
June 12, 2014

All the Dust

I don't have much to say these days.
Perhaps it's because there is so much to do.
At the same time, we continue to grieve.  We miss our boy.

It's really quite exhausting.

Right now, it would seem, is a time for silence here.
Thank you for always understanding.  Thank you for grace.
I'll likely be back sometime next week.
When all the dust has settled.  Or, most of it?  :)

Many Blessings,

**Photo credit ~ Calvin XO


  1. Take all the time you need. I, too, will be taking a little break- there is too much life to be lived (both the easy and the hard). Blessings to you, Camille.

  2. I will continue praying for you, Camille. I can only imagine how hard it is. (((hugs)))

  3. I pray your week is carried by the One Who loves you most, Camille!

    Looking forward to hear from you again through your blogging...but until then, take all the time you need! :)


  4. May your time away be a time of peace as the Lord surrounds you with His love and grace Camille.
    The Lord bless you, Debbie

  5. We definitely understand. Sending lots of love to your family during this time. Our prayers will be with you! xoxo

  6. Take your time Camille.We will be right here waiting when you come back.

  7. God's blessings and care for you and your family. May God's comfort and strength surround each of you in the precise way you need it. Day to day and moment to moment.

  8. I love reading your blog. I think of you often and say a prayer for you.

  9. Dear Jane ~ You are a blessing to my heart...thank you for your kind friendship. May the Lord be with you and carry you through the coming days. He is faithful. Hugs. :)

    Dear Dianna ~ Thank you so much my friend! Hugs to you. :)

    Dear Katy ~ Thank you for your prayers and kind are a sweet blessing to me. :)

    Dear Debbie ~ May the Lord bless you as well. He is eternally good. I appreciate your kind words. Hugs. :)

    Dear Lisa ~ You are always a blessing to me my friend...thank you for grace. Hugs to you all. :)

    Dear Nikki ~ Thank you so much! Hugs to you. :)

    Dear Angela ~ I appreciate your sweet words my friend...thank you. :)

    Dear Chelle ~ How sweet it is to belong to the family of our Great God. Hugs to you! :)

    With love,

  10. Just catching up with you. Not having my computer to myself really cramps my bloggy time ;-)

    Sending you {{hugs}} and hoping you were comforted during your downtime.


  11. Take all the time you need. My blog sits silent for weeks and weeks and I'm not going through the things you are going through. Still praying for you and family I can only imagine the pain you still feel every day.

    Sending many hugs to you,


  12. Dear Cinnamon ~ I am sure it is a blessing to have less computer time...SO appreciate you coming by for a visit. Happy summer to you my friend! :)

    Dear Connie ~ Ah...I know you understand...thank you for your sweet encouragement. Hugs to you. :)

    With love,


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