
September 1, 2014


We are adjusting.  Accepting the new normal.
We are not moving on.  We are not forgetting.  We are moving forward.
We carry the memories with us.  We are keeping the memories alive.
This is the most difficult road we have ever had to travel.

We are navigating the unknown.  Step by step.

I am slowly getting used to dishing out five plates of food and counting up

five in the van and at church.  Getting used to not being able to talk 
to our son, or hear his voice in the hall or on the stairs.
Getting used to his room sitting silent and his things remaining untouched.  

Getting used to his absence.

We miss him.  All that he brought to our family.  All that he is.
We smile and even laugh when we think of his antics 
and the many ways in which he brought us joy.

We also cry.  Often.

~ Roses from Austin's Rose Tree at his grave ~

The void he leaves in our lives will never be filled by another.
No one can take his place.  No one will ever be able to.
We will miss him until the day we die.  That will not change.
We will carry his absence with us for as long as we live.

It's actually a comfort to realise the truth of it.

We are each special and unique.  It's how God intends for it to be.

So, we navigate this path of grief with our Great God

guiding us each step of the way.  He is faithful and He is good.
We look to Him for comfort and for strength.
We fill our minds and hearts with the Truth found
within His Word and we feast upon it.  We are fortified in it.

It is absolutely the only way forward.

Absolutely the only way to continue to live.
Each day, we are one day closer to eternity.
Each day, we leave more of this life behind.

May we be faithful.

Faithful in all that our Saviour calls us to.

Faithful to live our lives fully for Him.
Faithful until the day He calls us Home.
By His grace and in His strength.  For His glory.

Nothing else matters.  Absolutely nothing.

Many Blessings,


  1. I feel as though I have no words that can even slightly help your hearts.

    Although I don't know your family in person, nor did I know Austin, just hearing your pain makes my heart heavy...and yet, there is a joy in knowing that because Christ lives, we, His people, will live eternally. Such comfort in that...and His goodness which will see you through all this hurt.

    Sending you love in Christ, Camille,


  2. Many blessings to you, dear Camille.
    Your post made me cry...
    May we be found faithful.
    I loved what you had to say,
    " Faithful in all that our Savior calls us to do.
    Faithful to live our lives for Him.
    Faithful until the day He call us home.
    By His grace and His strength. For His glory."
    That is my prayer.
    God bless you, friend

  3. Precious post. Oh how you must miss him. I can't imagine your path. You are such a shining example to all of us on how to grieve WITH hope as we are told to in the Bible.

    Blessings my friend!

  4. I cannot imagine the grief you've experienced. Praying God's grace for you as you continue to adjust and look forward to the day of being reunited with your precious son.

  5. We hold on to the fact that we WILL see him again. He will always be a part of our hearts and memories.

    Love you,

  6. Thinking of you and your family as always and keeping you in my prayers. I'm all teary eyed just reading this. Here for you....
    Many Blessings,

  7. This is the first time I am on your blog. It touches me. God shall be with you everyday.

    "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

  8. I pray for you. I know where you find your strength. He is faithful and will carry you through each day.

  9. Keeping you in my prayers. The journey is on going. You are always a wonderful example of faith, and lead the way for many who suffer similar sorrows.
    Love and Blessings,

  10. Praying for you, my friend. I love you.

  11. Dear Katy ~ Thank you, sweet friend, for your kind and thoughtful words. Yes, truly...we have every HOPE in our precious Saviour!! :)

    Dear Debbie ~ How precious it is to belong to our Lord...He is eternally good! Thank you for your kind bless my heart. :)

    Dear Stacie ~ Yes, with HOPE! How wonderful it is to have that eternal perspective given to us in His Word. Hugs to you my friend. :)

    Dear Melissa ~ Thank you so much for praying for us...what a sweet blessing you are! :)

    Dear Laura ~ Thank you for your faithful support of us...we love you, too! :)

    Dear Jill ~ How sweet your words are...thank you! :)

    Dear Rita ~ Welcome here! How precious God's Word is...what a comfort to our souls! Blessings to you. :)

    Dear Patty ~ Truly...He is faithful! Thank you for praying for us and for your kind friendship. Hugs. :)

    Dear Pam ~ May the Lord continue to carry you in your sorrows as well my friend. Thank you for your prayers...they are a blessing to my heart. :)

    Dear Trisha ~ You are a sweet blessing to me my friend...thank you for your love and prayers. Hugs to you! :)

    With love,

  12. I absolutely love how you said you aren't moving on, you're moving forward. So perfectly said and a comfort to anyone who has lost a love one. The grace and incite God has given you is amazing, Camille!

  13. Dear Jackie ~ You are always a sweet encouragement to my heart. Thank you for your faithful friendship in this blog-world. Hugs to you! Love, Camille

  14. Dear Jennifer ~ Hugs to you all from us! XO

  15. Praying for you and your family! That the Lord will continue to provide comfort. Austin is dearly missed by many, many people!

  16. I have thought about you and your family so often Camille. I have prayed and cried for you as well. I cannot imagine the pain and sorrow that you have had to deal with. I have been absent due to painful issues that needed my attention. But, they have been nothing compared to what you have gone through my friend. Thank you for checking up on me. I truly appreciate it. Sometimes God calls us to step back and in my case, He did so to prepare me for the trial ahead. I pray you continue to find sweet comfort in Christ and in your precious family! Hugs to you!

  17. Dear Esther ~ Your prayers mean so much my very, very much! Thank you for remembering our Austin with us. Love you! :)

    Dear Jackie ~ How lovely it is to hear from you after your time away from this online world. Thank you SO much for your prayers for us and for your kind friendship through this means. I am so sorry you have been going through deep waters. How precious it is to read that the Lord prepared you and walked the path with you. I am praying for you all today. Love and hugs! :)

    With Love,


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