
June 1, 2015

Just Out of Sight

It's difficult to wrap our minds around the reality of it all.
He is not physically here. And, we miss him.  But, we know he lives.
What a sweet comfort to our hearts that knowledge is.

We still have our Austin.  He's gone on ahead.  
Just out of sight.

Death is the last enemy.  We were not created to die.
But, sin came.  And, so did death.  However, the Saviour also came!
One day, in our eternal home, there will be no more sin.
No more death.  No more suffering or sorrow.  No more tears.

It's almost too much to comprehend.  
Too wonderful for words.

Until that day comes, we must carry on living our lives in this world tainted with 
sin and sorrow and suffering.  For as long as we are called to stay.
We must follow our Saviour wherever He leads.  Until He calls us home.
And, we will find it all to have been worth it.  At the end of it all.

When we reach the other side.

What a precious reality we have because of Him.
What a wonderful Hope!  What an amazing Future!
We serve a loving Heavenly Father Who provided The Way.

All who come to Him will not be cast out.

So, though we do not celebrate this day, we remember.
And, we rejoice.  We know that is what our Austin is doing.
Because our Saviour lives, we know that our Austin lives.
And, one day, we will live together forever in our eternal Home.

For all of eternity.  World without end.

"Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life;
he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live."
~ John 11:25 ~

With Love, Camille


  1. Wish I was there to give you a big hug, Camille. {{{BIG HUG}}} You are in my prayers as you continue to walk this road of suffering and missing your sweet Austin. Soon and very soon our King is coming and "the last enemy to be destroyed is death." (1 Corinthians 15:26) What a day that will be when we, too, get to see the face of Jesus!

  2. Thinking and praying for you and your family today.

  3. Dear Camille,

    Thinking of you and praying for your family today and everyday! Thank God for His precious gift of Jesus our Salvation.
    Love you!!! <3

  4. Beautifully written, Camille. Sending you hugs!

  5. Prayers for you and your family Camille. May you all feel the love and comfort of our Heavenly Father in real and tangible ways today.

  6. Thinking of you today precious Camille! Praying for you all.

  7. lovely photos that you shared....memories of Austin, in your hearts forever and with the Lord. So thankful for the promise of heaven, all because of Jesus! My prayers and hugs, right now! Blessings to all of you and thanks for sharing your thoughts!!! xxxxxox

  8. {{hugs}} Camille...Praise the Lord you will see Austin again! I Can not imagine not having that hope. Love, Julia xoxo

  9. Terri ~ Your prayers and sweet encouragement mean so much...thank you from the bottom of my heart! :)

    Esther ~ Thank you for praying for us...we SO appreciate it! :)

    Sharon ~ How lovely it is to hear from you. Thank you for lifting us up in prayer and for being a sweet friend. :)

    Joleena ~ Hugs to you, too! :)

    Angela ~ We did sense His care in tangible ways...through His people! Thank you for your kind words and prayers for us. It means so much. :)

    Nikki ~ Thank you from the bottom of my heart! :)

    Becky ~ Yes, the promise of heaven...what a sweet comfort to our souls!! Hugs to you. :)

    Julia ~ Truly, where would we be without HIM?? Hugs. :)

    With love,

  10. Camille! I can't wait to meet him!

  11. I am praying for you all, and feeling so much for you Sweet Camille. Your pictures are beautiful; such treasures I am sure. I loved what you wrote. I am so thankful for the hope that we all carry within us. Our Precious Savior, He is our anchor isn't He. Much love and blessings to you all.

  12. Heather ~ You made me cry happy tears. Thank you! :)

    Pam ~ Yes, He truly is our Anchor and our Rock! What would we do without Him?? Thank you so much for your kind words and for your prayers. You bless my heart. :)

    With love,

  13. always. Sending much love to you, friend! Those pictures warm the heart, truly! Your beautiful trust in Christ is sweet and inspiring.I am so glad we know the heart-mender and to know that He conquered death gives us *such* hope for the future. The hard part is the waiting to get there! xoxo

  14. Katy ~ How blessed we are to belong to Him and to have such a hope as this! May the Lord bless you as you seek Him with the days He gives. Hugs, Camille

  15. Dear Camille,
    Thinking of all of you this day.
    "We must follow our Saviour wherever He leads. Until He calls us home. And, we will find it all to have been worth it. At the end of it all.
    When we reach the other side."
    How much I agree with you.
    May God grant us His Strength to live, one day at a time.
    Love and hugs,

  16. Sandy ~ Thank you SO much for your kind friendship...we appreciate each one of you! Yes, truly...may the Lord help us day by day to look to Him for grace and strength to follow wherever He may lead. Much love, Camille

  17. Camille,
    I think of you and your family often. Blessing to you all :)

  18. Donna ~ Your kind friendship is a sweet blessing to my heart. Thank you for your support. Hugs to you! Love, Camille


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