
March 26, 2014

In Memory of Austin ~ A Giveaway!

**This giveaway is now CLOSED**

Our Austin loved Spurgeon.  We love Spurgeon.  Notice a trend?

We love Spurgeon because He points us to our Saviour.
He faithfully encourages us in the Truths found in God's Word.
in our home since we began our married life together.
It was a significant part of Howie's life long before that.

The Lord has used it to bless our hearts throughout the years.

We intend for each one of our children to take a copy with them
when they branch out and begin families of their own.

This devotional book would be a wonderful addition
to any Christian's personal library.  It is a gem.  A treasure.  
So full of encouragement and wisdom.  So full of Truth.
So applicable to life in all of its stages.  Timeless.

Spurgeon magnifies God's Word and our Saviour.

He continually directs the attention of the reader to eternal things.
Don't we all benefit from having our hearts and minds refreshed in these ways?

We look forward to meeting Spurgeon in Heaven.
I sometimes wonder if Austin has visited with him already.
And with Joseph and Daniel and Abraham.  I wonder.

We have a few copies of "Morning and Evening" around our home.
The one pictured above is the family copy.  It's dog-eared and well worn. 
We've written significant family happenings on its pages.
Its value is priceless.  A real treasure.

The day that Austin was taken Home to Heaven was June 1, 2013.
The reading for that day dealt with the providential appointment of
both sorrows and joys for God's people on this side of eternity.
So very applicable, don't you think?  The Lord is so very, very good.

"What our Heavenly Father ordains is wise and good.

What, then, my soul, is it best for thee to do?

Learn first to be content with this divine order,

and be willing, with Job, to receive evil from the hand of the Lord
as well as good...

...The dews of grace fall heavily in the night of sorrow."

~ Quoted from Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening" 

June 1st morning reading page 306 ~

I would love for you to have your own copy of this wonderful

devotional book.  It is in Spurgeon's original (brilliant) 1800's wording.
And, the copy I send you will be brand new.  :)

Just leave a comment saying you would like your name to be entered in our draw.

That's it.  Simple?  Yes.  So, what are you waiting for?
The Lord-willing, Emma will pull two names from the hat on 
Tuesday, April 1, 2014 at Noon, Pacific Standard Time.
My plan is to announce the winners later on that day.

May the Lord bless you abundantly as you seek to follow Him

with all your heart.  He alone is worthy of all our praise.

Many Blessings,

**It has been brought to my attention that our tendency as people

often can be to elevate a man.  This is not my intention here.
Spurgeon was a man.  Just a man.  Not inspired.  Not perfect.

Only God's Word is infallible.  Only God is perfect.

No one ought to take His place in our hearts or affections.

The Bible deserves first place on our reading list.

It is the only book that is living.  It is full of wisdom and truth.
By God's great grace, it has the answers we seek.

"Morning and Evening" directs the reader's attention to God's Word.

It is full of encouragement and insights for the Christian on life's journey.
It is a wonderful supplement and ought to be regarded as such.
I trust this little note will clarify where I stand on these things.  :)


  1. So great to see you back in blogland, Camille:) What a precious book! And yes, God is so good!

  2. Please enter my name in the drawing. What a wonderful way to honor your son. May God continue to richly bless you.


  3. Please enter my name in. Thank you so much for doing this giveaway! What a great way to honor Austin!

  4. Please enter my name. Our daughter went to Heaven a few years ago. I pray for you often.

    Much love,

  5. I would love to have you enter my name in your drawing. I know the book would be a treasure. Many blessings to you and your family Camille

  6. Camille, what a sweet post. And truly how we've grown to love this book. What a blessing it's been in our lives! Happy Thursday, my sweet friend.

  7. I would love a copy of his book, Camille. Such an inspiring man of God! Thanks so much for offering this book in honour of Austin {{Big hugs}} to you and your family XO

  8. Please enter us too. :) Been thinking of you often and keeping you in my prayers.

  9. Please enter my name in the drawing. Thankful for your testimony, it helps. In Christ, Muffy Stephenson

  10. What a wonderful book. I've read bits and pieces of my parent's copy. What a beautiful family legacy to all be blessed by these words...

  11. Glad to see you back of the blog!! You are such and encouragement. I would love to be added to the giveaway. God bless.

  12. You are a blessing, Camille. Glad you are blogging again.

  13. Please enter me. Enjoy reading your blog. Thank you, Leah K

  14. I would love a copy. I sure enjoy it when people quote his sermons. Hope you are doing well!

  15. Such a touching post. What a beautiful family you have. I love the words for Spurgeon too. I am taken by the strength of a parent with the loss of a child. I am adding your family to my prayer list. I read your comment at a blog of a tea lover. I love all things tea and was visiting my friend Carol from NYC and reading about her gifts in a tea cup swap. I saw your comment and noticed we both missed that swap. Ah life. But it is good to be here except google won't let me follow anyone today. SO I really anted ot wish you a wonderful week and say hello and thanks for your post with such a personal message.

  16. Please enter me into this drawing.I'm sure It would make a great addition to our home!

  17. Brings tears to my eyes. I love how God gives us just the Word we need, when we need it the most. He is so personal. Amazing. I'll never get over that, nor would I want to. I'd for you to put my name in the hat. Hugs to you!

  18. Dear Terri ~ Yes, it is a precious book...and, you were one of the winners! :)

    Dear Angela ~ It is a wonderful blessing to belong to our precious Saviour. May He bless you! :)

    Dear Claire ~ Thank you for your sweet words. We are thankful for books like this one to encourage us in our walk with the Lord. :)

    Dear Natalie ~ Praying for you today as this is something that never goes away. What a blessing it is to have the Lord walk this journey with us...isn't it? Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Pam ~ I hope you can get your hands on a is a real treasure. :)

    Dear Lisa ~ I am so glad you are enjoying it my friend! How good our Great God is!! :)

    Dear Julia ~ I agree...such a wonderful man of God! We are so blessed to have access to the things he wrote and preached, don't you think? :)

    Dear Nikki ~ Thank you SO much! You bless my heart. :)

    Dear Muffy ~ You were one of the winners!! Yippee!! Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement. :)

    Dear Heather ~ How wonderful that your parents have a copy of this devotional, you need one of your own! ;-)

    Dear Aurelie ~ You bless my heart with your sweet words. Thank you so much. :)

    Dear Patty ~ Thank you my friend...thank you. :)

    Dear Leah ~ Your words are a sweet blessing....thank you. :)

    Dear Stacie ~ I know you would appreciate this book...perhaps for Mother's Day? :)

    Dear Anne ~ Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. It's lovely that you stopped by. :)

    Dear Lorie ~ Yes, I am sure it would be a blessing to your heart. I just love Spurgeon's way of encouraging and challenging...he was a master of words. :)

    Dear Jackie ~ Oh, truly HE is so very precious! Perhaps you and your sister can give each other a copy for your birthday. Great idea? Hugs to you. :)

    With love,
