
June 4, 2015

The Quotidian (4. 6. 15)

Quotidian: daily, usual, or customary;
everyday; ordinary; commonplace. 

Clay wins over math (sometimes).

The location  may vary, but, the activity often doesn't.

Flowers on the deck.  Girl in the yard.  Happiness in the heart.

Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii.


...with a brother.

Happy Thursday Y'all.
With Love, Camille


  1. Your pictures often leave me smiling. :) I should say ALWAYS leave me smiling. I LOVE your kiddie pool. :)

  2. Oh Camille, you and your family are so precious and your photos always bring a smile to my face :)

    Have a delightful weekend! Hugs!

  3. Emma is a girl after my own heart :-)

    Have a lovely weekend.

  4. Nikki ~ Awww...thank you, my friend. I am glad. The kiddie pool was passed along to us years and years really is a treasure! :)

    Stephanie ~ May your weekend be delightful as well. Thank you for your kind words. :)

    Katy ~ Thank you so much! Hugs to you. :)

    Melissa ~ Yes, I imagine she is. Happy weekend to you, too! :)

    With Love,

  5. Aw I like the clay art and Pompeii and Mt Vesuvius. Then there's Battleship game! When our son was young, we'd play. Then things didn't go well as I found out he was stacking his ships so he wouldn't get sunk! Too funny...we didn't play it for awhile because of it! We laugh at it now! :0}

  6. Becky ~ Too funny about your experiences with Battleship!! Yes, it's interesting what we find funny years down the road. What we won't do to win!! Hmmm...interesting lessons to be found in that, don't you think? Hugs to you! With Love, Camille


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