
September 14, 2015

Our Winter Eats

I've landed on my favourite way to meal plan.
It's been a bit of a journey to arrive at this place.
Click here, here, and here for evidence of that.
Perhaps it's a sickness?  ;-)

This is by far the best way to go about things.
At least, for me it is.

I like to have a plan.  But, I don't like to be locked in.
Flexibility and wiggle room are necessary for my sanity.
Life happens and that is okay.

At the beginning of June, I posted our summer eats.
That plan was copied into a Word document and printed off.
A magnet held it to the side of the fridge and relief set in.
Each week, seven (more or less) meals were chosen
and highlighted and shopped for.

All that remained was for it to be implemented.
If there were leftovers, a meal could be delayed by a day.
Flexibility and wiggle room naturally fit into the plan.

Winter seems to be quickly approaching.
After our hotter-than-normal summer, the tide seems to have turned.
Windy and rainy weather has already made its appearance.
My brain has turned to comfort foods ~ soups and stews.

So, the winter meal plan is well under way.

This time around, I have organized the meals into categories.
This way, it is easier for me to make a weekly menu that pulls from a
variety of sources.  It's my goal to serve chicken, beef, and
meatless meals twice per week each.
Fish is included at least once for good measure.

Of course, veggies and sides and lunches all will be thrown into the mix.
For ease of operation, this plan lists only the main feature for each meal.
On a weekly basis, as I make my shopping list, I fill in the gaps.

~ Dinner Ideas by Category ~


1.  Tanya's Chicken Soup
2. Tex Mex Chicken Soup
3. Chicken Wraps
4. Chicken Noodle Soup
5. Janine's Indian Chicken
6. Chicken Pot Pie
7. Slow Cooker Orange Chicken
8. Hawaiian Chicken


1. African Dish
2. Idaho Tacos
3. Chili
4. Shepherd's Pie
5. Spaghetti
6. Beef Stew
7. Skillet Dinner
8. Shipwreck
9. BBQ Meatballs
10. Meatloaf with Scallop Potatoes
11. Hamburger Soup
12. Hobo Beans
13. Auntie Fran's Quiche
14. Roast Beef Dinner
15. Homemade Pizza
16. Sloppy Joe's
17. Black Bean and Sausage Soup


1. Salmon Loaf
2. Salmon Burgers
3. Tuna Casserole
4. Sole or Cod Fillets
5. Crab Bisque


1. Refried Beans
2. Black Beans and Rice
3. Macaroni and Cheese
4. Chick Pea and Pasta Soup
5. Pumpkin Leek Soup
6. Farmer's Breakfast
7. Cheesy Lentil Bake
8. Autumn Chowder
9. Green Pea Soup
10. Vegetable Soup
11. Sweet and Sour Lentils
12. Pasta Primavera
13. Roasted Root Vegetable Soup
14. Scrambled Eggs with Veggies
15. Stuffed Baked Potatoes
16. Homemade Tomato Soup
17. Cauliflower Soup
18. Creamy Potato Soup
19. Broccoli Soup

And, there you have it.  My winter eating/cooking plan.
Click on the links provided to find recipes I've previously featured here.
Happy Winter-ing!  Aren't seasons just the best?
Which is your favourite season of all and why?

Hugs to you!
With Love, Camille


  1. Looks like a great plan and now I'm hungry just reading over the recipes ;-) Lol Have a wonderful Day!


  2. I've hauled out my slow cooker cookbooks this weekend. Time to dust it off and start making chilis and stews. Your list of recipes looks delicious.

  3. Jill ~ I love having a plan! You have a wonderful day, too! Hugs. :)

    Angela ~ Ah, yes...the slow cooker! I love the seasons. Welcome fall! Hugs to you. :)

    With love,

  4. All your meals sound delicious. :) What is your meal in that last picture? It made me so hungry. Yummy!!!!!!!

  5. I needed this so bad!! Thank you so much! You just saved me a lot of work!

  6. Nikki ~ It's black beans, brown rice, chopped tomatoes, diced avocado, pickled jalapenos, and sour cream with sriracha sauce drizzled on top of it all. Since that photo was taken, we have added in shredded cheese...YUM! :)

    Esther ~ So glad to be able to help out! Hang in are almost there. Hugs to you! :)

    With Love,

  7. Awww! You are torturing me with all these wonderful pics of foods I love but can't have because I'm nursing a baby with a very sensitive tummy. Drooling!!!!

  8. Jackie ~ Awww...sorry to hear that!! You are a trooper to do the best for your precious little one. This is just a season...hang in there! Hugs, Camille


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