
August 29, 2014

The Quotidian (29. 8. 14)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace.

A treat for Fraser's birthday.
Yes, that's Howie in the pilot's seat.  :)
(Photo courtesy of Calvin ~ he got to go for a flight as well.)

Baking beauty ~ making these.

Waiting to be cleaned ~ necessary after this.
(It's been cleaned since I took this photo...yippee!)

Just as I found it ~ made me smile.

Pollyanna ~ A rare treasure from my childhood shared with my girl.

I believe it was my grandmother's before it was my mother's 

before it was mine ~ 1913!

Monopoly Marathon ~ Two different games...
two different brothers...over the course of a few days.

Proceeds of a lawn care job ~ they were picked legitimately.

Reading to the sick girl.

Figuring it all out ~ sort of.

The New Driver ~ Look Out!  ;-)

It began innocently enough ~ now it's a treasure.

Have a wonderful weekend!
With Love, Camille


  1. Made me smile. :) Especially the picture of sweet Emma grown up and so beautiful!

  2. Love these pictures, and the little snippets of your life! Your family always makes us smile :) And oh my goodness, your kiddos are growing up so fast! Love you all! xoxo

  3. Beautiful photos Camille! :)

    I love the picture of Fraser reading to "the sick one"! Sooo sweet!

  4. Such a fun post!! love the wall/doorjam. Great memories...for sure.

  5. Its fun to see your "everyday" happenings. The cookies look delicious.. oatmeal cookies are one of Steve's favorites. The flight looks grand (another of Steve's favorites, as he has his pilot's license as well). I love your wall markings. We have a similar wall in our laundry room. It marks Russell,Olga and Eddies growth. and has names, dates and measurements. Those really are sweet memories. Have a lovely week Camille,

  6. Ordinary but special! Hope you have a wonderful week!

  7. Dear Claire ~ Thank you for your sweet words! She is growing up way too fast for this Mama. :)

    Dear Lisa ~ You are going to make me's going by so quickly!! Can we not just bottle them up and keep them just the way they are?? Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Katy ~ Aww...thank you my friend. :)

    Dear Bevy ~ I don't think I will ever be able to paint over it. If we ever move from here, maybe we will take it with us. :)

    Dear Pam ~ How fun that your husband flies as well! And, you have a marked up wall, too? Truly...they hold precious memories...I agree! :)

    Dear Patty ~ Isn't that the way it usually works? The ordinary things really are the best...I'm sure of it. Have a lovely week as well my friend. :)

    With Love,

  8. It's beautiful, Camille! Thank you for sharing these precious glimpses of your life. <3

  9. Dear Trisha ~ Thank you, sweet friend. Much love to you! Camille XO


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