
November 12, 2014

Even in the Midst

Last Christmas we were not home.  We left.
My sister graciously hosted us.  We even were blessed to stay
with friends we met through blogging.
We had a little time for exploring as well.

This year, we plan to stay home.

We plan to do many of the things we love to do.
And, we plan to make some changes to the usual.
Parts of this are going to be hard.  They always will be.

Until the day the Lord calls us Home.

~ Our precious four in 2008 ~

"...earthly gatherings, after all, have something about them
that is sad and sorrowful.  The happiest parties sometimes
contain uncongenial members: the merriest meetings are
only for a very short time.  

Moreover, as years roll on,
the hand of death makes painful gaps in the family circle:
even in the midst of Christmas merriment we cannot help
remembering those who have passed away.  

The longer we live, the more we feel to stand alone.
The old faces will rise before the eyes of our minds,
and the old voices will sound in our ears,
even in the midst of holiday mirth and laughter.

People do not talk much of such things; but there are
few that do not feel them.  
We feel we need not intrude our inmost thoughts on others,
and especially when all around us are bright and happy.

But is there no better gathering yet to come?
Is there no bright prospect in our horizon of an assembly
which shall far outshine our most joyous assemblies?
An assembly in which there shall be joy without sorrow and
mirth without tears?  

I thank God that I can give a plain answer to those questions...
The gathering I speak of shall take place at the end of
the world, in the day when Christ returns to earth the second time.

...And the very first thing that Christ will do will be 
to gather His people."

Taken from "Heaven ~ Valuable Counsel of our Eternal Home" 
by J.C. Ryle ~ snippets from pages 68-71

~ Christmas Eve 2009 ~

So, though our celebrating will be shaded with sorrow,

we know the future is bright.  One day, our sorrow will fade away.
All because of our Saviour and His promises to His people.
We know that our journey here in this life is relatively brief.
Eternity is forever.  What a joyous Hope we have!

Rejoicing in these truths in these days.

Rejoicing that our Great God is so good.
So very, very good! 

Many Blessings, Camille


  1. My heart hurts for you Camille and I so wish I could take away the pain. Came across this poem and thought of you. "Do not judge the bereaved mother. She comes in many forms. She is breathing, but she is dying. She may look young, but inside she has become ancient. She smiles but her heart sobs. She walks, she talks, she cooks, she cleans, she works, she is, but she is not, all at once. She is here, but part of her is elsewhere for eternity" -Author Unknown

    I am always keeping you and your family in my prayers, I know the holidays will be difficult and there are no words to ease that grief and pain, but please know you are cared about and he will forever live on in memories and he wants you all to be happy. :-) Big hugs!!
    Blessings, Jill

  2. Camille,

    I cannot imagine how bittersweet the holiday season will be for your family. Celebrating a birth and a death at the same time must be quite the roller coaster. I think of the severe mercy you and your family are walking through, and how you have been a witness to His goodness and grace. Praying for strength for you during this time.


  3. I think the holidays hold the great part of comfort, sorrow, joy, loneliness, rejoicing, delight and sadness, all at once. I can imagine why you would have wanted to be away last year and at home this.
    The excerpt from "Heaven- Valuable Counsel of our Eternal Home" was very good. It seems a wonderful book. Blessings to you and your family Camille, as this Holiday season approaches. You will be in my prayers.
    Love and Blessings,

  4. Thanks for sharing the reading. So true. This weekend we bury my mom's ashes with my dad in the cemetery where he lays for 28 years. It's going to be cold but it will be ok and add some flowers. I am missing her alot lately. My sis has felt the same way. I would appreciate your prayers. It has been different already since her birthday passed in Oct and there was no party. It is a blessing to know she loved the Lord and will see her on the sweet bye and bye when we meet on that beautiful shore. Hugs to you, dear friend, as you go through each day, loving and living and all the while missing Austin. But he will always be with you in your hearts. It's just hard to hug him when you feel like it. I am sure he would like you to be happy though. I will continue to pray for you as you go on in life. Holidays seem the hardest. A few weeks ago there was a young boy, maybe 4 years old, in the store where I work, curly brown hair...looking into the beverage cooler. He was so cute and his name was Austin....which instantly made me think of and pray for you and your family. God keep you in His care and bless you. I love the photos on your side bar of the children. It's cool now so I'm going for some hot tea. :-}

  5. Dear Jill ~ Your words are kind and loving...thank you! I can totally relate to the quote you's how it feels. I appreciate your friendship. Hugs. :)

    Dear Melissa ~ Your prayers are so appreciated my friend...thank you for bringing us before the Throne of Grace. How precious it is to belong to the family of our Great God. Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Pam ~ Thank you so much my friend! The Lord is so very good to us, isn't He? I know you heart will bear some of those conflicting feelings this Christmas season as well. May our Great God give much grace to you and your family. Hugs. :)

    Dear Becky ~ I so appreciate your prayers for us my friend...thank you! May the Lord comfort your heart as you grieve the earthly loss of your Mom...He walks this path with His people...what a precious reality! Hugs to you! :)

    With love,

  6. Dear Camille,

    Your family is so special...and such a gracious testimony of the faithfulness of our precious Saviour. You are in my prayers...may you be blessed with joy when you share His love with others this Christmas remembrance of Him who gave His all for us...and for Austin.


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