
February 6, 2014

Hobo Beans with Cornbread

Comfort Food.  Warm and Cosy.
Sounds lovely, don't you think?

We live in Canada.  Although it's not been a snowy winter in our area,

it has been chilly enough to crave some comfort food.
And, the recipes I am sharing here today fit the bill perfectly.

Good enough for company (it's what I plan to serve to friends on a future Friday night),
or for a warm-em-up-and-keep-em-home type of evening with the family.
Either way, I think you'll be satisfied with the effort put into it.
Oh, and the hobo beans simmer all afternoon in the slow cooker.

Ready when you are.  Sounds perfect, doesn't it?
Well, what are you waiting for?  You gonna give 'em a try?

Jennifer Jo and I share similar taste in culinary pursuits it would seem.

When she shares recipes, I sit up and take notice.
I often can be found, after reading her writings about food, 
gathering the necessary ingredients and cooking up a storm.

When she posted about Hobo Beans it was no different.  So, I made them.
Jennifer shares her recipes in the most creative of ways.
It's like reading a story...the story behind the food.  With humour.

And, the food is good.  Very good.

Hobo Beans ~ Altered and Adjusted from Jennifer's Blog.

(The alterations are not because her recipe is lacking ~ not at all.
Rather, the alterations were necessary due to the fact that 
Jennifer has secret ingredients along with stashes from the summer
and other countries that make improvisation a necessity.)

  1/2 lb Bacon ~ crisply fried and crumbled

2 lb Ground Beef
2 medium yellow cooking Onions ~ chopped
6 cloves Garlic ~ minced

1 lb dried Black Beans ~ fully cooked (soak at least 18 hrs prior to cooking)

(This translates into 2 cups dried beans, which become 6 cups cooked.
You can substitute any beans you like ~ red, white, etc.)

  2 tins Crushed Pineapple (12 oz size) ~ Do NOT omit

1 tin Diced Tomatoes (28 oz size)
1 cup Brown Sugar ~ lightly packed
1 tin Tomato Sauce (15 oz size)
1 Tbsp prepared Mustard
2 Tbsp Chili Powder
1 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
1 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
Sea Salt added after the cooking time ~ to taste

Fry the bacon and remove from pan.  Drain some of the grease ~ but not all of it.
In the same pan, scramble fry the beef, onions, and garlic until cooked through.
Combine all ingredients together in your slow cooker.
Mix together, cover, and turn the heat to high for an hour or two ~ until bubbling.

Reduce heat to low and let simmer for another 4 to 5 hours.

(If your crock pot is not big enough, or, you don't own such a thing,
a heavy-bottomed stock pot on the stove will work nicely.
Mix all ingredients together in your big pot, bring to a boil, reduce heat to simmer,
cover your pot, and simmer away for a few hours, stirring occasionally.)

These beans do not require any toppings.  They are so yummy by themselves.
However, a good cornbread on the side, and maybe even a salad,
would round out the meal nicely.  Six hungry people will gobble it all up.
But, with these extras to make it go further, you could probably feed eight.

I could not improve on the Cornbread ~  I didn't even try.
It was so yummy my children exclaimed that it was like cake.
I had to agree.  It was amazingly good stuff.  Try it and see for yourself.
Click here to get to Bevy's place where she shares the recipe.
You won't be sorry you did ~ I'm sure of it.

Happy Weekend, Y'all!  

Now, go...cook up your own storm.  ;-)

With Love, Camille


  1. This looks delicious, I even think I have all the ingredients on hand...weekend dinner! Thanks for posting

  2. Hello sweet Camille! This sounds very yummy! We are supposed to get more snow this weekend so this would be the perfect meal for a cold, wintry evening. Thanks for sharing and may you have a lovely evening! Hugs

  3. I'm so glad you liked them! And the cornbread looks incredibly yummy.

  4. awh!! You totally surprised me there at the end. I'm glad a good cornbread could round out a meal - like this!!

    This recipe for the beans sound yummy!..

    Have a warm and cozy evening!

  5. was raised on beans and corn bread...going to try these.. thanks

  6. This does sound yummy! I have never tried pineapple with beans.

  7. Hello Camille :)

    These sound like something my family would love, I think I need to purchase some bacon :) Thanks for sharing :)

    Love you!


  8. Dear Maryann ~ I do hope you enjoy it! :)

    Dear Stephanie ~ Yes, absolutely the best kind of meal for a cold winter's night! :)

    Dear Jennifer Jo ~ They were a hit all around...thank you for sharing your yummy recipes. :)

    Dear Bevy ~ Yippee for surprises! It really was the best cornbread I have ever had. :)

    Dear Patrina ~ What a good upbringing you had. :) Enjoy!

    Dear Donna ~ Oh...pineapple is SO good with beans....surprisingly good! :)

    Dear Sharon ~ I hope you all enjoy them as much as we do! :)

    With love,

  9. All of your recipes sound delicious, Camille! Thanks for sharing your links!

  10. Hi Camille.
    This looks so good and I will be trying this out for sure! Thank you for sharing.
    Praying for you sweet friend.

  11. Dear Dianna ~ You are welcome my friend. I do hope you enjoy! :)

    Dear Linda ~ Thank you for praying...SO appreciate that! Hugs. :)

    With love,


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