
May 15, 2015

Soul Nourishment

Our pastor faithfully preaches Sunday by Sunday
from God's Word.  We are so blessed to sit under his ministry.
It's soul nourishment.  Just as our bodies need physical food,
so our souls need spiritual food.

We cannot go too long between meals.

Since our Austin left this world for his eternal home,
I have come across others who have buried children just as we have done.
Some have turned to the Lord in their time of sorrow,
while others have sought to fill the void with a wide variety of things.

~ Our precious four in 2008 ~

Those who have turned to alternate things for the answers
do not seem to have found lasting comfort.  Lasting peace.
In fact, they seem to be trapped in the deep waters of despair.
There seems to be no way out.  No source of relief.  No comfort for their souls.

My heart goes out to these ones.  I cannot fathom their pain.
You see, I can run to the God of all comfort with mine.

It's the only way we stay sane.  The only way we are able to continue on.
The deep anguish and grief are still there, but, they are tempered by His grace.
God's Word is full of comfort for our souls.  It keeps us grounded in the truth.
The eternal things are what really matter.  And, eternity is not far off.

We are comforted by that very thought.
It's what helps to shape our purpose each and every day.

Whatever it is you may be facing this day,
whether you are full of joy or sorrow or somewhere in between,
know that the best way to put one foot in front of the other is with the Lord.
In fact, it is the only way to do so with lasting and eternal purpose.

With lasting and eternal peace.

My prayer for you is that you will know the God of all comfort as the Saviour of your soul.
And, that you will find peace with Him. If you wish to discuss any of these things further,
please feel free to email me ~  I am praying for you!

With Love, Camille


  1. When life gets difficult, I am thankful that I have the Lord to turn to, his truths, and his comfort. I can't even imagine how those who do not know the Lord make it through the tough times...where is their hope? Keeping your family in prayer during this time.

  2. Love these precious truths my friend. Thanking the Lord with you today for the peace that passes understanding.

  3. So glad He is near! Makes all the difference. Thank you for your sweet spirit and encouragement to others. Many blessings.

  4. You are a sweet testimony of God's grace. I am so thankful that God bears all our sorrows. I am thankful He is wiping away your tears.

    Hope you are having fun with your Australian visitor.I may need some hints on her favorite foods and activities.

  5. Dear Maryann ~ Yes, truly...what a rich treasure we have in our Saviour! Thank you for your bless my heart. May the Lord help you day by day as you walk with Him. Hugs. :)

    Dear Esther ~ You are does pass all understanding...and, we are so thankful to belong to Him! Thank you for your sweet friendship. Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Patty ~ Thank you for your kind words of bless my heart! Hugs. :)

    Dear Carrie ~ Thank you for your sweet encouragement. Truly, it is the Lord's goodness to us...He is faithful! With regard to Miss will have a fun time whatever you choose to do...she is super easy to have around. Hugs to you! :)

    With Love,


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