
September 16, 2015

True Security

If we have the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour,
we can hold fast to all the promises given to His people in His Word.
Only when we are in Him is true security to be found.

Spurgeon always encourages my heart.
This particular quote comes from a reading that ministered
comfort on a day when comfort was needed.
It's always a good thing to redirect our gaze on those things
that are true.  On those things that are stabilizing and do not move.

Our Great God never changes.
How often we must remind ourselves of this!

* "All things are safe in Jehovah's hands; what we entrust to the Lord will be secure, 
both now and in that day of days towards which we are hastening.
It is peaceful living, and glorious dying, to repose in the care of heaven.

At all times we should commit our all to Jesus' faithful hand;
then, though life may hang on a thread,
and adversities may multiply as the sands of the sea,
our soul shall dwell at ease, and delight itself in quiet resting places....

...Past deliverances are strong pleas for present assistance.
What the Lord has done He will do again,
for He changes not.  He is faithful to His promises,
and gracious to his saints; He will not turn away from His people." *

May the Lord be your everything.
Whatever it is that you may be facing...HE is bigger.

Happy Wednesday!
With Love, Camille

*Quoted from Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening" ~
August 27 Evening Reading.

**Image in this post courtesy of Calvin ~
Thank you my love xo


  1. First I must say, that is an awesome photo!!
    Thank you for this timely post and the quote you shared from Charles Spurgeon. I was in need of the encouragement, Camille.
    That"Morning and Evening" devotional is a tremendous read! I should get mine out and read it again. :-)
    Many blessings to you~ Debbie

  2. Dearest Camille...oh, this is just what I needed to read today! Such an encouraging, uplifting post...thank you for sharing! How I love Spurgeon...
    May you have a blessed and joyful day in the Lord!

  3. Amen! What a beautful and oh-so-encouraging post, sweet friend. Thank you for blessing my heart with this post. And again, I just LOVE that photo :) Hugs to you!

  4. Ah, I love this!! Thank you for sharing!

  5. Debbie ~ Spurgeon is always so encouraging!! I am so thankful for his words preserved for our generation. Thank you for your kind words to our photographer. Hugs to you. :)

    Kelly-Anne ~ How wonderful it is to have these godly men of old to encourage our hearts today! May the Lord bless you as you follow Him. Hugs. :)

    Stephanie ~ Thank you for your kind words my friend. Hugs to you! :)

    Esther ~ What a precious thing it is to belong to our Saviour! Hugs. :)

    With love,

  6. Amen!!! I learn this lesson every day. True security is only in Jesus Christ, security in anything else, is simply an illusion.

  7. Jackie ~ Yes, an illusion. SO accurately described. Hugs to you! Camille


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