
May 19, 2015

The Quotidian (19. 5. 15)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace. 

The mess.  Remember why?

The supervision.

As it showered on day #2, more of the roof came off. 

And, then, they were done!

Abandoned, but, too precious to move.

The big clean up.

All the way from Switzerland (oh. dear. me.) ~ thank you, M and T!  :)

Preparing to pray.

Sweet friends.

A precious moment.

Thank you, T and S ~ you bless us!  :)

The promise of plums ~ laden with fruit.

Above the kitchen sink ~ thank you, Emma!  :)

Happy Tuesday Y'all.
With Love, Camille


  1. The "preparing to pray" photo is my favorite.

  2. Beautiful pictures; I loved seeing them all. The roof looks beautiful; it is a satisfying thing to look at too isn't it? Yard clean up is definitely needed here (I am in Colorado right now). I love the Tonka trucks; it is truly understandable that they are too precious to move; great picture. It looks like you had some nice company and busy days.
    Love and Blessings,

  3. Yay - she came back and sounds like she timed it perfectly for some glorious spring weather. I believe Fraser said to her 'Welcome home after your vacation in Australia! Now that is funny! Wonder what she will bake for you this time? Can't wait to see some more photos. We are just so grateful to you all for looking after our farm girl for the second time!

  4. Roof turned out wonderful! And oh, that chocolate so delicious!! I'm not sure any compares, lol. ;-) Lovely pictures! I also have to thank you again for that recipe and information, Hayley made it and took it to school today to present it to her class and it was a hit. We greatly appreciate it!


  5. Dear Jennifer Jo ~ We were about to pray and they took his little hands and I just had to *freeze* the precious! :)

    Dear Pam ~ So thankful for our new roof! I've not been in the habit of looking at other roofs...but, now I do! Too funny. Thank you for your sweet bless my heart. :)

    Dear Ann ~ It's lovely to have her with us. I don't think she will get a chance to bake...we're keeping her BUSY with activities. No time for jet-lag. :)

    Dear Jill ~ Swiss chocolate really is the BEST! So glad your girl's project turned out well...yippee!! Hugs. :)

    With love,

  6. Dear Camille,
    Thanks for capturing all the precious moments and sharing them on your blog. Love the photos. Praise God for providing the wonderful weather to finish the roof work. He is Good.
    You bless our hearts.

  7. The new roof looks great!!! Nice to have such big helpers. There is a new kid in town. If you have a chance to pop by my blog you'll see Mystery Baby revealed! Have a super blessed day, my friend!

  8. Dear Sandy ~ You are a sweet blessing to us all...thank you for your kind friendship! Hugs to you! :)

    Dear Jackie ~ SO wonderful!!! What a sweet blessing from the Lord to your family. Take the rest you need and accept all the help that's offered. Hugs to you! :)

    With love,

  9. It is wonderful to see you again and read about your sweet family.

    God bless you.


  10. Dear Donna ~ How lovely it is to see you here again! I have missed you. But, what an adventure you have been on!! Interesting, isn't it, how the Lord leads us along in this life He calls us to! Hugs to you my sweet friend. With Love, Camille


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