
March 11, 2014

Battling it Out

We're in a battle.  Moment by moment.  Day after day.
Whether we realise it, or not, each one of us is battling it out.
It's a battle for Truth.  A battle for eternity.  A battle for all that matters.

But, Who is winning this battle?  Who will win?
Does the flesh win?  The Evil One?  The World?
In the end, the answer is the Lord.
Ultimately, He wins.  But, He also has already won.

Never before in my walk with Him
have I known the battle to be so strong.
So severe.  So all-encompassing.
Never, that is.  Until now.

And, through it all, the Lord is faithful.

He is good and perfect and does all things well.
Whatever He calls us to, as His children, He will see us through.
We are so greatly blessed to belong to Him.

"My heart and my flesh faileth: but God is the 

strength of my heart, and my portion forever."  Psalm 73:26

~ Our precious four in 2006 ~

Our Austin was taken Home to Heaven to be with his Lord
and Saviour, Jesus Christ, just a little over nine months ago.
What a beautiful thought.  What a precious thing.  Truly.
But, here.  Here, without him in our home, day after day ~
it is a battle.  A battle to keep our focus where it ought to be.

And, where ought it to be?

Rooted deeply and unshakeably in the Word of God.

In the Truth we find within its pages.
In eternity and all that means.  In the Lord Jesus Christ.
In following Him wherever He leads.

And, it's a battle.  Yes, each and every day.  

And, it will continue to be ~ until He calls us Home.

~ Austin in 2006 ~

We need wisdom and grace and strength to persevere.  
To finish our race well.  To follow and serve and bring glory to our Great God.
We need Him moment by moment, day after day.  We need Him always.
However, it is so easy to get distracted by the things of now.

The things of this life can crowd out the Truth. 

We can so easily find ourselves wallowing in self pity.

We are seeking, by God's great grace, not to allow that to happen.
May we be found daily battling it out for the Truth.  For eternity.
Soaking our hearts and minds in it.  Living it ~ day by day.

In His strength.  For His glory.  Alone.

~ Our precious four in 2007 ~

"This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.

It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, 
because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him.
The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, 
to the soul that seeketh him."  Lamentations 3:21-25

When we fill our minds with Truth and keep our hearts fixed

on our Saviour and all He has done, we are well.  All is well.  In Him.

Many Blessings,

**Just a little note ~ I am taking a little time of quiet away from this space.  

Your comments, should you choose to leave any, 
will appear upon my return ~ Lord-willing.

At this moment, I am unsure of how long this quietness will last ~

a week or two?  Perhaps three or more?  It's just necessary ~ 
thank you for always understanding.

May the Lord bless you each with His peace and presence and comfort.

He alone is worthy of all our praise.  Forever.
All glory belongs to Him.  Alone.


  1. Praying for you Camille! Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us. Take your time to enjoy the quiet and know that we will be waiting for you when you come back.

  2. Hello Camille
    I am sorry to hear you are struggling. I will be praying for you! I know that battling this one out will be hard but I know God is sovereign. Praying that you will sense HIs peace, love and comfort right now. If you would like to walk and do coffee over spring break let me know? Crescent beach has our names on it:) Blessings

  3. Camille
    I can't imagine how difficult it is for you. Life is indeed more difficult than I ever remember ... and yet to go through what you have gone through would be the hardest of all. Will be praying for you and your family. Your pictures are precious, and your children so precious.
    Love and blessings,

  4. Thank you Lord, that you are ALWAYS VICTORIOUS! Praying for you and your whole family.

  5. I will be praying for you that God will sustain and bring you through helping you find His focus and purpose for your life. Philippians 4

  6. Sweet Camille~your grace and faith inspire me. Thank you.

  7. Dear Camille,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you always.
    Thank you for sharing your heart . You are a sweet blessing and you inspire me.
    Love and hugs.

  8. The picture of Austin on the deck took my breath you so much, sweet friend. Thank you for your continued testimony. You are such an encouragement. Much love.

  9. May you be refreshed daily Camille!
    Your posts are heart-warming and encouraging. Your photos are beautiful.
    As are you!
    Love you my friend.

  10. Blessings to you, my friend! Praying for God's healing for your family as you continue the grieving process. It is OK. You guys have been through so much. You take all the time you need, even though we will miss you. Hugs to you!

  11. You are so so right, sweet sister. Christ is everything. But the pain and loss is so very real for a mama's broken heart. Your words and strength are so incredibly beautiful. Praying for you tonight and lifting you up to the one who wipes away every tear.

  12. I look forward to meeting the dear young man who inspired this post. Our hope is indeed in Christ, and He is the one who holds your precious Austin so tightly in His hands right now. But oh, the hurt. I cannot imagine, friend. May The Lord wrap His arms around you and carry you through your days. Be blessed.

  13. Lifting you up, dear friend.
    So thankful for the photos as reminders of your beautiful boy. I'm sure it's painful to even post them. What a blessing to know he's even more vibrant right now than in these photos! Biggest of hugs over the miles. xo

  14. Dear Maryann ~ You bless my heart. Thank you, sweet friend. :)

    Dear Nikki ~ Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. :)

    Dear Pippa ~ Yes, we should definitely take a walk...soon! :)

    Dear Pam ~ So precious to belong to our Great Saviour!! Thank you for your kind words. :)

    Dear Jenny ~ Thank you, sweet friend. :)

    Dear Patty ~ He is eternally Good. Thank you for praying. :)

    Dear Anonymous ~ Your words blessed my heart. May the Lord be glorified. :)

    Dear Linda ~ You always bless me...thank you! :)

    Dear Jennifer ~ Thank you for being a faithful friend. Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Heather (farmgirl) ~ Thank you my friend...thank you! Hugs. :)

    Dear Jackie ~ You always are a blessing to me...thank you. :)

    Dear Oregon-Mama ~ You bless my heart with your words...thank you so much! :)

    Dear Heather (to sow a seed) ~ Thank you for your kind words of compassion. The Lord truly is Good. Always. :)

    Dear Heather (in ON) ~ Thank you so much for your kind words and for praying. I appreciate that so very much! Hugs. :)

    With love,

  15. oh the battle... It is always good to speak truth to ourselves. Even though the battle is fierce and we may lose a battle here or there, it is so comforting to know that Jesus ultimately wins the war and those tucked in Him can't lose, even if we experience a setback.

    Continuing to pray for you and your family. And ever so thankful for how you continue to point me towards HIM through your words.


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