
November 10, 2014

The Quotidian (10. 11. 14)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace.

Spelling lesson wig-less.

Gear at the front door ~ ready to go.

Abundant supply from the neighbour's tree ~ free for the taking.

He only required an apple crumble as payment.
So, I made two ~ one for our neighbour and one for us.  :)

Many Blessings,


  1. I always enjoy your "Quotidian". It is a sweet view into your life. Love the shoes… ready to go… and the apples are beautiful, as is the picture of the Apple Crumble; my stomach is growling. It is always wonderful when neighbors share their fruit. I love that.

  2. Apples look yummy, you have to love neighbors that like to share (and those that make apple crumble for you) Always enjoy a peek into your ordinary days.

  3. I think your neighbor will find your payment to be a worthy exchange. Enjoy those ordinary blessings.

  4. Dear Pam ~ Thank you for your sweet words my friend. I agree about the neighbours sharing their fruit...what a blessing! It was an unexpected and last-minute surprise which I was super excited about. I know you understand. :)

    Dear Maryann ~ Ordinary days really are such gifts, aren't they? I have to say, it was not ordinary to have all those apples at my disposal...but, oh! I sure enjoyed using them up. :)

    Dear Patty ~ He was very thankful for the apple crumble...I was so happy to comply! What a blessing to have all those apples to bake with! :)

    Many Blessings,

  5. YUM!!!! That apple crumble looks deeee-licious! And your girl is so sweet. Love her pig tails! :)

  6. Dear Katy ~ You always are a sweet encouragement when you stop by...thank you! Hugs, Camille

  7. I love the picture of your sweet one...wig-less. So cute! And thank you for remembering your generous neighbor. I am sure he appreciated it. Hugs to you.


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