
June 20, 2014

It's Official

Our Calvin has graduated from high school.
Last Friday, he walked the stage and had his tassel
transferred from the right to the left.
It's official.  He's done.

 It all kinda snuck up on us.
Wasn't it just yesterday that he was playing trucks
and digging up in the back yard with his big brother?
This is how I remember him.

And we are!

How did it happen?  It seems like a blur.
Time just flies by...doesn't it?

How MUCH we miss our Austin.  It hurts my Mama heart.

How thankful we are that we soon will be together again.
Very soon.  In our forever home.  For all eternity.

The Lord is so very good.  His ways are always perfect.  
Even when things don't turn out the way we want them to.

He is with us each step of this journey.

And He is faithful to carry us through.
May His loving hand be upon you in your lives as well.
Truly, He is the only reason we have any hope at all.

With Love, Camille


  1. Congratulations to Calvin!! LOVE your family picture!!!

  2. Congratulations Calvin! Graduating high school is quite an accomplishment. God bless you on your future journeys.

  3. Congratulations to Calvin on his graduation. Life changes and children grow up. Life isn't always fair but we keep on going with God as our constant guide. I'm writing a post this evening on the same wave length as you, my friend. Take care and have a great weekend. Love the family photo! Ya all look great!

  4. Dear Nikki ~ Aww...thank you my friend! The Lord is so good to us, isn't He? Hugs. :)

    Dear Angela ~ Thank you for your kind words of encouragement to our are a blessing. Hugs to you. :)

    Dear Becky ~ You are a sweet encouragement to my heart. Thank you for your kindness always. Hugs. :)

    With Love,

  5. What an accomplishment for both of you. I know a lot of work went into his schooling.

    I share in your joy as we have a graduate as well. You understand, I understand - how we can still see them as babes toddling about. A Mama's view to be sure :-)


  6. Congratulations Calvin!!!
    Sending our love to you today!
    In God's Love,

  7. Yay, Calvin! And congratulations to YOU for persevering all those years :) Your hair looks beautiful!

  8. Congratulations to Calvin. Beautiful family photo.


  9. Congratulations to Calvin!
    Our daughter Amy just finished up her homeschooling. We had a party at our church on Saturday with some other kids in the church that graduated too.
    Only one left...Jacob will be starting his high school years this fall...yikes! ;)


  10. Congratulations Calvin ! Camille, I'll bet your wondering how you got to this point so quickly, I know I did. Love the family photo.
    Blessing to you , Maryann

  11. Dear Katy ~ Thank you so much! :)

    Dear Cinnamon ~ Yes, the Mama-view! I don't suppose that will ever change. :)

    Dear Sandy ~ Awww...thank you my friend. :)

    Dear Leanna ~ Thank you so much! :)

    Dear Heather ~ make me smile. Thank you for your sweet words. :)

    Dear Connie ~ Thank you my friend. :)

    Dear Nadine ~ How quickly the time flies! What a blessing that you were able to have a party with your church wonderful! :)

    Dear Maryann ~ can be a blur sometimes, can't it? Hugs to you. :)

    With love,


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