
August 27, 2014

Bird's Eye View

Mid-summer we went on a little local adventure.
We had never taken our children up Grouse Mountain before,
so, it was high time we did!

The day was a little iffy weather-wise, but, we forged ahead anyway.
The boys opted to hike to the top with my Sweetie.  
Emma and I (wisely) took the tram.

Two of our dear friends joined us ~ what a treat!  
Here we are at the top (minus Howie and the boys...
they were still hiking) ~ I took the photo.  :)

See the boys and Howie?
It's not called "The Grouse Grind" for no reason.  It's grueling.
The boys completed the hike up in approximately 40 minutes.
Howie came in at just over an hour.

Grouse Mountain is a favourite local skiing spot in the winter months.
Here you can see the chair lift above and the city below.
The snow completely melts in the summer months.

Emma found some wild flowers ~ 
not sure if we were supposed to pick them!

Family photo-op.  :)

Our friends left the mountain earlier than we
had to in order to catch a ferry back home.

We ended our day by visiting the Grizzlies at their enclosure.
These two were rescued as orphans approximately fourteen years ago.
Apparently, they are well cared for and happy.  They are so powerful.
We were so trusting of the fence!

See how close they are to us?

See the two white peaks of the new bridge halfway up and
a little to the left of centre in the photo below?
Emma and I crossed it when we were making deliveries in the winter.

It was lovely to have this bird's eye view of Vancouver.
It was a rare treat for sure.

What adventurous things did you do this summer?
Do tell.  Pretty please?  Inquiring minds want to know.

Happy Wednesday Y'all!
With Love, Camille


  1. Grouse Mtn is always something I've wanted to do and haven't done it yet. I went to the Okanagan for a couple of days with some friends and their 2 young kids. We spent most of our time in Summerland. Two whole days at a sandy beach, my first winery tour (what fun) and a trip to a parrot sanctuary. The parrots were beautiful and so much fun and loud. I hope to go back again soon. It was so much fun.

  2. This summer Megan and I went to Hood River for a day for the lavendar festival. We enjoy it up there. Not done much else. In a couple weeks am gonna head over to the beach for the day, just cuz. Then next month, Phil and I will probably go there some where, for our anniversary. Looks like you had a good time....and will be canning another little batch of peaches tomorrow....and some applesauce or pie filling soon too. Hugs!

  3. Whoa, Emma looks so much older than usual in these photos! It's incredible. You mentioned how my kids are growing since first reading my blog and the same goes for yours :)

    What a fabulous day for all of you! I took the gondola with Terry waaay back (15 years ago) in Banff. That makes me feel close to B.C.! haha

    We just returned from camping (although Meg's friends call it "glamping" as we stay in a nice trailer). So many photos to blog and so little time with school starting!

    How is your schedule coming along?

  4. Dear Angela ~ I'm so pleased for you! What a wonderful time away! Isn't it amazing how close we can be to home and still find vacation fun? What a blessing to have had that time with your friends. :)

    Dear Becky ~ Mmmm....I can smell your canning and pie filling from least, I can imagine it! The lavender festival sounds wonderful and so does the beach! Your coastline is so very beautiful. Enjoy. :)

    Dear Heather ~ Ah, yes...glamping would be a good way to describe it! We did that with our children once and it poured one of the days....we felt a little smug (and guilty) about it as we stayed warm and dry inside. What a blessing you do those things with your children! They will take such wonderful memories with them into adulthood. Schedule...schedule?? Hmmmm....I'll wait to answer that one. :)

    With Love,

  5. Oh, we're all about adventure over here! Love this post SO much!! Looks so fun-can't wait to visit you there one day :)

  6. Oh! I LOVE your family photo!!! It is beautiful!

    That hike sounds difficult but awesome! What an accomplishment for them!

    The wildflowers are gorgeous (your comment about them made me snicker! God owns the flowers...I'm sure it was an okay pick!) ;)

  7. Dear Lisa ~ There is SO much adventure to be had around will get your fill when you come...I hope! :)

    Dear Katy ~ Yes, you are right...the Lord owns the flowers!! However, there are rules about those things sometimes. We didn't see any signs to the contrary and Emma already had her hands full so, it was too late. Thank you for your sweet words. :)

    With Love,


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