you and your family's hearts focused on the Lord. You are always in my prayers. My father surrendered his heart to the Lord two years before he passed. I remember that morning at the hospital thinking "He's not gone. He is on 'vacation' and I will be meeting up with him later". It is so different for us as believers, of course we miss our loved ones, but when the Lord calls them home it is their 'best day'. Praise God for the hope He grants us.

    I love you sweetie!!!


  15. Dear Donna ~ Aww...thanks for coming back to check on the comment you left! I obviously didn't get it. Thank you for your kind friendship and sweet words...I know you know! May the Lord help us always to keep our eyes fixed on Him and eternity!! Hugs to you. :)

    Dear Sharon ~ Truly, yes...God is Good! His ways are perfect. What a precious reality we have as His people....Heaven is our Home!! Hugs to you. :)

    With Love,

  16. Dear Camille,
    I have tears in my eyes as I read your post.You are so precious and so inspirational-God Bless you always.I am praying for you and your family that you will have peace and get through this very difficult time in your life.
    Much love sweet friend.

  17. Dear Linda ~ I so appreciate your kind friendship. May the Lord richly bless you always! Much Love, Camille


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