
May 11, 2015

The Quotidian (11. 5. 15)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace. 

All things Anne.

Monopoly with a friend.

Ready to dig in.

Just the three of us ~ a real treat.
(Taken after we had eaten our fill...see previous photo.)

After exam #3 ~ one more to go!

The result of a pact made with myself
to dry all our towels on the line from now until September.

The van scrubber team.

A quiet moment alone.

My paper boy.

The table lovingly set.

Some of my treasures.

The gifts ~ so sweet.  :)


Prep work.

Delivery of supplies ~ to fix this.

A worker outside my window.


Ready to go!


Supplies in the sunlight.

Finishing up for the year.

Wedding season.

Happy Monday!
With Love, Camille


  1. Your pictures always make me smile!!!

  2. Your pictures are cozy treasures. I enjoy seeing them all. I haven't used a laundry line in a long time, but I always love the idea of it for some reason. I suppose it makes the laundry seems so fresh. Do you have Mother's Day on the same day that we do? I love your cozy living room chairs. I can imagine that you are excited for the school break. I remember those feelings. Have a great week Camille.
    Hugs and Blessings,

  3. Hi sweet Camille! Did you know that I have been thinking about you for the last few days...It's so good to come by for a visit :)

    Your post was a delight to read and the images brought smiles to my face. It looks like you had a very sweet Mother's Day :)

    Enjoy the remainder of your week! Love and hugs!

  4. A very beautiful and heartwarming post, and your photos are lovely. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  5. It looks like you had a lovely week, friend. I adore Anne ;-)

  6. Beautiful, Beautiful! I loved it all! :)

    In the picture with the girls playing monopoly, I stared and stared trying to figure out what is on the right of the table, on the floor. It's black and looks like a humongous scorpion....I can't figure out what it is! :)

  7. You're back!!! Yay, I've missed you!! I hope your break was peaceful. I really enjoy your quotidian posts. Great pictures! I love seeing what your family is up to.

  8. So much going on! Too much pollen around here right now for hanging clothes out. I'm afraid we would all be wearing yellow! Hope you had a wonderful break - glad you are back.

  9. There you are :)
    Man, your baby girl is getting so big! Um... is that one Japanese Maple in the front or more? Gorgeous! Terry would be impressed :)

  10. So many great pictures!


  11. Dear Nikki ~ Awww....thank you! :)

    Dear Pam ~ Your comments are always a sweet blessing...thank you for your thoughtful words and encouragement. :) Towels and sheets from the line smell soooo wonderful! Yes, our Mother's Day is the same as yours. And, yes...we are looking forward to the summer break...soon! Happy week to you. :)

    Dear Stephanie ~ Thank you for your kind words and for thinking of me! You bless my heart. Have a lovely week....I am praying for you grandpa. Hugs. :)

    Dear Linda ~ Thank you for stopping by and for leaving me a kind note. Happy week to you! :)

    Dear Melissa ~ Ah, yes...Anne. My girl is currently enthralled. :)

    Dear Katy ~ Too funny...a scorpion? It's actually a Christmas Cactus...minus the flowers. It came from the table which had to be cleared for the game. :)

    Dear Esther ~ I always enjoy your visits. Looking forward to one in person...soon! :)

    Dear Patty ~ Ah, yes...pollen! I will have to keep a lookout for it when it arrives here. Perhaps I will have to break my pact for those pollen-y days. So far so good. :)

    Dear Heather ~ Yes, she is growing up so quickly! But, so are yours! And, yes, that's one Japanese Maple. It's an old-growth one that seems to thrive in its location. It was already a good size when we moved in over twenty years ago. :)

    Dear Jill ~ Thank you, sweet friend. Hugs to you! :)

    With love,

  12. Camille, thanks for sharing your days with us in photos. Glad to read your post again as you were on a break. Your children are growing up and so good looking! We need our roof done and hope it all gets done this summer. Have a good week and blessings to you!

  13. Your photos are beautiful! I would love to be able to line-dry our laundry but we have such severe allergies that we would all be miserable if I did so! I do think that there is something so quaint about laundry hanging out to dry!

  14. Dear Becky ~ Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, as always. Oh need a new roof, too? I hope you get it fixed soon and that the job is done well. You'll be so glad you did it come winter. :)

    Dear Amber ~ It's lovely to *meet* you...thank you for stopping by and for leaving a note to let me know you were here. Thank you, too, for your kind words about the photos. :) Ah, yes...allergies can get in the way of drying on the line...for sure! It's one of my favourite thankful to be able to do it.

    Many Blessings,


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