
September 18, 2015

Critter Number Two

We've been down this road before.
Last time, however, it didn't end very well.

"Mischievious" was the best hamster ever.  At least, we thought so.
He won his way into our hearts with his lovable ways.
Unfortunately, he was only with us for a few short months.

It all took a turn for the worse when we took him to
the vet to get his nails clipped.  What a mistake!
Within 24 hours, he was afflicted with wet-tail.  Stress induced.
He lingered on for eight days.  Eight long and excruciating days.
Then, he died as we fussed and cuddled him.  Tears were shed.

We buried him in the back yard under the trees,
all wrapped up in his little blanket with a daisy tucked in.
We had a little service and sang a hymn.

By all accounts, it was a painful experience.
It's taken three years to summon up the courage to begin again.

Emma has been asking to get another hamster and
would not give up on the idea as I had hoped she would.

I found myself softening to the prospect...slowly.

Last Saturday, Emma and I were out doing errands together.
And, she requested that we stop in at the pet store 
where we had purchased "Mischievious"...
...just to look.

I think it's obvious how that turned out.

So, we have welcomed critter number two into our home.
And, he's quickly winning his way into our affections. "Reepicheep" (Cheepers for short).

We hope his life will be happy and long.
And, just for the record, we have no intention of getting his nails clipped.  Ever.
All things considered, it seems to be the most sensible thing to do. :)

With Love,


  1. What is critter number two's name? He is sure a cute little one.

  2. Yes, no nail clipping! Enjoy your new addition.

    *I have been reading over your meal plan post. I seriously need to do something like this. The simpler the better. Thanks for sharing your plan and recipes.

  3. Oooh what a cutie!! I can see why he is winning your hearts over.
    We had a rabbit that we took to the vet to have his teeth clipped and the vet nipped his gums, sadly to say he too suffered a miserable death due to the nip.
    We are now on our third mini lop eared rabbit as a pet. We train them to use the litter box just like a cat, and they make the best in house free roaming pets.
    We are very careful when going to the vet.

    May you enjoy many wonderful years with your new precious addition. :-)

    Blessings~ Debbie

  4. Welcome "Reepicheep"...he is very cute! He looks like one of my guinea pigs. Should find a photo (or three) for Emma. Many hugs and blessings xoxo

  5. Reepicheep...what a name and a fuzzy little critter! Enjoy and hope he stays around for a good long time!

  6. That is seriously the cutest hamster ever! Love the name! It too me three years before I was ready for another dog after we lost our beloved weiner dog, Oscar. It is hard to open your heart again. I'm super happy for you guys and wish you all the best with your new cute pet.

  7. Angela ~ He is a cute rodent...but, he is a rodent!! :) I adjusted the post to answer your question....thank you for asking. His name is "Reepicheep" after the valiant mouse in the Narnia series of books.

    Patty ~ Absolutely no plans to get his nails clipped. None. And, yes...meal planning made simple is a good thing indeed. Enjoy! :)

    Debbie ~ Oh, what a sad sorry you had a bad experience with a vet, too. Poor critter! Bunnies are super cute...however, Emma reacts miserably to them along with dogs and horses...nasty allergies! So sad as she absolutely adores animals. :)

    Julia ~ Guinea Pigs are cute, too....I'll have to show Emma photos of your critters. Thank you for rejoicing with us on our new addition. :)

    Becky ~ We hope so, too...long live Reepicheep! He is soft like an angora should see him groom himself! Too cute. :)

    Jackie ~ Yes, opening our hearts to these little (and not so little) critters is difficult after losing one. However, as the saying goes, "it is better to love and lost than to never have loved at all"....true in cases like this, don't you think? Hugs! :)

    Katy ~ Awww...thank you my friend! :)

    With love,


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