
February 4, 2014

To Really See

Very often, we want back what we had when it's gone.
But, we don't want what we have when it's here.
It's how it goes sometimes.  Crazy, isn't it?

Perhaps, if we slow down to really see
the blessings of now, we won't wish them away.
We'll drink them in and rejoice!

And,, by God's grace, I am rejoicing.  
Will you join me?  Will you take time to notice the little things
and the not-so-little-things that are the gifts of today?
You might be surprised to see.  To really see.

You may find that these sometimes-messy-moments 

might just be the best gifts after all.

~ More sunshine and blue skies...SO welcomed by us all

~ The sounds of home...water filling up the tub,

pages turning, furnace humming, 
and the click of computer keys as Fraser works next to me

~ The way the trees rustle in the breeze and 

that I can just look up and out to see them

~ Crossing things off my *to do* list...what a feeling!

~ The school we are connected with and how

they left Austin's report cards online for me to print whenever I was ready

~ The things the teachers wrote and how they made me cry

~ That they graduated Austin and gave him final marks for all his courses

even though he hadn't completed all the required assignments 
when the Lord called him Home to Heaven
(the night prior to his passing he was studying for a Geography exam)

~ That some memories can make me smile and even laugh

~ That the Lord is with us in this journey

~ And, that we do not walk this path alone

~ How gracious and merciful and wonderful our Great God is!

~ Waking up to a new day and seeing the dark turn to blue

with a few wispy-pink clouds floating past

~ Spurgeon to read while I ride

~ And, that each sermon is just the perfect length

to read in the time it takes to complete one session of cycling

SO thankful on this day (and always) that I belong to Him.

"I will sing unto the LORD, because He hath dealt bountifully with me."

~ Psalm 13:6 ~

Many Blessings,


  1. I needed to refocus this afternoon, thanks for helping me do that. Hugs and blessings to you!

  2. YES!! Thankful for the little things. Thankful for you and your family. Thankful for so much.


  3. Taking the time to stop and pray for you and your family right now. Rejoicing with you for all the blessings that are ours because of Christ Jesus!

  4. rejoicing with you. by the grace of God, I went to breakfast with the snow storm 10 degree weather. rejoicing that my car started..that I got out of my parking lot...and made it safely there. I could have stayed home where it was safe and warm...but He carried me there...and it was so worth it!

    And since I was out...I picked up some fresh avocados 2 for 1$ at Sprouts! I eat one a day when I get them that cheap :) but I would not have went out for them that was a double blessing!

    I am rejoicing that your Frazer is composing 13 year old granddaughter has been doing that for at least 3 years. It is so amazing that the music is in them...and it just comes forth in amazing ways! It blesses my heart to hear what God has put within her. She also sings and is in choral group even though her mama home schools her.

    Hugs and prayers to you and your family.

  5. {hugs}

    I have been catching up here. My heart is filled with overwhelming gratitude for all you have and all you've been through. What a blessing to be a Mama that knows she will see her beloved son again, one day.

    My heart aches and rejoices with you, Camille every time I read here.

    Thank you for sharing your heart and remembering all the sweet moments that you had together.


  6. Love you, sweet friend! Thanks to you, I just noticed the beautiful blue skies right outside my window. :)

  7. So much to be thankful for and at times it can be hard for us to see during the trials of life. Glad things are looking brighter and I wish you peace and comfort. I have a lot going on right now and soon as I receive more answers I hope to blog about it, for it weighs heavily upon my heart. Have a wonderful week!


  8. Love it, love it, love it! The post I put up today is so in line with yours! Love you!

  9. So loving how they graded and passed your precious son. What a lovely keepsake when you're ready to print. Thankful with you over all those "little" big things!

  10. Dear Maryann ~ May the Lord constantly be your focus...He is Faithful! Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Leanna ~ Thank YOU for your kind words and sweet friendship. Hugs. :)

    Dear Patty ~ Yes, truly...HE is SO good! Thank you for praying for us my friend...what a sweet blessing. :)

    Dear Patrina ~ Ah, the teenage composers...what a blessing indeed! How wonderful that you have one in your family as well. And...yippee for a good price on avocados...always a good thing! :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ You bless my heart my friend...thank you! Hugs to you. :)

    Dear Connie ~ Thank you, too. Hugs. :)

    Dear Jennifer ~ Ah, skies! SO glad you had some of that where you are as well. Love to you! :)

    Dear Jill ~ Dear have me okay? I am praying...hugs! :)

    Dear Jenny ~ Yes, sweet friend...interesting, isn't it? I so enjoyed that post of yours. Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Heather ~ They were so very, very kind to us in the days following Austin's home-going...we are so very thankful! Thank you for rejoicing with me my friend. Hugs to you! :)

    With love,

  11. Dear Camille,
    Thank you for this beautiful post. Thankful for the little things,thankful for the big things.
    Thank you for sharing your heart. I think of you so often and I am praying for you and your family. What a precious inspiration you are. I thank God for you always.
    Love and hugs

  12. Dear Linda ~ Thank you my sweet friend...thank you! The Lord truly is Good. Many Hugs, Camille


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