
April 1, 2014

And, the Winners Are...

We have two winners!  Lord-willing, each will receive a brand new copy
(like the one pictured below) of Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening".
It really is a treasure.  If your name wasn't drawn from the hat, 
perhaps you could get your hands on a copy somehow.  
Mother's Day?  Birthday?  Just because?  :)

All the names of those who signed up for the giveaway
were printed out on little slips of paper and put into a hat.
Emma, my lovely little assistant, pulled out two names.

And, the winners are....
Muffy Stephenson and Terri from Our Crazy Farm.

Muffy and Terri, please email me your mailing addresses at and I will get these off to you soon!

May the Lord use Spurgeon's writings to bless your hearts in the days to come.  

We have frequently found them to be so applicable and such an encouragement.
I am sure you will find it to be so in your lives as well.

With Love,


  1. Congrats Muffy and Terri...what a wonderful blessing, Camille! {{hugs}} XO

  2. Thank you Camille! I am so excited that I won! Looking forward to Spurgeon's words of wisdom.

  3. Dear Julia ~ You are such a sweetie. Thank you for encouraging the winners. :)

    Dear Terri ~ The Lord is so good...His ways are perfect. I trust you will be blessed as we have been. :)

    With love,

  4. I wish I had not missed your giveaway! I have had Austin on my mind since I first came over. What a beautiful blessing he was to you. I have been going back in your posts and reading. I pray for your phamily each day now and am grateful I was led to your blog. DO you know Ben Breedlove? His story was a remarkable one, like Austin's. I just wanted to ask. I am going to read the book his sister wrote about Ben. it is a sadness to lose a child. But you know God is always in charge and He knows what He is doing. Goodness, I am just happy to be here and have you share your phamily with me. Thank you for the opportunity to know all of you better. May God hold all of you close to His own heart. Hugs today and always, Anne


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